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Everything posted by JUSTgottaBELIEVE

  1. If the goal is talent accumulation, why not sign guys on 1 and 2 year contracts with the intention of flipping them? If the team turns out to be good, that's great, because the FA signings are probably contributing to that success.
  2. Yolmer is nothing more than a utility player. Davidson is just too flawed of a player. Too limited in many ways, especiallyy for a roster already carrying Abreu, Delmonico, and Palka.
  3. All while running a team payroll in the bottom 3 of MLB...Yet, signing an average to above average pitcher for 2 years at $8MM AAV eats up too many available slots in the pitching staff in 2020? I can't get behind that line of thinking. Not with the looks of the current 25-man and lack of appealing options currently sitting at the AAA level. There's going to be and have been plenty of available slots in the pitching staff for the last few years now. Don't see that changing within the next two years especially in light of the Kopech injury. https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/payroll/2019/
  4. I don't see that being an issue over the next two years. I really don't. Hope I'm wrong.
  5. Think he'll do better than Cashner last winter? I don't know about that given his age and relatively average performance this year.
  6. This is the same argument I heard last year. How do you know the 2020 staff will be overly crowded? Never hurts to have options. Besides, if you are worried about 2020, I'm sure Gio would make a fine long man or loogie out of the pen. Again, $8MM AAV over two years is peanuts. They spent nearly that between Holland and Gonzalez the last two years.
  7. Why wouldn't the Sox consider a 2-year, $16MM deal for a guy like Gio? It's a minimal investment for a guy that gives you 175 innings/year with decent numbers.
  8. I'd much rather bring Gio Gonzalez back than James Shields. He'll be more expensive, sure, but not considerably. He'll probably end up with a contract similar to what Cashner got last winter.
  9. He has a 795 OPS. Maybe not elite but still above average for a DH. I think his walk rate will increase if he continues to slug at a 500+ rate. His walk rate in the minors was around 10% on average.
  10. How do you it will only make things worse? Depends on what they get in return. If they get Jimenez/Cease 2.0, I’m pretty sure that would be a net positive for the rebuild.
  11. Or Alen Hanson and Edwin Jackson, apparently.
  12. Jon Lester = 1.0 WAR Jose Quintana = 1.1 WAR What’s your point?
  13. Quite frankly, Boston is far and away the best team in baseball this year and they didn’t wow me last week. There wasn’t a moment in watching that series where I’m like damn these guys are much more talented than the WS. And yes, I know, the WS missed Sale but still. Good pitching (from the WS) will tend to do that to the opponent so whether or not that pitching is sustainable is a valid question. If it is...well, look out.
  14. The one thing that is not debatable is this club is playing a hell of a lot better since late July than they did before then, lucky or not. Are they playoff good? Probably not right now but if the kids continue to develop, add an Eloy and a few agents to the mix and you never know. Cubs probably thought 2015 was another development year too considering they started the season with Bryant in AAA.
  15. Have you watched the games? Because the team I’ve watched since late July isn’t the same team I watched pre ASB.
  16. I would have agreed with you if they didn’t promote Kopech this season and he didn’t follow through with immediate success (albeit small sample size). His presence as a possible legit ace as early as 2019 has changed everything.
  17. +20 run differential over their last 31 games. Their play over the past month+ has been anything but a fluke. Tremendous starting pitching, very good defense, and timely hitting. If they had a quality bullpen, which they are starting to develop now, they’d have been even better.
  18. 25-21 4-3 this week against the AL East powerhouses and very easily could have been 6-1!
  19. TA is a beast. Really think he’s going to be a top 10 SS in MLB next year.
  20. Do the Red Sox and Yankees qualify as “terrible” teams because the White Sox would be 5-0 against them this week with a viable bullpen, which they’ll have next season between AA/AAA promotions and a couple free agent signings. The bullpen is already improved with the recent promotions of Hamilton and Burr. Just wait until Burdi, Frare, Ruiz, Johnson get here along with a couple veterans...has the potential to be dominant.
  21. 9 of last 12 for Gio. https://www.mlb.com/news/10-interesting-facts-about-the-2018-white-sox/c-292628794
  22. Does Coop get any credit? Or does he only get blame?
  23. Should have been a sweep of the Yanks but I’ll take 2 of 3
  24. FWAR for starting SS on contending teams this year: Indians - 6.9, Dodgers - 4.2 (team number), Red Sox - 4.1, Yankees - 3.9, Rockies - 3.6, Mariners - 3.3, A's - 3.0, Cardinals - 2.2, Astros - 2.0, Diamondbacks - 2.0, Cubs - 1.6, Braves - 1.5, Phillies - 0.0, Brewers - negative 2.0 (team number). *Average value = 2.6 Anderson's 2.3 value is already near the average value for starting shortstops of all contending teams. He's definitely not a fringe starter.
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