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Everything posted by JUSTgottaBELIEVE

  1. I hear ya and all I was saying is that this can be said about any dude throwing 100+ mph these days, they’re all ticking time bombs. Some posters (not you) seem to think if the Sox handled Garrett differently he never would have come down with TJS. GTFO with that nonsense. And as a hard throwing pitcher, when you do come down with the inevitable TJS, I don’t think you could ask for the timing to be any better than when Garrett’s hit. I guess the optimal time would be after signing the big contract like Chris Sale or Jacob DeGrom but Garrett was able to get paid an mlb salary and accrue service time while injured, he has 3 seasons to prove his worth prior to FA, and he’s going to hit FA at age 27. It’s really a great spot for him to be in.
  2. You’re the one disputing that he wasn’t injured before that outing. Burden of proof is on you, not me.
  3. It says in the article I linked. They saw a noticeable velocity drop and Garrett shaking his left hand in his second inning of work that prompted the mound visit…
  4. I mean, you can say that about pretty much every one of these flamethrowers that has yet to experience TJS. What’s the solution, just don’t pitch them? At least Garrett was able to accrue mlb service time and get paid an mlb salary while he was recovering from TJS. Not a bad deal! Anyone faulting the Sox for how they handled Garrett is just looking for reasons to be mad at the team. This ain’t it.
  5. Nope. It was not talked about ahead of time that he was injured. From the article I linked Garrett even said he was fine when Ricky visited him on the mound that game. The team was the one to pull the plug on that outing in an effort to protect his health.
  6. Yes, I remember him getting hurt in his second inning of work in that playoff game but what you are implying is that the team pushed him to pitch that game while he was hurt. That’s news to me! We should fault the team for asking him to pitch in the playoffs? Like he did some type of noble service for pitching two postseasons in a row. Wtf is that? Makes zero sense.
  7. And I can’t wait for the next time the Sox make the playoffs and half their pitching staff says they can’t pitch in the postseason and risk injury. That would be great for the game but hey at least we aren’t getting someone else rich! Dumb
  8. I dunno. Seems like the Sox handled this situation very well. Provide me proof that they pushed him to pitch while he was injured because that’s what you’re implying. https://www.gulflive.com/sports/2020/10/former-ocean-springs-star-leaves-mlb-playoff-debut-with-injury.html?outputType=amp
  9. Yea and they pulled him from the game. You knew he was hurt going into that game? Seriously? I never heard that.
  10. Was he hurt when he pitched in the postseason in 2020 or 2021? Otherwise, Balta’s post has no merit. He gets paid to pitch, whether it’s regular season or postseason. This is the first I’ve heard of the team pushing him to pitch in the postseason when he was injured. Source?
  11. lol. So let’s not ignore the fact he was doing his job as a pro athlete?
  12. That the guy the Sox scored 6 runs on a couple weeks ago? I wouldn’t count on him for much in the playoffs
  13. I want absolutely no part of Mayo. This team doesn’t need another DH that can’t hit.
  14. I’m sure he’s been asking for years but I highly doubt it would have worked out so well for Garrett if he started out as a SP in 2020 after he was drafted.
  15. Are you saying that the Sox didn’t make the decision to turn him into a starting pitcher this season? I’m really not following your logic at all because it doesn’t make sense.
  16. That’s peanuts compared to entering free agency a minimum two years sooner (at age 27!) than he would have with just about any other team. In fact, it’s possible if they worked him as a starter in the minors that he would have undergone TJS before even receiving an MLB promotion. As a result, his mlb service time wouldn’t have started until “maybe” last season but more likely this season. That’s a massive difference compared to being just two years away from free agency now. Make no mistake about it, the Sox did Garrett a HUGE favor with how they handled his early years as a pro.
  17. Actually, leaving it up to the Sox gets him to free agency at age 27 with TJS in the rear view and very little wear and tear on his arm. He should be thanking the Sox lol
  18. His way would be a 9 figure extension already in hand so not really
  19. My point is, if he was so concerned about risking injury to end the season, why hasn’t he said my ArM hUrTs already?
  20. I guess but for a guy that’s 2 years away from free agency pitching well in the postseason sure would look good on the resume and build a better case for the extension he so desires don’t ya think? I understand there is injury risk but there was injury risk to throwing another 30 innings in August and September with the Sox too so 🤷‍♂️
  21. So essentially hold out in-season while under contract? When has this ever happened?
  22. He’s going to end up pitching ~30 innings in August/September for the Sox. A team like the dodgers easily could have IL’d him for most of these two months to save those innings for October. It’s not like they needed him for anything other than postseason baseball. Instead, they are trotting out 3 starting pitchers no better than Jonathan Cannon as they head into the postseason.
  23. Great. What leverage does he have again to dictate how the team utilizes him? They could throw him back in the bullpen against his will and what’s he going to do?
  24. Beni going to end the season with the highest OPS of Sox regulars? Would be funny considering his start
  25. And that’s where a savvy team like the Dodgers could have managed his workload in August/September so that he’d be fresh for the postseason. Easily could have put him on the IL for several weeks of the regular season to rest him up for the postseason and still ended up with the same number of innings pitched in 2024 as he will end up with the Sox.
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