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  1. Yeah, I was looking at the 2023/2024 Bulls season, in which they won 39 games. Sox need to split their final 6 to match it. Yeah, I forgot just how pathetic the Tigers of the early 2000’s were 😬.
  2. Here’s a question: has an MLB team ever won fewer games in its season than its city’s NBA team? Because that’s about to happen.
  3. They won’t contract but if this is going to be the norm then MLB should get pushback on scheduling. The unbalanced schedule will put those teams that don’t often play the Sox at a severe disadvantage.
  4. Man, this season has gone from embarrassing to comical to just, surreal. To think that if they played .500 ball the rest of the way they’d still lose 110. I can’t even…
  5. If you want to move the needle maybe ask how much better the team would be if Ozzie owned it...
  6. Well I go back to the 70’s and 80’s. A fair amount of those teams stunk but they had a certain personality and funky flair that had a fitting home in the old park. It’s odd; you liked them and there was a tangible player-fan relationship. You wanted them to win often accepting they just weren’t going to. I don’t get any of that right now. Maybe winning will inspire it but it was there with or without the wins in the old days. …Or maybe I’m just old and crotchety
  7. Right, I can't see myself letting go either. I've got those great, great memories of being a lifelong fan. That said, it's got to be more than memories because I am attached to the team in the here and now. Just wondering what exactly it is I'm attached to.
  8. OK, this hits and I get it, I need to understand something though, because I even question myself. Indulge me... We love the White Sox, but: We hate the ownership We hate the management. We can't stand the current players because they have poor ethic, talent, and interest. Any worthwhile players now or in the future will be let go once they become too expensive anyway. So, what exactly are we fans of?
  9. If they manage to play .500 ball the rest of the way they still wind up losing 90. ?
  10. Even swapping the Sounds for the Sox might be a downgrade in talent at this point.
  11. We could hope against hope it will incentivize the ownership to make comprehensive and structural changes rather than rely on a quick shiny object or two.
  12. So we’re only three or four players away!!! /sarc
  13. So, Detroit lost 119 in 2003. What were they able to do to get to the WS three years later (aside from #1 picks which don't happen anymore)?
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