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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. If AJ wasn't ejected, I would have taken him out anyway if I were Ozzie. Is there any chance that is what really happened? Could the umps have "suggested" Ozzie take him out. The reason it concerns me is that I thought ejections for fighting automatically resulted in suspensions, ergo, AJ could miss games. Can I have some clarification?
  2. DJ's cool on the national broadcast, but....why couldn't they have just had hawk instead? SFF
  3. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ May 20, 2006 -> 12:36 AM) I'd actually say that his 55 MLB records would put him over the edge. Some of my favorites: Most strikeouts, major leagues: 5714. Most strikeouts, season, major leagues: 383, California, 1973. Most years, 200 or more strikeouts, major leagues: 15. Most years, 300 or more strikeouts, major leagues: 6. Most times, 15 or more strikeouts, game, major leagues: 26. Most times, 10 or more strikeouts, game, major leagues: 215. Most times, 10 or more strikeouts, game, season: 23, California 1973. Three strikeouts, inning, on nine pitches: 2 (tied). Most consecutive strikeouts, game, American League: 8 (tied, did it twice). Most strikeouts, two consecutive games, major leagues: 32 (tied, 13 and 19, 17 IP). Most strikeouts, three consecutive games, major leagues: 47 (19, 9, and 19, 27.1 IP). Most clubs shut out, season, major leagues: 8, California, 1972. (tied) Highest strikeout average per nine innings, career: 9.55 (5714 strikeouts in 5387 innings). Lowest hits allowed average per nine innings, season: 5.26, California, 1972, 166 hiys, 284 innings. Lowest hits allowed average per nine innings, career: 6.55 (3923 hits in 5387 innings). Most no-hitters pitched, major leagues: 7. Most one-hit games, career, major leagues: 12 (tied). I also read in Baseball Digest that he holds the record for most two-hitters, but I can't find any specific information online because the internet f***ing sucks. What you are looking at is a monster, ptatc. An absolute f***ing monster. He was one of a kind. That year he had 383 strikeouts - does anyone have a resource to check the box scores? I believe he got the final strikeout in like the 12th or 13th inning and had thrown 150 pitches . The durability was as amazing as anything - not just for he length of his career but for the innings he would pitch in a game and season. SFF
  4. This is where I think a lot of Cardinal fans have us beat. From my experiences around here with them, they see their team as so far above the Cubs that they just brush off the Cub fans with a chuckle after their games. The very thought of a "personal" rivalry is beneath them. I would prefer to have the mindset of just dusting Cub fans off my shoulder once the games are done. SFF
  5. Think he can get voted into the all star game? SFF
  6. So what is the real skinny on his condition now? Is he completely healed in the full sense that the sciatica itself is gone or does he still have the sciatica but simply doesn't feel the pain from it anymore? In other words, is this a condition that will have to be addressed "for real" sometime in the future? SFF
  7. I am not concerned on the basis of one loss. I am concerned on the basis of 10 out of 10 appearances where his velocity has been down 5 mph from last year. There is must be something going on that is causing this, and the fact nobody knows, or apparently even care, is troubling to me. For Bobby, that 5 mph is huge. 90 to 95 isn't that huge, because hitters can guess heat and dial it up. 95 to 100 is huge, because you are getting into heat that many hitters simply can't catch up to, even when they do correctly guess heat. Bagwell correctly guessed heat three times last year, and wound up walking back to the bench shellshocked. Do I wan't closer by committee? No. Do I want to acquire a new closer and demote Jenks? No. Do I want to give up the season? Again, no. But I dang sure want to know where that 5 mph went. Whoever is saying he didn't have his good heat this time last year - I am not being snotty, but please show me where you heard this, because he was still in the minors this time last year and I never recall hearing he had velocity issues to work through before he was called up. If I can see evidence that is a typical Jenks start, all my concerns go bye-bye. SFF
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 11, 2006 -> 09:09 AM) if Bob can max out at 97, that's enough. If he goes 94, then 97 up the ladder and then a nasty hook, it's over. The problem is it seems like he rarely has both pitches working on the same night. Total agreement there, but if he has 101 heat, he can survive those days he doesn't have the hook. SFF
  9. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ May 10, 2006 -> 10:23 PM) Make that 10-1 now. Charlie Haeger is a regular?
  10. I just think when you get into that 100 range, a lot of sins can be forgiven. Bobby never has had pinpoint control, but it didn't hurt him too much last year since hitters simply didn't have time to react to the location of the pitch. He blew guys away up and down in the zone, even when they guessed fastball (remember Bagwell?). I think there is a point where the pitch can simply be too fast to physically react to. There comes a point where there is just not enough time to identify the pitch and perform the swing. SFF
  11. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 10, 2006 -> 08:19 AM) Like you said, symptoms can go from one extreme to the other as in the cases of Hermy and Crede. Going into this year I was really praying for "back to back", but this isn't quite what I meant SFF
  12. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 10, 2006 -> 09:31 AM) Same here, but he's a tough guy and I do have hope he might come back. Let's hope we are wrong. It would be a fantastic if he came back. However, if he really is done, what a year to cap the career with, heh?
  13. OK everyone, pony up here - if Count misses more then a couple starts, does Brandon eventually move to the rotation, or has he already been "Cotts'd"? To be honest, I haven't liked the decision to make him basically a setup man. Last year he excelled in long relief and frankly, he hasn't looked that great in the late inning role. Plus, he would already be somewhat conditioned to move to the rotation if he were still a long reliver. The dude was our rotation insurance! I know, I know, he is too valuable as a reliever now to be moved. SFF
  14. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 2, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) Seriously, if there's one guy on this team I don't mind us coddling a bit, its Thome. The guy missed almost the whole season last year. He's been down a bit lately, we had 2 games in like 12 hours, might as well give him some time to gas back up.l Yeah, I appreciate your concern for his health and what he can do when healthy, but seriously - he is out of the dugout maybe ten minutes a game total. I am missing the logic here - I really am.
  15. QUOTE(Allsox @ May 2, 2006 -> 01:36 PM) Buehrle giving up 3 runs in the 1st inning wouldn't have helped the regulars, let alone the subs. This loss I pin solely on Buehrle's performance and he'll be the first to tell us that once this game is over. Plus, JD's was trying to play hurt and it was a good move by Ozzie to take him out when it started raining. No need to keep playing him when it was obvious early on this wasn't the Sox' game to win. I have no problem resting JD - he's hurt for Hawk's sake. Now, resting Pods - that I have a problem with. I know C.C. is a lefty, but I also think resting Thome after the rough crowd yesterday smacks of girliness in the minds of the Indian faithful. Actually, what other reason could there be for resting the DH? Is the on deck circle that far away from the batter's box?
  16. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 2, 2006 -> 01:20 PM) Without the Sunday lineups, we would have not had the gas we did in the post-season. Therefore, no championship. Doesn't that border on being a post ad hoc fallacy?
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 2, 2006 -> 01:15 PM) You guys with the "Sunday Lineup" complaints kill me. Seriously, you sound like you live in a video game. In the real world, human beings need this little thing called "rest", to help prevent "injuries". And the subs need playing time, or else when you do need them, they suck. And they came in yesterday from the left coast, and now have a day game after night game, and will travel again today to play tomorrow. And oh yeah, WE WON A F***ING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP THIS WAY. It works. Its proven. And we often win games with the "Sunday Lineup". Enjoy it! As for Buerhle, well, can't help you there. Maybe Ozzie wanted him to get his 6 in. Personally, I think we won the world championship in spite of the Sunday lineups But its all good; tomorrow's another day...
  18. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 2, 2006 -> 08:34 AM) Regardless of how anyone tries to justify it, the booing of Jim Thome was classless. Perhaps they are just trying to give Travis Hafner a friendly warning for him to remember a few years down the road before he too comes to the Sox. SFF
  19. QUOTE(greg775 @ May 2, 2006 -> 01:02 AM) Our fans won't boo Frank, will they? It should be a loud ovation at least the first time he's up. I won't boo; I will graciously applaud him in thanksgiving for his service. However... I will be disappointed afterwords if, instead of reciprocating, he chooses to criticize the ownership and management of my team. SFF
  20. And the rest: Yeah, but I will take him over either of them Sorry I didn't credit the sources of the quotes, but you know who you are. Check the thread out though, its awesome. SFF
  21. Now for some entertainment. I thought we might like to take a trip down memory lane to Jenks' first appearance. The guy practically had us blabbering incoherently, lol. Among many other priceless quotes from GAME THREAD 7-6-2005 SOX vs FISH, FILLET THE FISH!!!!!!!!: lol! ...ya think? SFF
  22. Time for a little cross-mulitiplication: 2hr/20 games = 16hr/160 games SFF
  23. I will just be thankful to get away from these cottonball throwers. Radke, Silva, Moyer...when will it end?! SFF
  24. So, we are smart enough to know that after 2 walks it is time to let the guy go. You know, if managememt just made moves according to the perceptions of us all-knowing fans, imagine the result. Paulie would be long gone. So would Crede, and Count, ...and Garland. Dang, I am not so sure Buehrle would still be on the team. SFF
  25. Unlike many, I am not concerned with the bullpen. However, our lack success on the basepaths has me worried. It almost appears teams steal at will against us but lately when our guys attempt a steal, they are nearly always thrown out. The case in point was last night. The Sox had the momentum after Pablo singled after the home run, but lost it getting thrown out stealing. Then, Betancourt's steal in the 11th led to their winning run. I can accept losing a game on the basepaths, but it appears somewhat of a chronic problem now. Even Pods has been caught the last three times. Would it help putting Tim back as first base coach? SFF
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