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Everything posted by iamshack

  1. Melky with a home run to lead off and Frazier with a double.
  2. QUOTE (Knuckles @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 04:13 PM) Nationals trying to acquire both Doolittle and Madson from the A's per Ken Rosenthal on twitter. Hey, he's alive!
  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 01:16 PM) I don't think there is any way the Tigers would trade him for anything but top of the line prospects unless he really was sliding, which he will eventually. Time beats everyone. Who would have guessed Pujols OPS with the Angels would be .250 lowere than it was with the Cardinals while he still had 4+ years and around $130 million left on the contract? I understand what you're saying. It sounds like they want a really strong package for Verlander for the very same reasons. They need to face reality...those guys are worth a lot more to them than to any other team.
  4. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 01:08 PM) He's saying it wouldn't cost a ton of prospects to acquire Miggy. I don't think it would cost much, but I don't think the Tigers would do it anyways. He seems to be saying the opposite.
  5. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 12:51 PM) It's a fun story but no way realistic. He's owed $200 million the next 6 1/2 years, when they will be over the luxury tax each season, and that is for an aging Miguel. Maybe he could be like Big Papi and still be great as he hits 40, but it seems injuries are starting to take their toll. Plus he would drain them of all their remaining minor league trade chips. It would cost a furtune in prospects and money. Not sure it would cost much in prospects...
  6. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 12:41 PM) Yes. That's why Jake Arrieta doesn't play for the White Sox. This was for Jesse?
  7. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 12:35 PM) I doubt they actually gave anyone a physical. If it is true they probably had their medical guys look at his records and they saw something they didn't like. I was just going to ask that question. Do they actually go out and give these guys physicals?
  8. I don't know what I hate worse: Absolute silence like we heard with the Q deal, or 500 Bostonians tweeting the same f***ing thing every two minutes.
  9. I love the line that he "literally swings at almost everything." He'll fit right in.
  10. QUOTE (GreenSox @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 11:52 AM) I wonder about Henry Owens as a throw-in. Former top prospect turned epic failure. That is definitely who the fans want to give us.
  11. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 11:45 AM) Boston Strong @BostonStrong_34 Source; Red Sox are close to a deal with the White Sox for Todd Frazier. This guy is legit I think he's been saying that since last night though...I could be confusing them though because there are so many similar handles.
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 11:25 AM) I agree if it means getting Yellich in the deal with minimal prospects included Still not interested.
  13. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 11:26 AM) You're assuming they have a lead? Hah, touche'. But someone still has to pitch!
  14. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 11:21 AM) Yes. Pelfrey tonight, Holland on Sunday. Gonzalez vs Dodgers on Tuesday and Rodon on Wednesday. Wow, that's a f***ing murderer's row if I've ever seen one. Hahn needs to get these relievers moved before they die.
  15. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 11:13 AM) Why would you make two changes to your rotation when you could just make one? Especially considering the one would be to Pelfrey.
  16. Btw, our starter was changed from Holland to Pelfrey tonight...
  17. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 10:51 AM) What happened to Holland? Hmmm
  18. Sounds like Frazier is in the lineup for the time being.
  19. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 09:59 AM) SCCWS is from Boston so I wasn't sure if they were reporting/speculating locally. As much as I'd love to take on some of Panda's salary to increase the return, I just don't see it happening. Ahh, good thinking. I can't imagine wtf is holding this up unless it just got much more complicated for some reason.
  20. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 09:48 AM) Are you just assuming this or did you read this rumor somewhere? There were a few rumors, but nothing by anyone who knows anything. Some people just made the leap because of the timing. If you believe raBBit, and who knows, anything could have happened since yesterday, but a return that isn't too exciting certainly wouldn't indicate that we were open to taking on Panda.
  21. QUOTE (FT35 @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 09:34 AM) Unless they find that he's pregnant. That would cause a more significant pause such as this.
  22. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 09:08 AM) He said almost in medical stage, which means nothing agreed to yet Ahh, fair point. While I am anxious for more trades to be made, if some of those names thrown out are the type of return we should expect, I don't mind it not getting announced...I'll keep hoping for something different.
  23. QUOTE (Username @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 09:00 AM) The fact that it's not done yet makes me wonder whether it's more complex than being reported - some sort of Reliever + Frazier package or something similar? Red Sox have a 4:05 game against the Yankees (so important), so you would think they would've wanted it done last night if possible. raBBit mentioned they were at the medical stage last night...maybe there was a snag and they are trying to settle on another player. All the s*** on twitter just keeps saying things have "intensified." People are just making s*** up trying to bide their time until its actually announced.
  24. QUOTE (ChiSox59 @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 09:01 AM) Haha, fair enough. But I'd honestly keep him there until mid next year unless a need presents itself. Let's save his service time while we do this tank the right way. I don't really want to see him in Chicago this season at this point. Mid next year seems a bit extreme unless they decide to pull him off 2b.
  25. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 15, 2017 -> 08:47 AM) Not that I disagree with the overall point, but Brad Peacock is pretty goddamn filthy nowadays. Yeah, although he's still walking too many. Would you want to rely on Peacock or Q, Wite?
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