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Posts posted by quickman

  1. Hotsox any idea what the trade was suppose to be? Did it involve Konerko? Well I won't forget, when I put someone on the list he is off forever, if the guy ever catches fire we should trade his sorry ass immediately. He is costing us bigtime in salary. We need to play better. this really is depressing.

  2. i don't need Ponson to get rid of Konerko. I really don't mind taking a reliever or a prospect. Seriously, he is not going to help us win. He is a massive head case. He is like a bad golfer. Hits a nice drive down the middle then can't hit another shot and takes an 8 on the hole. Its nuts that we are trying to win the division and we have this crap in the lineup. We should be winning these games. That simple.

  3. Going good jim, sent off an email to you earlier about the games next month, also lets get the girls to go to game one time as well. I cannot beleive the Tigers won, this is not a division leading team. We cannot lose games like this. Now we have to hope again that KC loses. God I hate this crap.

  4. Well I have officially taken Konerko off my list of players I want to watch...forever. The guy just plain stinks. If he is injured put him on the Damn DL. If not, he has just plain lost it. He cannot get off my team fast enough. I want his salary off the team as well. Do you realize how many games we stuck with this guy bouncing into DP's in clutch situations. I literally hate him now. I could care less if he is trying, I dobn't care if he is a nice guy, I care that we have to pay this slug to lumber down the bases.


    Thanks for reading.

  5. Well we won't be hitting alot of HR's in this park, we need hits and walks. We can't lose to these guys, we always make these pitchers look great because we swing for the fences. konerko does it all the time. Just jit a damn single everyonce in awhile. Big ballpark use the gaps. Damn I don't want to lose to these guys

  6. It was on the Score as he was interviewed on the trades on Wensday. He claimed there was one more deal that was mindboggling and if the deal went through then the Sox would have a great chance for the playoffs and possibly the world series. He would not discuss players.

  7. Its unfortunate, I spend alot of money on these guys each year. I sit in section 125 have four tickets plus I visit spring training each year. This would be easier to take if they at least looked like they were trying. They are completely pathetic, and I am not renewing my seats next year. Its quite easy to get a decent seat for any game. This will be my last year dropping 12,000 on the white sox. It really seems like they are not trying at all. I would rather have a bunch of kids making mistakes then these losers. I am beginning to despise these guys. I have tickets to the AZ series and I am actaully flying out there to route on a team that I do not like anymore. I am embarrassed to be a sox fan right now.


    Very Very sad.

  8. Well, I don't think the KW thing is as done as we thought. He had the forum to quit today, all the press everything. Why would he delay this till tommorrow? Somehtign makes no sense here and of course JR is no where to be found.


    PS We need an update from Hotsoxchick!

  9. So if Konerko is playing hurt, why in the world is he playing, are we better with Paul than Daubach at first? Paul stinks right now, if he is injured then sit him, we need wins NOW. Put him on the DL for a while play daubach, that is why we have him, Paul is not helping this team.

  10. Why would KW say he is investigating his position with the team. To add more speculation to the crap around the team already? Whitesox management needs a smack. He should be going int here to say he is quiting and will make the announcment tommorrow morning. Only God knows why I follow this team.

  11. Folks it doesn't matter if we think he is the best for the Job, if the marlins think so then they should hire him, its probably a stop gap anyway. The whole idea is get the best person you think for whatever reason you want, at any time you want, to fill a job. Period. This country is starting to go to hell because Jesse flys around and acts like god. This guy needs to go away period.

  12. Hotsox, Thanks for your response. I agree he doesn't need the publicity but I guess that was my original point, if he doesn't want the pub why hire a black man to begin with. I am not trying to be racist, but if everytime you have to fire a blackman Jesse comes out of the closet it simply doesn't make sense to go there in the first place. Jesse is a blow hard and I think JR is smarter than that. JR has hired a Black manager, a black GM, black coaches, my god what does this guy need to prove. Its nuts, whoever they want to hire is who they should hire, if it doesn't work out then hire someone else. This politcal correctness is total crap. What about the dedication he has to my 4 season tickets and parking pass for 10,000. I don't care if the GM is black white or purple, get a new one NOW. The black men he has leading the team isn't working, lets try purple next, Hell I will take an alien from MARS if he or she can get the job done. Thanks for responding, keep us informed,we need change. JR got us in this mess hiring this bum now he needs to get us out of this mess.

  13. For what it's worth I was told that he is departing. I was also told that the incident with his sons did not happen this weekend, just got leaked out this weekend.

    "Here's the reason for him to resign?" was the topic of the email and my reply was "I am so done with this bulls***. Either he is or he isn't. But to be honest I don't give a s***".

    Steff, I am sorry your in this mess, I hope your email came from a reliable source, but this all seems like speculation. Lots of talk and no action. It would appear the Sox would not fire him now, that would look even worse. This organization needs help.

  14. clu .....were you  not warned before in another thread that jr was afraid the race thing would come out???? its only the begining........... :rolleyes:  and its the only first cause of attack they have.........dont pay attention to the crap job he does just what color his skin is...........

    Look I am new to this site, but have read you on others. So let me get this straight, JR can hire a black man but can't fire a black man? If that is the case why hire a black man? Seems pointless unless you think that man will be there forever. Who is running this team anyway. Seems like the the blackman is running the owners. Furthermore did these great thinking owners who make millions not realize they might have an issue firing a black man? Again this doesn't make sense. JR is a lawyer and I am certain that as lawyers they wouldn't back themselves into these corners. I really don't think the black communittee will come out in force to picket against the whitesox, and in addition it certainly doesn't seem like they are the defined season ticket holder anyway.


    Black or White or hispanic or japanese, or Iraqi,The guy has done a s*** job, Get rid of him.

  15. Well.. I got 3 emails and a phone call just this morning about this s***. I told them not to send me anything else unless it's concrete confirmation that KW has been relieved of his duties. I've got better s*** to be doing with my time.

    Well of the emails and phone call you received did any of them say it was still on or are they saying that it was off?

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