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Everything posted by JUSTgottaBELIEVE

  1. That's why you walk their best hitter in that situation
  2. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Jul 25, 2016 -> 10:09 PM) If they were going to do that they would've left Albers in. Nah can always pitch around him
  3. I know it puts winning run at first but he's their best hitter and sets up DP. Plus zobrist been struggling of late
  4. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jul 25, 2016 -> 09:36 PM) What's the plan wit Fulmer+ are they protecting his fragile ego or something? I'd love to see him close tonight but they will probably turn it over to Jennings.
  5. QUOTE (Scoots @ Jul 25, 2016 -> 09:23 PM) I mean, he really wasn't all that great when he was with Baltimore for a few years. I wonder how it just "clicked" for him when he got to Chicago. Wasn't all that great? He was awful in Baltimore.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 25, 2016 -> 09:16 PM) He lost his release point in that last inning. Everything was coming in high and away. He couldn't hit the zone at all anymore. Apparently that's been happening more and more lately...
  7. Arrieta looks very average tonight. Not the same pitcher from the second half of last year. If he isn't dominant, Cubs are in BIG trouble this postseason.
  8. Cy Gonzalez. LOL. Making this Cubs offense look silly.
  9. QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 06:42 AM) You get to see both. The people last night saw their game. Free baseball? Sweet! Thanks for the response.
  10. I have tickets for this afternoon's game. Will I be able to get into the suspended game that starts at 1:10 pm or would I need a ticket for last night's game to get in? Anyone know how this works?
  11. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 09:20 PM) Rauner has been governor for two years now? Just about. Won the election in November 2014 and sworn in January 2015. Not like he's (or any other State legislators) going to do anything between now and November anyways so for all practical purposes yes 2 years.
  12. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 08:51 PM) You arrive at it because not everything is to be taken literally, especially when it comes to insults. "Another walk? This pitcher couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!" doesn't indicate that you actually think the guy is THAT inaccurate. Rauner is bashing the union, saying they'll resist evaluation because they suck - Half the managers can't even manage, half the teachers can't even read! Yea not so much. Yet another IL govenor unable to relate to the vast majority of people within this state and completely incapable of governing effectively. He's in way over his head right now and will continue to be embarrassed over the next two years, as if the first two weren't enough already. I'm embarrassed I voted for this clown.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 08:44 PM) It's hyperbole but it's still an example of rauner being garbage. Sure, a poor choice of words at best and at worst another example of extreme arrogance, racism and overall lack of respect for working and middle class citizens.
  14. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 07:46 PM) You're taking it too literally - he's just saying they suck at what they do. How do arrive at that interpretation from these words? And I quote "half of teachers are virtually illiterate." http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/virtually http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/illiterate
  15. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 07:04 PM) And perhaps most importantly, the people that like Rauner would agree with his statement. I can't imagine that's the case but if so that's such a distorted and uninformed perspective. So teachers with a college diploma and license are unable to read and write? That doesn't even make sense.
  16. Govenor Rauner continues to bury himself a deeper grave. Looks like he will be a single term governor at this rate. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/p...0721-story.html
  17. What's the answer to this mess? http://www.rebootillinois.com/2016/07/19/e...p-budget/61851/
  18. The only thing disappointing to me about the all star game is that Collins didn't use Arrieta because I was really looking forward to watching the AL all stars light him up on the national stage.
  19. QUOTE (OmarComing25 @ Jul 13, 2016 -> 07:10 AM) This is the same guy who claimed the Cubs could trade for Trout with a handful of prospects, being called out for dumb arguments is not the same as bullying. Amen
  20. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 13, 2016 -> 06:26 AM) That's a better argument with Schwarber available but he's not. Right now that potentially means they'd rather have Baez or Soler vs Ortiz or Hanley and not have the intangibles of game 7 at home. This. Ortiz, Alvarez, Encarnacion, Santana/Napoli > Baez/Soler. The only team where the Cubs might have an advantage is vs. Texas (unless Fielder breaks out of his slump in the second half). Also, take a look at the home/road splits for AL contenders and the Cubs. Every team has a MUCH better record at home this year. Absolutely no reason why the Cubs wouldn't want home field in the World Series. It's all hypothetical anyway because the Cubs aren't getting to the Series this year.
  21. http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/jake-arriet...-several-weeks/
  22. QUOTE (JUSTgottaBELIEVE @ Jul 3, 2016 -> 02:44 PM) Let me put it another way. If the White Sox were going through what the Cubs are experiencing right now, 99% of Sox fans would be freaking out. I don't think it's time to freak out if you are a Cubs fan but there certainly is cause for concern especially if Arrieta regresses back to non-ace form. It's getting close to freak out time for Cubs' fans, especially if they get swept in Pittsburgh.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 4, 2016 -> 12:01 PM) How about I just don't like either of them? This is exactly where I fall
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