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Everything posted by shipps

  1. But head to head voting might eliminate a hotter girl earlier than a girl who isnt as hot just because of the matchup.
  2. I love how they call her an actress.
  3. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 31, 2008 -> 09:04 AM) If we do settle on a Hot Chix list, how about limiting the possibilities in some way. Perhaps pick either models, actors, musicians, athletes, era, TV, or etc. With a limitless pool, the winner may be on two lists and you could wind up with 100 names all with one vote. Ya your right.We should limit it to the hottest chix in the sports world.And that still might not be enough limitation.
  4. Happy Birthday to a guy who used to post so much.He has forgotten his people.
  5. The spelling bee was a lot more fun than the sox game.I love the wierd tics that some of the kids have like twirling their hair or covering their mouths between every letter.Some of the kids are very strange.
  6. QUOTE (The Critic @ May 30, 2008 -> 06:59 AM) GODDAMN f***ING SUN SETS IN THE WEST EVERY f***ING NIGHT!!! WHY CAN'T IT SET IN THE f***ING EAST EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE???? You sir,are awesome.
  7. I dont feel good about this.I cant envision Phil bringing us a championship in the next year or two,I just cant.
  8. Iam with you Jim.I never thought that I would be opposed to doing a list of the hottest chicks but I dont think it is going to be as fun as the other options.
  9. I can see alot of arguments happening with a hot chix list.Dude Jessica Alba is sooooooo much hotter than her!!!!!!!!!
  10. I hope they arent bringing them to this ER.
  11. shipps

    Do you cornhole?

    QUOTE (daa84 @ May 28, 2008 -> 08:06 AM) wasnt ragging on it, and dont get me wrong, i greatly enjoy playing it, but (and im sorry if you are one) i cant stand the homos who take it so seriously that they like get upset and pissed if they lose and take it like its a religion...my attitude is always, settle down were just havin fun tryin to get drunk I turned into that guy by accident.I guess its just my competitive nature.
  12. Its not that Iam offended by it but I found no humor in that whatsoever.Its so juvenile I feel embarrassed for those that think its funny.
  13. shipps

    Do you cornhole?

    QUOTE (Texsox @ May 27, 2008 -> 12:51 PM) And what is that game called with the ladder like deal and two balls in ropes? Do you and your friends play American Gladiator games when you bbq or tailgate?
  14. Balta you are the science freak,did him wearing a gold chain play a big factor in him getting hit.I know the biggest factor is that he was on the water in a storm but I found it kind of strange that it hit him in the chain.
  15. QUOTE (The Critic @ May 27, 2008 -> 12:22 PM) Nah, it's just that all you young'uns are too self-absorbed to take a few seconds to wish your elders Happy Birthday. Seriously there is alot of truth to that statement.I have noticed it in alot of the birthday threads.
  16. Do you have to be old to wish an old man Happy birthday?Because that seems to be the theme.
  17. shipps

    Do you cornhole?

    Those are pretty cool boards chaos.I bought my sox boards from the grandstand for like $80.I should have just made them but the ones I bought close up into their own carrying case which is pretty convienent.
  18. QUOTE (klaus kinski @ May 27, 2008 -> 11:24 AM) Uribe will be back at short in 2009 I sure as hell hope not.
  19. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 27, 2008 -> 09:29 AM) Seriously this thread title does look like it's advocating Javy for a Cy Young. Until you pointed it out thats what I thought it was.lol.Thats what I get for skimming over threads and not really reading them.
  20. You guys are getting way to offended at the results of these lists.
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 27, 2008 -> 10:29 AM) Right, but that's not true of Carlos Quentin, who is the person we are talking about... I know Steve.I was joking.Gawsh.
  22. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 27, 2008 -> 10:25 AM) Or "You're welcome" since he was born in California and speaks English as his primary language. There are a ton of people that were born in California and dont speak english.And to be exact I think Carlos speaks "Whiteboy" not English.
  23. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 27, 2008 -> 09:17 AM) I was thinking that David Caruso, the over acting iconic star of CSI:Miami is very similar to William Shatner, the over acting iconic star of Star Trek. Agree? Or it could be the Tylenol Cold formula and Ricola cough drops combined with tenormin and a stuffy head. Oh,that would explain why I didnt know what you are talking about.I never watched 1 episode of either of those shows.But I imagine when your high on cold formula comparing acting styles is the first stage of your glorius tripping.
  24. This thread=Iam confused
  25. Alexei is such a fun player to watch I would love to see him there full time...but I dont know just because he is exciting doesnt validate him getting a full time job.In a year or so he will get his time to shine,now is probably not it.
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