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Everything posted by shipps

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 01:13 PM) Not a soccer buff but have had it on in the background and check scores. Did I see that USA beat Brazil a few days ago? Yeah I was going to say the same thing.I figured it was probably the womens team or something.
  2. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 01:02 PM) Fathom is at the hospital awaiting the results along with about 15,000 other folks. LSD is closed due to the crowd outside Northwestern Memorial Hospital
  3. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 01:56 PM) Hopefully it'll sound good tomorrow too. Anyone from here heading up there....your first beer is on me If I wasnt working I would be there my friend.
  4. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 01:53 PM) I just took tomorrow off...I knew with todays game, I'd be behind on s*** and I didn't want to have to do it tomorrow. f*** it start drinking at noon. Heading to Bourbon street...which is pretty boofoo for me. A combination appetizer platter from there sounds really good right now.
  5. Well to be fair to me I gave up on a team I wasnt even watching.So I couldnt get the real feel for the chemistry that was going on today.
  6. f***!Its already 148 and we tied!What took so long?!!!
  7. QUOTE (DBAH0 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 01:05 PM) So I just had my photo taken with the Naked Cowboy. Good times. I wanted to do it about a year ago when I was there but had too much pride.I regret not doing it and will not rest until I get the chance again.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 11:46 AM) Like it or not, just the fact that he's already sitting on what, 15 dingers this year has probably assured him that someone will offer him 5/$60 this offseason. And he deserves it.I will be happy to see Joe get it and I wish it was from us whether it be a Boras highsale or not.
  9. QUOTE (ChiSox35 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 12:07 PM) Bought a ticket online last night using a card, just woke up and discovered I don't have cash to pay the parking nazi and going to the bank would mean a 5th inning entrance, ticket will be unused. Six Flags takes credit for parking, why not Sox games? You should have just parked anywhere west of Morgan and take a 35th st bus down to the cell or just walk it.
  10. I believe Dana Carvey's career was done the second afer he said "party on Wayne".Not that it wasnt a damn good line.
  11. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 08:44 AM) this is the saddest part for me... having performed on this stage and being close friends with the Riverside Theatre folk... I don't know what they're gonna do now... There's supposed to be seats and a stage in there... ugh. Sorry to see that Reddy.That will make your memories of that place mean even that much more to you.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 07:21 AM) They are getting him an MRI. Yeah I know,Iam just saying its going to be the same old story as far as how the Cubs handle the situation.Ala Wood and Prior.
  13. When has shoulder discomfort as an initial complaint from a Cubs pitcher not been something serious?Iam sure they will fool themselves into believing its not that serious of an injury for the next 5-8 weeks while Zambrano sits.
  14. Congrats Toby.I must admit I had discriminated against him because he is very fat,but he is an overcomer.
  15. It turns out,for me to go I will have to call in sick to work.Which I plan on doing.
  16. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 18, 2008 -> 02:44 PM) Too busy eye-humping the ladies at work huh. No doubt about it knight,nurses just have a way about them.They are amazing here.
  17. Damn, that adds to his legend but I hate that I wont get to see him play this summer.
  18. QUOTE (TCQ @ Jun 18, 2008 -> 07:16 AM) "I said what what? In the butt! We can do it in my butt. In my butt! Dude,someone showed me that music video at work.Most flamboyant video I have ever seen,I felt so dirty and wrong I had to go hit on a woman immediately to feel better.
  19. I have treated this list like schoolwork that I have been putting off until the last moment.
  20. They should have fired him at the end of last season.They could have avoided all of this and probably would have had alot better start to this season.
  22. QUOTE (The Bones @ Jun 16, 2008 -> 07:39 PM) But no one ever talks about how he acts like a child when he hits a bad shot. I've never understood golfers who do this either. Golf is the one sport where you have no one to blame but yourself. You would think that after playing for 30 years he would be able to restrain himself from throwing his club and yelling like an imbecile when he happens to screw up. You dont play golf do you?Its very hard not to do that when you hit bad shots,in fact its hard to not throw your whole bag in the pond.lol
  23. shipps

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jun 16, 2008 -> 01:48 PM) This list is null and void with Fantastic Four on it. Ya I thought that was a bit of an odd choice.
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