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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. I still remember a few games back when Hawk suggested his fielding reminded him of another Roberto Alomar. When I heard that, my pants almost exploded - and I wasn't even considering Alexei's offense. I don't know how to compare him to Soriano, but I know that during the crosstown series I was convinced that I prefer having our A. Ramirez to their A. Ramirez. SFF
  2. QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Jul 3, 2008 -> 08:59 AM) ...I still have childhood memories of bouncing a rubber ball off of a tree in the back yard and making spectacular diving plays as I listened to Harry and Jimmy make the Sox thrilling on the radio. The entire rest of my Sox memory has been described by Hawk. Ahh yes, Jimmy! Hmm, is he still alive? Does he need a job??? SFF
  3. QUOTE (ChWRoCk2 @ Jul 2, 2008 -> 01:26 PM) Something like, idk, worst posters. SFF
  4. Favorite (or least favorite) olympic event Favorite Chicago architecture (skyscraper)
  5. Yes, Morgan saying this bullpen was the best he'd ever seen, and then repeating it later, really made me do a double-take. I immediately thought back to some of those Twins bullpens of a few years back, and even the Angels recently. I hadn't thought of the Sox in that league, but maybe I am not appreciating what we have. Go figure... SFF edit: I have to add, it was interesting to hear Morgan turn around and analyze Jenks when he came in. He explained his drop in strikeout rate was due to him throwing a sinking fastball rather that I riding one. He seemed a almost a bit critical in discussing it because he mentioned the downside of hitters being able to make better contact, but didn't offer any theory on why his sinking fastball might be advantageous. Interesting.
  6. I bet she will sell herself and the house, divorce the guy and get the house in the settlement, and wind up right back where she started, only half a million dollars richer.
  7. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 24, 2008 -> 08:42 AM) I probably should start a different thread, but it kind of fits here. Actually in today's environment any mention of race, becomes racist if said by an aging white man. We have swung the pendulum too far on one direction and have stifled any constructive dialog. IF Imus truly had wanted to point out that minorities are picked on more, he would still have been labeled a racist. We just do not seem to acknowledge that there are different races in this country and their American experience is different based on the color of their skin and the language they speak. ^^^ It would seem that the only recourse is to not address race at all, but that invites the criticism of "if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem". It a no-win situtation for said "aging white men". Oh, and I am of hispanic heritage, so my dog's on the sidelines on this. SFF
  8. Ramirez is their Carlos Lee against us. In critical situations, you don't treat him as just another hitter. We know he was looking to get extended on one in that last at bat. You have to at least brush him off to start it. Mark my words he will average at least .500 with five or six extra base hits before the series ends. You just can't let it happen when the game is on the line like that. SFF
  9. I think this really says it all. They want what their families couldn't give them. They aren't just looking for casual hedonism, which is reassuring. However, when you take on children, the intent is to devote your life to fulfilling their needs, not vice-versa. If you will need a dependent more than they will need you, then get a dog. SFF
  10. If hitting coaches can't be blamed for continual poor hitting, i.e. that the hitting is not influenced by them, then pardon me but...WHAT THE %&*# ARE THEY THERE FOR?!!!. SFF
  11. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 14, 2008 -> 11:43 PM) Illegal immigrants, it's just that his stance on it is uber-conservative and he even makes a good number of conservatives look soft by comparison. He spends quite a bit of time railing about how terrible illegal immigration is (and the immigrants themselves, more or less by extension) and he is pretty much opposed to anything short of rounding them all back up, sending them back to Mexico, and sealing off Mexico with a giant plastic dome to prevent any more from ever coming here. I exaggerate, but only a little. Gotcha - thanks, LF. I suppose it goes back the the old question of the "rule of law" vs. compassion in government policy. Tough one to answer. SFF
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 14, 2008 -> 01:19 PM) You'd have to go back to Checkpoint Charile to find someone who was hard enough on immigrants for Dobbs sake. Can we clear this Dobbs/immigration issue up for me here? Is Dobbs anti-immigrant or anti illegal immigrant? Do we have quotes from him where he has come down on legal immigrants? I just wanted to know because I have been hearing these "Dobbs hates immigrants" sentiments more lately. Thx, SFF
  13. I am not surprised by this effort, nor was I with the Detroit series. That's what you get with a refrigerator light offense, which is what they have had for several years. It is what it is. SFF
  14. Exploding head syndrome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome
  15. I have to go with Weaver, Anderson, and Lasorda. Managers are essentially hired to be fired, but these three managed for decades. Plus they each have championships under their belt. They were giants; the Michael, Magic, and Bird of managers. Either that just because they were the managers during the era I grew up in SFF
  16. Since this thread has acquired something of an Art Bell Show flavor: Courtney Brown
  17. I was wondering why John Paxson was doing the presentation
  18. Well, we have arguments on how Babe Ruth would fare today. How about this. How do we all think would Thome or Bonds do if they hit in Babe Ruth's day??? SFF
  19. QUOTE (PlunketChris @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 12:31 PM) You guys should buy your coffee beans from Caribou Coffee.. specifically the Caribou Coffee in LaGrange.. not ONLY because we have good coffee, but also ya know.. help a Soxtalker out I've been with Caribou for 2 1/2 years now, and I still believe in the product.. we've got the best freshness policy on our beans in the business, I highly recommend our Obsidian blend, it's delicious. Caribou > Starbucks
  20. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 02:25 AM) 100% correct. Well done. Turkish Coffee hmm, might have to try this...
  21. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 2, 2008 -> 12:47 AM) Maxwell House Columbian Supreme in the morning and a cup of fresh home-ground Turkish coffee in the afternoon. Isn't Turkish coffee that coffee that has a whole lot of strength and a whole lot of sugar?
  22. QUOTE (easyw @ Jun 1, 2008 -> 07:28 AM) I worked at 'bucks for a year. I usually get the darkest stuff I can find at Trader Joe's. Their French Roast runs about $5 or $6. Beyond espresso, which is the best there is, the way you make coffee can make a big difference. I grind the beans same day and use a French press (plunger pot). Yep, you can't beat a french press. However, if you do use a drip coffee maker, you get the best flavor if you actually brew only 6 ounces of coffee from every two tablespoons of grounds as recommended. Most folks add a lot more water but that causes the flavor in the grounds to be overextracted, which worsens the taste. Of course for most folks, this may be waaaaay too strong, but the solution is to add more water to the coffee after brewing. I usually just take the used filter out of the maker and run plain water through the machine to get it to the strength I prefer. SFF
  23. It helps a bit that we can expect CQ to be on the team at least as a reserve. However, these days, that is not completely reassuring, either. The last few years we have seen an increased trend of reserves not even getting in the game, likely because of the WS home field implications of actually winning the game. Managers can't just empty the benches anymore to give every all star his due exposure. In fact, if memory serves, last year I believe a team had a lone representative who didn't get in, giving that team zero representation. How nice for their fans... SFF
  24. What does the male hooker say at the end of his date with the circumsizer? "Keep the tip"
  25. *Newsflash* Explosion at wig factory...police busy combing the area.
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