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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by SinkingShip06

  1. Yes, I remember that very well...but all Brandon McCarthy has to do is keep the White Sox in the game as the fifth starter. He doesn't have to strike out 200. He doesn't have to have an ERA below 3.00. He just has to pitch 6+ innings with an ERA in the mid-4's and he will win 10-12 games next year.


    But I always hope for more and think he can do it.


    i'm not talking about McCarthy. I'm talking about if Garland gets traded (the topic of this thread). McCarthy would be our 4th starter and we'd have a merry-go-round situation for our 5th starter again unless we got really lucky

  2. So basically, no team should EVER bring up young pitchers because ya never know if they are going to be good? Ummm...yeah.


    do any of you seriously remember that this team has tried the young guy as fifth starter many many times in recent years? failing horribly every time. they finally won something when they got 5 solid starters. obvilously no one on this board can read a post. i never compared mccarthy to danny wright. if you loved the rauch/munoz/wright/guy off the street years...more power to you.

  3. Of course you would feel that way. You pretty much s*** on the White Sox organization every chance you get, including your avatar and board name.


    What notion do you get that JR wants to rebuild? Because he's criticizing how f***ing ridiculous this market really is? Kenny and Jerry are smart business men, and just as you don't invest in stocks at peak value, you don't invest in starting pitching when mediocrity is getting $10+ million a year.


    They don't want to rebuild. They simply want to stay ahead of the curve. That would be buying low and selling at higher than you bought. At the current moment, every starting pitcher on the White Sox major league club has higher value than they did last offseason, so why not sell that which is replaceable? The Sox starting rotation next year only has to be better than the rotation last year. If that results in trading Garcia and Buehrle, it means Contreras, Garland, and Vazquez need to improve, and McCarthy and another starter, be it Floyd, Phillips, Haeger, or whoever, need to put up ERAs better than, or really even equal to 4.53 and 4.99 respectively. I don't view that as impossible or even improbable, but rather quite likely, especially if the right talent is brought in. And with the depth Kenny has added to the bullpen in the past month, I can easily see the bullpen improving. It'd be quite hard for the bullpen to get worse than it was last year. The bench has to improve...what is the likelyhood of that? The offense has to be more consistent...how likely is that?


    I'm really not sure this team will be worse than it was last year, but maybe that is just the realist in me coming out.


    lol. silly you comparing a baseball team to the stock market. kenny sure made the right "trade" getting 2 mid level prospects for freddy garcia during a pitching starved offseason. what bullpen depth has been brought in? nothing but negativity from this organization. kenny sounds like a spoiled brat who wants to take his ball and go home. did you not learn from last year with your FUZZY math? get your head outta the sand. this ballclub won the world series with major league pitchers. whether you thought they were good or bad. they were big league ready. not guys brought up from the minors. such a knee jerk reaction from a flash in the pan GM and his penny pinching owner. but we all must realize this was the only outcome that could have occured. it's the history of this franchise.

  4. i am just totally disappointed by what i'm hearing from our organization. also i hear alot of JR in KW's comments. i think JR feels its time for a fire sale. we'll still have decent attendance and ratings for a year or two. why not dump salary so he can finally stuff some of that loot into his pockets.

  5. Here's what it would cost to get A-Rod (If you want to know what I call him, PM me):


    1. 1 (one) arm.

    2. 1 (one) leg.

    3. 1 (one) shirt off our backs.

    4. 1 (one) of a guy's "twins".

    5. All the tea in China.

    6. The (entire) farm (system).

    7. All of our souls.

    No, Jimmy Piersall, you can't :D .


    damn espn keeps talking about buehrle/fields and a prospect

  6. Actually it appears that the Ordonez thing worked out well for all parties involved. With him we probably would not have gotten to the World Series.


    Without him the Tigers may have had a tougher time getting where they are this year.


    I'm happy with the results.


    he's sucking up so much money for being an average outfielder. he's got a bad knee that will never be 100% and he'll never be healthy for the rest of his life. i think WE got the better of that one.

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