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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. QUOTE(SpringfieldFan @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 01:06 PM) From MLB.com: History of the ROY Award To me that is saying if any of the criteria is met, the player is eligible. Is this in error? SFF My bad. Still don't think its fair though.
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 12:57 PM) There's also a service time requirement. If you spend too long on a Major League roster, you no longer count for the ROY award, regardless of how much you're used. That's the one Jenks caught. I think Paplebon doesn't count for that same reason, but I'm not sure. From MLB.com: History of the ROY Award To me that is saying if any of the criteria is met, the player is eligible. Is this in error? SFF
  3. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 12:50 PM) Only Anderson qualifies. Jenks and B-Mac used up their eligibility last year. I looked it up on baseball-reference.com and it says a pitcher qualifies if he has less then 50 inning pitched in his MLB career. Bobby had 39 last year.
  4. The thread title says it all: can a Sox player be AL rookie of the year this year? It is almost hard to believe, but doesn't Jenks qualify? If so, wouldn't he have to be considered a favorite. Of course Anderson qualifies, but is there any chance BMac still qualifies? SFF
  5. I think he is almost there. Control? Check. Hard curve? Check. Heat? Well, just about. He is at 97 now which is eye popping. But it ain't no 101 yet. Last night I saw a great hopping fastball, but I didn't see the inhuman fastball he had in the WS. That was a Ryan fastball; and I haven't seen one of those since Ryan. Once he gets all his strength, and consistently controls his hook, I think he already has what it takes to be elite (assuming his head stays screwed on straight). Last year I am sure opposing teams and fans, well, lets say took the Lord's name in vain when they first saw what this horse could do. SFF
  6. If cub fans bring up things like better ballpark or better attendance, I just say: "you know you are right, I didn't see that engraved on the trophy." But the key is I do it in good friendly humor; not to argue or belittle. The nature of the organization to me is the totality of the players, management and fanbase. I desire my organization to be class; and I do my part. SFF
  7. QUOTE(Damen @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 11:36 AM) Easy Mike North. It's not like Contreras is putting up these numbers for the Royals. The country, sportswriters residing on the East coast included, saw the Sox ride Contreras to a WS title last year. If he can continue putting up the numbers he's put up since last August, he'll be in as good of contention as anyone for a Cy Young. After that WS performance, and with his start, the Cy Young is his to lose. SFF
  8. What's the concern? With his ML roster, KW has the tools to practically fill in whatever minor league rating he wants. If he really needed minor league talent, heck, he could just trade one of the six starters for it. Presto - in one day its an elite rated system again. It isn't a far-fetched theory, either. When this roster shows it cannot bring home the trophy anymore, you will start seeing all the minor league prospect you want. SFF
  9. They guy is a one of a kind these days. I don't know how many dingers he will hit this year, but it is a thrill just to watch him swing. Whenever I see a still shot of him in mid swing, I immediately think Harmon Killebrew. He's just got a Cooperstown pose, an old school slugger...off the back foot and front heel...arms fully extended... the bat going all the way around with that uppercut that tells you he's got one thing in mind. Dang, its an all or nothing swing but it sure is fun to watch. SFF
  10. Maybe not as a player, but somehow, some day, Arow will be a member of the Chisox organization again. Book it. SFF
  11. I really, really shouldn't bring this up, but there is one concern: on opening day the Sox will be trying once again to extend an 8 game winning streak. SFF
  12. I think it is sad; as humans, we are so much better than this and we don't even realize it. We have been given a gift that turns love into life, and we treat it like a sport - simply because the One who gave us that gift also gave us freedom. SFF
  13. We got it in Springfield; Lord did we get it. Luckily I only lost a huge trunk section of our backyard climing tree that barely missed the house. My corner of town though, dang - it looks like a weather channel feature story. Our paper, State Journal Register, has photos that could say more then I could. You are always awestruck at scenes of natural destruction, but when it is a place with landmarks from your own life, its different - in an indescribable "this is but isn't reality" kind of way. The weird thing - after we went to my inlaws to sleep after we couldn't trust the rest of the tree - the sirens went off again at 2:00, and I swear when one of them would turn towards us it sounded like an harp or something. It was eerie. Thank God nobody lost their life. SFF
  14. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 02:47 PM) Cybmac. Cy-Mac SFF
  15. Intelligence Summit to Air 'Saddam's WMD Tapes' SFF
  16. I still use cursive all the time. I can simply write faster when I don't have to lift my pen from the paper. I don't have the neatest writing anymore, but when I write for someone else to see, I try to make it look good as well as legible. Anything I create - I take pride in. And yes, I was that one kid in every class who had perfect penmanship, the one the teacher would use as an example (didn't you all just hate that kid?). Anyway, I think good cursive is really more natural then any other type of writing. Its just that the style taught in school is awkward with a lot of non-flowing movements. It should really be just an extension of basic natural zigzag strokes. If I haven't exhausted the topic by now, here is a site devoted to the idea: http://briem.ismennt.is/4/4.1.1a/ SFF
  17. The last tv show I watched for more then 10 minutes was Game 4. SFF
  18. QUOTE(daa84 @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 01:42 AM) the scouting reports from the year mccarthy went nuts at AA and A ball all said he was working on his change and it wasnt a major league ready pitch yet. they said he got guys out by working corners, studying hitters weaknesses and dropping his big curve. what is evident now though is that his change has developed into his best pitch. i remember reading a rosenthall article that said the bosox couldnt believe that he was left off the roster, because his change up is as good as any righty has in the league. the bosox hitters said it was almost like a lefthanded curve ball or a screw ball with way more drop...comes in on righties. if you go thru the pics for sigs and look at bmacs grip on it, you can see why...he holds it with his pinky, ring finger and thumb...nuts... Considering how utterly dominant he was in AA, even without the changeup, how do you think he would do if he went back to AA now? I know its pure fantasy, but I just wonder what kind of numbers he would put up down there. SFF
  19. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 04:33 PM) And that will likely cause pressure, and eventually push them along. But they won't be in a hurry until they need to be. My curiosity got the better of me so I did a little research into the Iceland story. Interestingly, Iceland's hydrogen program is a venture backed by Icelandic New Energy, DaimlerChrysler, Norsk Hydro and Royal Dutch Shell, of which our familiar "Shell Oil" is a subsidiary. Yep, that big yellow and red shell sign is right now sitting in front of a fuel station that last year was the first station to successfully power a bus with hydrogen fuel in Iceland. Yep, Shell was involved - that big oil company. To really throw us for a loop, "big auto" (Chrysler) is also involved. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techinno...o-station_x.htm I don't mean to argue or be a big-oil apologist, God knows they ain't perfect either. I just thought this story was reason for optimism, regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall under. In any case, it also shows how complicated all this stuff is. Hopefully these efforts are merely the beginning . SFF
  20. I don't know if the patents reasoning completely explains the oil companies' behavior. Patents don't last forever, so if I were an oil company, I wouldn't be waiting until they run out before I persue the innovations. Also, they don't necessarily apply outside of the U.S. do they? The possibility of another nation leap-frogging me on a new technology idea would be a major incentive to me. In fact, I heard a piece of a story last week on the radio about Iceland taking the lead in researching clean hydrogen power. If I am Exxon, I don't sit on my butt right now, regardless of my earnings...or my patents. SFF
  21. Of course New Orleans isn't "toxic soup". Chocolate's only poisonous to dogs. SFF
  22. WilliamTell - I applaud you (even though it doesn't look like you need the applause to be your own man). I think the very fact that there is even a debate about this issue is - quite frankly - sad. SFF
  23. QUOTE(Soxy @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:43 PM) or preaching to the choir. . . (now there's some irony)
  24. Kyle, are you getting the feeling we are posting to a brick wall here? SFF
  25. QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) people underage drink everyday seriously the kids should never have even been ON probation. I think the judge was ridiculous and the school What it looks like we have hear is a disconnect in logic. If illegal behavior is common the law should not apply the consequences? If you want to make sense, I would suggest reframing the argument - you are going to have to suggest that teenage drinking should be legal. Good luck to you on that one. SFF
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