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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. So I'm assuming once this DET series is over that Leury will be seeing some bench time this week? I'm filing that one away.
  2. I'm imagining that some time late in the season that TLR will suggest that due to his durability and versatility during this injury season that Leury could be considered the team MVP.
  3. Leury has been a critically valuable component so far. The problem is that he's had to be.
  4. LA with another game tonight and they are hot so we will see how things look when we wake up in the morning.
  5. Ugggghhhh..tired of it all. For all the manager moves, bullpen collapses, defensive lapses, poor umpiring...its this friggin 4, 5, 6 hits a game that really bites it for me. If I wanted non scoring sports entertainment like this I'd watch soccer.
  6. Not to fear not to fear, JR still has that Machado money burning a hole in his pocket.
  7. If Rodon were dressed in blue and on the mound against this Sox lineup how would he be doing?
  8. I wouldn't put them #2 right now, mainly because they have benefited from an inordinate number of games at home so far and they have only been about a .500 team on the road. I'd like to see how they look after that next road trip. I will say as it is there are about half a dozen teams at the top level and the Sox are part of that mix. I will now accept my role as medium large turd.
  9. Yeah that was amazing. For most of the season until the September cold spell the Sox had run way out ahead and broken the leash. Yet the attention was perfunctory.
  10. This is like Notre Dame coming out thumping their chests in green jerseys and then proceeding to get spanked.
  11. Is this pitcher a strikeout artist? We have 9 k's thru four. Or lineup is mostly a slappy lineup today and not a power lineup which you would expect to strike out more often. What gives?
  12. When this whole City Connect thing started I had reservations that it would wind up being like the NBA and be all, or lack of a better term - urban hip. I'm not much for "urban", and I sure as hell ain't big on "hip". That's why I prefer baseball to basketball. Or maybe I'm just too old. Nevertheless, I'm actually ok with these. Hard working, blue collar industrial is the environment the Sox and their fanbase come from and what their attitude already is. The Sox are the one MLB team that can pull this look off and actually be authentic so it works.
  13. I say ban and enforce. If the pitchers are allowed to doctor the ball, the batters should in fairness be allowed to cork their bats, and we don't want that for obvious reasons.
  14. The Dodgers and Padres over in that league say hold our beers in October.
  15. About the same time they were saying Yoan was garbage.
  16. Every team seems to have at least one guy who throws 99 and nobody bats an eye. Guns must be different these days.
  17. Hawk, the author of "well he's making him throw it into a teacup again." ?
  18. Going into the season before we knew how Rodon and Cease would do the sentiment was "if our starters can just keep is in the games until we get to our bullpen...". That implies priorities that are flat out 180 degrees out of phase.
  19. I am only following this pitchers duel via phone. I know Rodon has got the wicked slider and high 90s fastball with control going. What's Montgomery got?
  20. Took three L's to get the W: Lucas, Liam, and Leury!!!
  21. Idiotic strategy for the Twins to throw at him in a close game situation like this. They have a chance to be only 999,999 games out instead of 1,000,000.
  22. I couldn't figure out why the ejections with no HBP on Game day, then saw the pitch graphic lol.
  23. Maybe TLR was leaving Lynn in until he could pinch hit for him in the 9 spot...except he forgot he's not in the NL anymore.
  24. The Indians were our farm team for a while.
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