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Posts posted by quickman

  1. 4 hours ago, knightni said:

    It sucks to lose.

    It's easy to point blame and be angry.

    That said, you cross the line into personal attacks on the player or manager here at Soxtalk - expect a suspension.

    No exceptions.

    Please be a grown up and think before you type.



    Thank you for this. I stopped coming to game threads years ago because of this and this year it’s been worse than ever.  I just want to come to enjoy the game with fellow Sox fans.

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  2. Royals are good and create drama they are about a 500 team but they can mess you up. That’ said for those to say it’s early or their pitching will come down to earth , do that with your own team , our hitting will get better , our bullpen better and our starting pitching is solid . These game threads suck. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

    Not sure what you exactly mean by eligibility, but he'd have to go down for at least two weeks (could be a little bit off on the exact amount of time) to delay free agency for a year, and longer than that to delay arbitration eligibility for a year.

    Of course both of those facts are dependent on the rules not changing when the next CBA is implemented.

    Thank you that’s what I meant.

  4. 7 minutes ago, fathom said:

    Went cheap because they misjudged attendance supposedly

    Fathom. I honestly think there young players would develop and they didn’t have to spend .Robert , Moncada and honestly there pitching is really good. No back ups and Vaughn will be in the doghouse soon.

  5. Cease was at 92 pitches In the first week of the season haur is awesome In the pen who the world would love to trade for , but soxtalk obviosly knows more than major league managers. I mean of course they do . It’s all larussa fault , maybe he is drunk or is insane because of his age. That said, it looks like they are trying hard to keep pitches down because of last years short season. Jeez grow up. Have the offense hit a fuckimg baseball. They suck tonight .

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  6. Have to go deeper in counts and get a couple of hits to chase him off and get in the pen . The righties have no chance the lefties are walking and getting on base . That simple . Our center fielder is great defensively and will need to learn to adapt to pitching. Cease is actually pitching well . A couple of mistakes but he is 4 he is pitching good. It’s the offense failing and so many injuries are really hampering this team.

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