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Posts posted by kwolf68

  1. QB driven league. Rodgers didn't make many plays, but he made enough against an elite defense. His opponent made no plays, bad interception, poor reads, panicky throws, inconsistency all around. There were a couple drops and some abysmal play calling, but they put a LOT on the QBs shoulders in this league, for a reason. The good ones find a way. So far this QB does not look like he has progressed any from last year. 

    However, a huge HUGE mark against the coach for doing absolutely nothing concerning the run game. Monty had a few nice runs in the first half, then vanished in the 2nd half. Total lack of commitment to a balance game plan was a monster FAIL.  

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  2. Just now, Dan of Steel said:


    Insane amount of passing, especially early on and of the 15 carries, how many were to Montgomery. I just don't get why they didn't even bother running it with him. Or how about of those 45 passes, why are they focused on Robinson the whole damn time!? 

    He's the only one worth a damn? 

  3. Just now, The Beast said:

    Crucify away Trubisky haters. But he’s your quarterback and you need him to win. Also, what do they do if he’s not the guy?

    They lose a lot of games just like tonight. One of the best (if not the best) defenses in football and they could literally go 8-8 because of this offense. 

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