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Everything posted by JUSTgottaBELIEVE

  1. Love this https://mobile.twitter.com/Cut4/status/738157798677057538
  2. Not a fan of Braun but he can still rake. The DH slot might keep him healthier too. Would need the Brewers to eat some of that contract though considering he's probably only got another 2-3 good years left in him.
  3. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 27, 2016 -> 04:02 PM) You tell me. Is there evidence out there that players speculating = guy is a steroid user? I bet there isn't. Per usual baseball has brought this on their own so speculate away but there is testing now a days and Jake hasn't failed anything. I certainly wouldn't be shocked if he is on something but some of the opinions in here are pretty ridiculous. Was Sosa ever suspended for a failed drug test? Hard to trust the league or the testing given past history on this issue. I'm sure the tests are more sophisticated now than before but so are the masking agents and ways of circumventing the system. If something doesn't pass the eye test - i.e. abnormal jump in production, noticeable change in physical appearance, etc. it certainly warrants suspicion. How many pitchers have gone from bust to an ace, let alone best pitcher in the league, in their late 20's? At the end of the day for many of these guys it's all about the money and the fame and gaining a competitive advantage to achieve both: http://espn.go.com/mlb/columns/story?id=42...t=bryant_howard
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 27, 2016 -> 11:26 AM) He very well may be clean. As we've seen too often over the last 20 years or so in MLB, usually when someone starts doing unprecedented things, suspicion has become reality. If you didn't know the situation and learned that a pitcher that flopped in the majors all of a sudden became the best pitcher in the history of the game with the body of a Greek god and was hitting 440 foot homers, I think everyone would start wondering. It's not like people weren't questioning it last season...it's just now it's come out his peers have questioned it also. I've been saying Arrieta is on something for nearly a year now and everyone thought I was crazy. The only thing crazy to me is how long it took for these suspicions/accusations to be publicized. The funny thing is most of the past suspicions surrounding stars like bonds, Big Mac, sosa, clemens, etc. were spot on. There are many parallels to Arrieta's sudden rise of dominance, well except for the fact that those guys were already all stars and then became all time greats with PED assistance. Arrieta was a high draft pick bust until his sudden resurgence. Yea, I'm sure it was all just a change in mechanics, that seems more plausible lol.
  5. http://sportsmockery.com/2016/04/ozzie-gui...aking-steroids/
  6. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 05:48 PM) Practically this entire site can be the pot or the kettle here Nope. Some posters are clearly more assaulting and condescending than others. It's not a one time thing either, it's consistent. If you can't distinguish between those posters then that's pretty alarming.
  7. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 05:39 PM) I have a hard time believing you're that f***ing obtuse. You are taking sports way too seriously. The others have pointed out that wishing injury on someone is just some scumbag type s***. I really hope you're were just in the moment saying some stupid ass s***. Is it really that far out? I encountered many Bears fans being happy when they knocked Aaron Rodgers out for a couple months a few seasons back. That's actually worse because an opponent caused the injury rather than self inflicted like throwing your shoulder out.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 05:37 PM) If you are wishing for sports players to get injured because they play for the wrong team, you may want to reevaluate your life choices. Yea I just sit here every day hoping and praying all Cubs players get hurt. You got me. I don't even know what the second part of that post means.
  9. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 05:27 PM) f*** the Cubs but that's absolutely awful news for that kid. I'll risk the reprimand or what but JUST you are a f***ing heartless son of a b****. Why? Like I've said before I hold no ill will towards Schwarber. That's a tough break for the kid, hasn't even got paid yet.
  10. QUOTE (Tony @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 04:00 PM) Great, you wish for a player to be injured. There isn't a single person in this thread that agrees with you. You're entitled to your opinion, as is the rest of the board. Let's all move on. I have a hard time moving on when no posts like this are directed at Steve. It's not my forum so the mods can choose to run it however they choose but it sets a poor example in my opinion. And this isn't the first time I've read posts from Steve in which he was mocking or condescending of other posters. I guess that is condoned here. That's unfortunate.
  11. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 03:36 PM) Where's a good face palm emoji when ya need one? Oh well. Despite my die-hard fandom for the Sox and distain for the cubs, I do wish Schwarber well and a speedy recovery. I have to admit that I was surprised Schwarber covered as much ground as he did on that play. Runs quicker than I would have thought for such a big dude. I see no disparaging remarks towards Schwarber in my initial post or any other subsequent posts. I did, however, say I wouldn't mind if Arrieta went down. I fully admit that.
  12. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 02:10 PM) More just making fun of you for being the lowest of low type of sports fan.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 03:19 PM) And everyone else is entitled to their opinion as well. Agreed but see post above. I am defending myself after being called out or as Steve phrased it "made fun of."
  14. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 03:20 PM) are you being arrested? Are you being censored? Or are we putting our opinions here as well? I'm the one being ripped on, told how I should think or feel, and called out. So in an indirect way yes. I didn't call any one else the lowest of low class fans or tell them how they should feel about this situation did I? I simply expressed my opinion and then defended it after being attacked.
  15. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 03:12 PM) Wishing for a year ending injury isnt really a far leap from wishing for a career ending injury. It really isnt cool to wish injury on anyone, you should just hope they suck if the Cubs bother you that much. It's a huge difference. Many pitchers have successfully returned from year ending injuries. Why are people here telling me what I should or should not hope for? Am I not entitled to my own opinion? Did I do something illegal?
  16. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 03:01 PM) I wish Arietta would shave his beard. It looks so fake to me. I want to pull it off. He just feels fake in so many ways to me and my feelings about him are comparable to how I felt about Mark Prior in 2003, though I never wished his career would end quite that horribly.
  17. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 02:57 PM) Come on man. You really don't see the problem with hoping for something bad to happen to another person? All because of the uniform that person wears? As a team, I would love to see the cubs fail but I don't wish anything bad on their players. They have the Billy goat curse and that's good enough for me. It's not like I'm sending death threats or hoping the guy has a life threatening or career ending injury. Good lord. Arrieta missing the rest of the season would bring me more joy than seeing him pitch the Cubs to the World Series. So no I really don't see much of a problem hoping he gets injured this year. I also think he's cocky and overly hyped because of the team he plays for. Yes he's had a great run here but let's see him do it for another 3 or 4 years before he starts acting like he's God's gift to pitching (which the Chicago media already thinks). I also think the guy is using PEDs but I won't even start a debate about that topic because I know many will strongly disagree.
  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 02:10 PM) More just making fun of you for being the lowest of low type of sports fan. Lowest of low type of sports fan? Really? For hoping Arrieta goes down for the year with an arm injury? Why should I be upset or feel sorry for Arrieta if this were to happen? Please explain.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 01:18 PM) Ditto. He is a real life guy with his entire career ahead of him. We aren't talking about a rapist or anything like that. Sure I want see the Cubs bomb, but you never want to see something like this. Where did I say I wanted something like this to occur to Schwarber? I had to re-read my post because based on the reactions I thought I must have mis-typed.
  20. LOL. You guys are acting like Arrieta going down for the season (with a bum shoulder or elbow) is some sort of life threatening injury. GMAB. And I'm supposed to worry about a guy's financial stability when he's earning $10.7M this year? Wow, I won't even make close to that over the course of my ENTIRE career.
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 01:14 PM) I hate this post so much. and I strongly dislike Arrieta. I haven't developed a like or dislike for Schwarber yet
  22. I wish no will ill on him but also wouldn't be upset if he was out for the year. I guess I'm indifferent on Schwarber. Wouldn't mind if Arrieta went down though because I'm tired of hearing Arrieta > Sale when Arrieta has only done it for one full season. If he does it again this year, then he is at least in the conversation to me but not until then.
  23. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 12:17 PM) If that is the case, how long will he expected to be out? if ligament tear in knee that requires surgery, he gone for 2016
  24. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 8, 2016 -> 12:00 PM) Well the good news for the Cubs fan is the Cubs planned for Schwarber's injury according to the Tribune. That is probably why they traded Coughlin for nothing. love the sarcasm I was actually hoping the Sox would trade for Coughlin, especially at that price. Would have been a nice DH/OF platoon mate
  25. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Apr 7, 2016 -> 12:16 PM) I agree. His lower half is very, very strong. If everything clicks, I think he has a higher ceiling than Sale. Which would be insane. The Sox have a 90's Braves-like rotation going 1-3 for the next few years. Need to solidify the back end (hopefully Fulmer is as good as advertised to lock down the #4 spot) and with even an average offense and defense they will be competing for the division every year (of course assuming they stay relatively healthy as well).
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