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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. True but I will have concern because they are going to "try to win" these stretch games, which will give some indication of how they may do when they "try to win" in the playoffs.
  2. And consider this year where the Sox have been trotting out half a minor league team every day and are playoff bound. They call them intangibles for a reason...
  3. Both catchers hitting .287 tonight. (That's added together.)
  4. Let's hope this Sox window of opportunity/Cubs window of futility isn't mitigated by seasons lost to covid and/or collective bargaining disputes.
  5. Its funny how going into the season we were salivating over how great the bullpen was. We have come full circle.
  6. Its not an earth shattering move, but it works for me. They have essentially made two upgrades. First, they got someone at least functionally viable at 2B. Second, they have now effectively added a versatile supersub (Garcia had not been a supersub because until now he was stuck as an everyday regular).
  7. It was the greatest play that never got the notoriety it deserved. Probably just because his last name wasn't Edmonds, Trout or Griffey.
  8. Is game day having trouble. What's taking so freaking long?
  9. Nice job Kopech, see you again next weekend
  10. Naive question here - Can't the Sox just scramble up their signs? Do odd things like have the pitcher shake off a sign and have it really mean that's the pitch he will throw instead of the following sign, or swap fast ball and breaking ball signs for left handed hitters, or even have different signs depending on whether the hitter's friggin jersey number is odd or even...etc etc.? Or would that potentially confuse the pitcher and endanger the catcher?
  11. Sox social media dept absolutely rules, lol https://twitter.com/whitesox/status/1415152540405047302?s=20
  12. So they will leave the best pitcher in The AL on the bench. Ok. At least he can't get hurt.
  13. Seems like my ASG tradition is to watch the game hoping the Sox reserve will get in during the last inning and get the game winner and MVP.
  14. And the obligatory interview with the greatest baseball player who I guess ever was or will ever be. Sorry, he's as advertised but I'm tired of the worship.
  15. Ironically, its also the most efficient way for the pitcher to give up runs. I wonder if that could have any consequence in this age of high velocity, high pitch count 5 inning starts?
  16. The reduction in home runs, specifically their "ranking", is stark. It warrants the questions of why and what it portends. The "why": I believe injuries. The post about the sox being 4th in HR's had they had Eloy and Luis tells us all we need to know. Its not the dead ball or sticky stuff IMO because that affects all teams. The "what it portends": We should be very encouraged. The run production without those two bats shows the multidimensionality of the offense. Just wait until the bats return.
  17. *right now* he is a top three 3rd baseman. His ceiling, though, was numero uno. That doesn't mean he sucks, and it doesn't mean he won't ever maximize the potential. He may not be a franchise player *right now* but he's solid.
  18. I'd give it to Cease. His effort earned the win more than anyone else's. I don't care when the final lead was attained. If that doesn't make sense I will just have to not make sense.
  19. Liam can get a win for giving up the lead pitching one inning while a starter can leave after pitching a perfect four and not get the win. It's the end of story but not the end of ridiculousness.
  20. I think the winning and losing pitcher should just be determined by the judgment of the official scorekeeper. Ridiculous Liam gets the win for this.
  21. I foresee a time when the biggest stars generally don't play in it once they get to play in it the first time. Just too much risk with nothing riding in the game.
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