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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. Not the way I would want to build my org - straight up filling slots with numbers, grabbing the most expensive, talented guys on paper and throwing them in the mix thinking the value of the whole is simply the sum of the parts. I would prefer to build the system by acquiring young talent that fits the team's philosophy and then give them exposure to the system and environment so they get integrated and become more than just a shiny add-on you pay premium for in hope it "fits".
  2. Granted it's way early to project but maybe the question on Crochet long term is whether you want the next Goose Gossage or the next Randy Johnson. Intriguing choice to think about.
  3. Back to Hendricks and the pen... Upon first hearing this possibility I considered that with Hendricks fillling a power late inning reliever role, that maybe it gives the Sox the option to make Crochet available for the rotation if he proves able. I'm making premature assumptions on that through. So...is Crochet a bullpen piece right now because that is how they are seasoning him on the way to eventually working his way into a starter role? Or, is he considered a permanent bullpen piece and potential closer? If he is a bullpen arm that is going to be one scary bullpen.
  4. I am flashing back to Harry Carey's last broadcast for the White Sox. At the end of the game he and us fans leave from the center field bleachers and we gave him celebratory pats on the back in appreciation of what he meant to us. Days later I hear he has taken the Cubs job, and in announcing it he said he was happy to be taking a job with a class organization. Granted that doesn't mean he meant the Sox weren't, but always left a bad taste in my mouth. This helps a bit.
  5. Ahh yes, a vaccine could allow him to compete again without worry. Wow, though, would the players union be cool with a mandate that their players *have* to get vaccinated?
  6. Kopech sat out 2020 due to the Covid danger didn't he? Is there any chance he sits out 2021 for the same reason? For whatever it is Covid isn't going away.
  7. The Sox bats were starting to stir in that final series despite the 2 losses. If it turns out the fuse to the offense has been lit, its all academic.
  8. Better to get the slump out of the way now than to have it in a couple weeks.
  9. Watch, for all this team's offense, if they make a good playoff run its gonna be the pitching that's the story.
  10. I don't know if I should take it as a good sign the Sox won a game like this or as a bad sign that they had to win a game like this. I guess its both.
  11. Well, however scary a winning 7 straight and scoring 33 runs in their last two games is I guess...
  12. Welp, I'm just gonna call it a night and see if I can have a dream of how all this would be had Kopech decided to play the season.
  13. Tending to write it off as an off night. Seems like everyone in the Twins pen has an ERA under 3 so you just gotta produce against their starters and tonights came came in with an ERA over 6. The Sox are just not a team that can't handle that save for the occasional egg laying.
  14. Afterr going 4 for 6 last light. Hopefully his and NY's streak is at a time it will have run its course by playoff time.
  15. They get a statement win against their divisional arch rival to pad their hold on the best record in the AL heading down the stretch. So far zero headlines for it on MLB.com... Smh, lol
  16. So no homefield advantage and the WC teams don't have to "play in". There's not much advantage winning the division. Maybe they could have let the top seed choose its first round opponent, the next highest available choose its opponent, and down the line. Its crazy, but its 2020.
  17. 184 RBI in 154 games? Yeah, he was alright.
  18. I'm leaning TA as well, but with a nod to Jose. I think in a way TA claimed this years MVP with the bat flip last year. It wasn't the flip itself but rather the attitude behind it that even though the W/L record didn't show it yet, this team was a winner and didn't have to be afraid to act as such and let the baseball world know it. The team feeds off that today and although it could lead to brattiness, Abreu's steady veteran influence keeps that in check.
  19. About this time last year I suggested TA could be this year's mvp, based on his offense and the spirit he was already starting to inject into the team. That was without knowing what Abreu was going to do this year, though.
  20. Sox need to freaking win this now to get The Twins out of their heads.
  21. We don't get to play in Iowa this year, but I could swear this is heaven.
  22. With all the headlines right now about the Padres and their home runs... The Sox have now matched them for the MLB lead.
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