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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. OK. let's just push the discussion to the absurd. What would happen if the Sox management just flat out decided to forfeit the rest of their season? SFF
  2. Good grief, talk about a tough crowd. The guy's got 20 home runs in half a rookie season, and one would think he is doomed. Just as pitchers will likely adjust to him, so too will he likely adjust to them. Leave the future to the future and enjoy what he has already done; its one of the few bright spots lately. SFF
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 12:01 PM) Unless something in his life drastically changed, that's exactly what he said - for the 8,031st time. He's way to happy being out of the limelight. I figured as much, but I can dream. It beats reality anymore... SFF
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 11:39 AM) And for whatever reason, guys don't respond to him well. Don't misconstrue that as me saying they don't like him. But when Carl spoke in the clubhouse, others listened. If he said jump, they didn't ask how high, they just jumped. AJ will never get that. I honestly don't know if there is anyone out there that would. I've long said they should bring Bo in as a "clubhouse liason". He's got an edge that I think would work. Belle also would fit nicely in that role. Someone who knows how to shut out all the bulls*** and prepare for a game properly, IMO. "Someone called?"
  5. So ehhh... what's the record in terms of calendar days? SFF
  6. I was just looking at the standings, and notice that once again, the AL East has come down to Boston and New York. Nobody else in that division has a chance - again. I can't imagine how it must feel for the Toronto, Baltimore, and TB fans, whose teams seemingly have NO chance year in and year out competing against the nearly half a billion dollars of payroll at the top. Not only that, but the unbalanced schedule dooms the bottom three to losing records as well. I wonder, is this good for that division? On one hand its a great rivalry, but on the other, its really only a two team division. What do you all think? SFF
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 7, 2007 -> 11:19 AM) To be fair, I can't blame him for getting rid of Marte after the 2005 disaster (for Marte, not the team obviously lol), and Mackowiak has been a decent player for us. LOL, completely agree with you. I just couldn't resist a post on a former Soxtalk poster child SFF
  8. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 6, 2007 -> 11:54 PM) WHAT?? He said he had put together a great bullpen, TRUST HIMI!! Umm oops...... Damaso Marte: 26.1 IP, 10 BB, 30 K, 1.71 ERA LT
  9. Arggghhh, why is is always hurry up and wait on news like this? It feels like watching... Alright now, Kenny, there is a big number still on the board. Now what'll it be, DEAL or NO DEAL? Its time to find out...TOMORROW!! SFF
  10. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 10:58 AM) I have this weird feeling that someone said "4 at 15" (as in each year) over the phone, and it was misheard as "4 at 50" (as in total). I propose that what was said was actually "4 at 60" and it was just misheard as "4 at 50" SFF
  11. I always liked Alan Bannister from my earliest memories. I definitely have to mention Bill Almon at short. I still remember a Monday Night Baseball game in Boston. Maybe the ugliest game the White Sox ever played. They made seven errors on national television, and I believe Almon had something like four of them. Anyone else remember that night of infamy? SFF Edit: Well looking back, my history was a little off. The Monday night game was at home hosting Milwaukee (July 5th), and Almon had three of the seven errors. Still ugly...
  12. QUOTE(WCSox @ May 23, 2007 -> 01:55 PM) I agree with that. You don't need to throw 98-100 to dominate. If Bobby's locating that hook and slider, he'll be dominant at 94-95. Yeah, but how bout a hook, a slider, and 101? They aren't mutually exclusive you know. Jenks is among the best already, but all else being equal, I'll take the 101 to the 95, thank you. SFF
  13. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ May 22, 2007 -> 05:44 PM) when jenks can't get the breaking ball over, he's toast. the velocity is not enough to dominate like he did in the past. I agree 100% with this. I still recall Bagwell's first at bat against him in that world series game. Bagwell and the whole stadium knew the heat was coming and he cinched it up for it. However, he still had no chance and after his whiffs he seemed to be staring straight through the camera at a place a million miles away. I don't see the same result should they meet up again. SFF
  14. I had heard that Marshall has a really difficult personality to deal with if you didn't agree with everything he said, and that was a big reason behind his marginalization. Of course there are multiple motives and sides to every story, so I don't know if we can ever know the truth. All that said, the article lists some pretty impressive credentials; I know I wouldn't want to have to be the one to prove him wrong. The guy's a freakin doctor and scientist rolled up in one. Finally, regardless of what role his methods play, those pitches Sparks were throwning were something else. That curve looks like a video game. Maybe Marshall should take his program to Japan or Latin America where someone might give it a more serious look. SFF
  15. Well they say the only stupid questions are the ones we don't ask, but I guess I will attempt to prove that wrong here. Why is Podsednik so terrible? He seemed to be doing alright before the injury. Other than injuries, what went wrong since our love-fest got him the 2005 ASG? SFF
  16. QUOTE(HeGone33 @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 08:33 PM) I predict: Paulie - pop up JD - SO Crede - SO no, no way...
  17. QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Apr 16, 2007 -> 11:08 PM) I couldn't agree more...BUT our bullpen does have a few different members that are capable of stepping up and filling the roll... I was just pointing out that his velocity followed the same curve last year (as it does with most power pitchers), wish we could have said the same about his stuff... Seems to me he rebounded to a 97-98 range, which is great... but it seems in 2005 he was consistently in the 99-101 range. Maybe I just got used to watching him, but it didn't look like his fastball ever jumped last year like it had previously... SFF
  18. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Feb 16, 2007 -> 12:37 PM) Bobby Jenks..after he finishes his career with over 400 saves. Actually I wouldn't totally discount the idea he may have the best chance. Konerko? As others have said, he just doesn't have the numbers. Buerhle? It will take him at least eight or nine more years to accumulate the wins he needs, but the problem is that we assume all those years will be spent here. The only other guy I see with the tools it may take to get to the HOF is, quite frankly, Jenks. SFF
  19. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 12:25 AM) Cleveland rerely keeps their best players once they are due for big money. Lofton, Colon, Ramirez, Thome (although he stayed a while), Sexson, etc. ...and they usually wind up in black pinstripes...
  20. I think that it should and may be Haeger. Having a knuckleballer in front of all that bullpen heat seems to make a lot of sense to me. SFF
  21. You can call this the stupid post of the week, but I was just wondering...Instead of deals like 5/75 or 6/96, would Buehrle take...say...1yr/20 mil? Would the Sox offer it if he would? Perhaps it is ridiculous thinking, but what kind of one year contract would he accept? 1/20? 1/22? 1/25? *and now the trolley heads back for Mr. Rogers' living room* SFF
  22. IMO, its all about the starting pitching, and knowing that is heartening to me. At this point the only real change from last year's regular rotation is the loss of Garcia. Looking at his performance last year, I consider it addition by subtraction if the new 5th is anywhere near half decent. Beyond that, none of the other 4 are coming off career years, with MB's down year and Count's injury-hampered year likely to turn around in 2007. All in all then, I am not ecstatic but I am comfortably optimistic. SFF
  23. QUOTE(bigruss22 @ Jan 5, 2007 -> 04:36 PM) anybody know about other prospect shortstops ready to play in the bigs? Don't know of any prospects, but for the first time since Kessinger, I am thinking player-manager SFF
  24. I think the 05 team was actually better then we may give credit for, and the near-choke at the end clouds that judgement. Recall that before the late season injuries and the rest-the-starters management, the record the Sox had was flat out gaudy. They were darn near .700 ball most of the season. Then, after they got their act together they re-assumed that dominance at the end of the regular season and through the playoffs. I submit the late season swoon was not the real Sox. The real Sox were not a mere 99 win team. Granted, 162 games make a season so you can't enthrone them the best ever, but just looking at the talent on the team, it was remarkable, and at its best, it could hold its own with any team in history. SFF
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