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  1. I will try was just going for the best experience via an app for the tv. Being outside of Chicago the first time in my life is definately challenging watching Chicago sports. Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. Thanks Kyyle , does that mean I need to stream it from my phone to the tv? I searched for the app on my tv and I don’t seem to get it. I have a newer tv. Not asking you to be my tv tech just was curious if there was / is a way I can get programming. Currently I stream YouTubetv, Amazon, hbo max , Netflix, and Apple TV. I would consider dropping something if there was a way to get coverage . Anyway thanks again, some sites said fubo has it and some say they don’t .
  3. I have searched but found conflicting sites is there any new streaming options? Fubo maybe I live out of the Chicago area so an antenna is not an option.
  4. Legs cramps so young guy doesn’t drink enough Gatorade.
  5. Personally I think the only way anyone gets fired is if attendance and true season ticket holders drop significantly. Their brand takes a hit in the general public. The true diehards have known the teams' antics for years but the mainstream casual fan is now seeing terrible results and if they stay home in the summer or the sox are not exciting to watch attendance drops, tv ratings drop and radio ratings drop, that's how JR gets embarrassed. The problem is they will just look internal to pitch their problems, right now the Bears are doing it right , rebuild with a whole new organization that creates some excitement and buzz around a team. Fans want to see hope and entertainment from true stars of the game.
  6. So was there any mention on Kaplans show today in regard to this? I assume this is just his normal conjecture.
  7. Yea right? I really can’t see it .makes no sense and if the padres are involved we have no shot anyway.it’s almost like this was planted by the FO to say we tried but never materialized .
  8. Could also be a shitty hitting coach. I will miss abreu digging all crap throws of the great Moncada think about those errors next year. He will be missed as a leader and a guy that plays everyday, unlike the rest of this core.
  9. Is there a significance to doing this now? not that I care about either of them for the roster I am just wondering if there is a significance to the timing?
  10. Those Ozzie Sunday lineups were horrible to watch. I am not sure you change an 80 year old owners mind on how he runs a team. This org is the way it is until JR passes. I don’t wish death upon anyone and won’t, for the meantime this is your Whitesox unfortunately.
  11. This is a really good observation that nothing big will happen in the offseason to dramatically improve this club. Its really a shame that they let this slip out of their hands. I can’t see any fan trusting this management to do anything right .
  12. Well there s no rain at the football stadium and they have sun. Looks like summer to me .
  13. I am watching the browns game right now and it’s sunny and they have played the entire game .
  14. I think Andrelton Simmons is out there
  15. Cease has Boris so that won’t happen and to sign Vaughn you would need to give him the starting first base job. Just my opinion.
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