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Everything posted by shipps

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 08:17 AM) The pickup of Harden has made this team the favorite to win it all IMO. Agreed,if he holds up they will win the pennant.
  2. QUOTE (BlackBetsy @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 08:55 AM) I'll be there cheering the Sox. There usually are a ton of Sox fans in Baltimore. I'd say the last trip to Baltimore, the crowd was maybe 1/4 Sox fans. Have one of those delicious fresh lemonades for me.I drank 4 of them in one game when I was there,they have the best I ever had.
  3. Iam looking forward to House the most of all,but what brand new shows out there have you guys seen that looks like they are worth checking out?
  4. A homeless guy/drunken neighborhood handyman took a dump in my grandmothers back yard.That made me angry to say the least.
  5. My old man used to work on his car and he would always give him generous tips.My old man loved him needless to say.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 02:00 PM) Still have to heat it up. I'm waiting for cheeseburger, fries, coke, a chef and a waitress in a can. Then, I can truly embrace the American experience of convenience. I think they have that at AM PM too much good stuff..........f***ing idiots your advertisement is we have junk food?!
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 03:27 PM) I'm a fan of Michael Burgess. Don't forget that they couldn't sign Crow. I promise I won't watch a second of this weekend series. That is a false statement and you know it.
  8. QUOTE (knightni @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 11:54 AM) "you labeled me I'll label you so I dub thee unforgiven" No. You're just made of win, my friend. Of course,Iam the god damn president of Caucasia.
  9. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 01:48 PM) You get into a fight, by far he lands the majority of the clean shots. Bloodies your lip and puts a bunch of lumps on your face. You land one helluva shot and break his jaw. Who won the fight? Whoever gets the girl.EVERYTIME no matter who the fight winner.
  10. shipps

    i am drunk

    QUOTE (DBAHO @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 08:56 AM) ^^^^. Thank god the NYU Kiddies will be back out to school (the Aussie Accent will come in handy when picking up I think(. It got me and Iam a heterosexual.
  11. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 08:45 AM) Youll be happy to know its still there. But this windy city grill place that was in Ogilvie Station by the Ethels closed a few years back. They had a great cheddar burger but such is life. What about "boowbun chikn yummy yummy you trwy".I used to get a kick out off them they wouldnt let me get the free samples anymore because i would go there everyday.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 07:41 AM) Getting someone who can understand your order is the hardest part there... Anyways, another great place in Union Station is Robinson's Ribs. Their tips are great. I used to go to Gold Coast Dogs down there.I wonder if its still there.
  13. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 05:02 PM) Any more you are suppose to be doing? No,knightni has labeled me a failure.
  14. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 03:41 PM) Does it hurt when you push on the upper left part of your abdominal area? If so, go get a CT-scan of your appendix. Its seems to low for that.It could possibly be kidney stones unless it is ONLY pain with exertion than that is not likely.He will surely be making a trip to the CT scan though to rule out the serious s***.
  15. Years from now when your career is said and done what will be enough for you to be satisfied with yourself?
  16. Let me ask you this.How large are your balls?
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 03:13 PM) Knight has way too much class to name names. He just said he was waiting. If I knew it was you, I would have offered to help. Lol.I know I was just pointing myself out kinda like when you commit a crime and you think you are a person of interest even if your not and you just break.It feels like a load off my shoulders.
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 20, 2008 -> 10:51 PM) For the record, it isn't Knight slowing things down. He has asked a number of people to write short bios and they are taking some time to get done. So he's too nice to kick some butt, I'm not. If he asked, get your lists done. www.fingerpointing/Texsox.com.Stop making me feel even more guilty than I did before.
  19. When we would play baseball in the alley and I pitched I was Bobby Thigpen.Now that I look back I thought he was so much more of a talent at the time then I do now.He was a god when I was a kid and to me he could do no wrong.
  20. As much as I cant stand Nick and as much as I rip him I still cheer for him just as loud as any of the other Sox players when they succeed.Its probably not right of me to be cursing him out one second then cheering his homerun the next buts thats the way it is.
  21. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 17, 2008 -> 02:23 AM) I'm honestly surprised of you guyz. I thought Me, Spawn (he's 100%) , JoshPR, and Flipoutpunk (the two ricans, part black in them) were the other ones. I knew a poster would do a thread like this someday. I'd thought I'll be sooner. I thought you were the whiteboy second baseman at the softball game???
  22. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 09:41 AM) My knee is completely black and blue this morning. Bump on the head has subsided mostly. But man did that suck. My knee had finally gotten 100% after the various injuries to it and than I do something stupid like that and destroy it again. Hopefully everything physically is fine and its just a hideous bruise with lots of swelling which will go down over the coming days. Jase Iam gonna have to move to Cali to make sure your not gonna do that stupid s*** before you do it.What the hell dude?
  23. I was supposed to write the bio so I did some research on him and if I had done the research before I made my list he would have even been higher than 10.Never such an athlete other than Neon Deon but Bo could have kicked Deons ass so I hold him in higher regards than Deon.And than remembering the homerun he hit for his mother gave me goosebumps.I just respect the guy so much, I almost love as much as I love CQ.
  24. Our offense is a juggernaut.The first month or two it would have been considered our weak length.
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