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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. If they get six more wins they are the best ever, case closed. SFF
  2. Well finally we can take the battles back to the field. Looking forward to actual baseball now, I have to wonder what the effect of "the play" will be. We know the Angels will be fired up, but other then that, which team, if either, will end up better served by the whole incident? Will this fire up the Angels to a level where they take control, or will they be so fired up that they lose their focus and open the door for a Sox win? How will the Sox react? Will the backlash from "the play" make even tighter then they have been this series or will they be loosened up now that they have a win under their belt? Or...is it all water under the bridge with both teams putting it behind them and playing the rest of the series as if the play never happened? SFF
  3. When you are passionate, play the game right, use your head, and give 100+ percent every minute, good fortune will shadow you. That is why the Twins inexplicably won more then it appeared they should on paper and why the odd bounces always went their way. A.J. generated that magic in Minny and he has packaged it and brought it here. He is the anti-corpseball. SFF
  4. I know what the writer means. Pierzinski is certainly the one guy everyone would vote most likely to pull the hidden ball trick on somebody, but I don't see it as a bad thing. All of the smallball, execution, opportunitistic play, and run manufacturing that we have counted on, and were overmatched with in game 1...all that turned full circle on A.J.'s heads-up play. We were upset that the Angels had the Sox number executionwise, but A.J. turned that table completely around in that one instant. I love it. SFF
  5. STOP IT! Quit worrying about what other people do or say about us or our team! Damn, first you spend years b****ing about people ignoring and disrespecting the Sox. Now you b**** when people jump on the wagon and give a few props. Quit the obsession with other folk's opinions and be your own person for crapsake! Just grow up and enjoy the team. SFF
  6. If you want to get literal on this, how about we define the word "out". The official score is that AJ had a strikeout. He was out; his batting average went down. Therefore, if the ump signaled "out" with his fist, that is not technically incorrect. Its a reach, and its nitpicky I know... Another thing, if the ump indisputibly signaled AJ out, is it still his prerogative to reverse himself? I am thinking of times umps have signaled out on plays at the plate and then seen the ball loose and signaled safe. Seems a comparable situation to me. Finally, I think this may finally be the effects of the Angels' fatigue finally being realized. Fatigue causes errors in judgment and worsens reaction time and reflexes. I bet if Josh Paul was fully rested he would have heard that little voice in his head telling him to tag AJ out as a precaution. Just a thought. SFF
  7. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:01 PM) Also the ball was trapped. On the replay you can see the ball bounce up into the mit, which indicates it was not caught cleanly. It was a really close call, the White Sox caught a break. But there is a chance it was the right call anyways. SB s***, I thought your sig meant stolen base
  8. Who does Anaheim have left to throw at us (we of course still have the entire bullpen)? If this game goes 15 innings don't we have good chances?
  9. I am glad I hold the Catholic position here. We believe the evolution theory could be (and likely is) true - but we just believe God had to be the ultimate force behind it and that humanity had a single origin. I guess my position can make everyone happy...or angry. SFF
  10. Well, if we know there will be a game 7, who cares about tonight's? Not only that, but I think after every 8 game streak, they have lost at least two in a row Seriously, just keep the walks down and keep the top of their lineup off the basepaths and the Sox should be able to take what will be a low scoring battle. SFF
  11. Execution and situational play - that was the key to the game and will be the key to the series. The Sox won't (and typically don't) put a lot of runners on the bases so they depend on execution. It always seems Anaheim has superior execution, which trumps Chicago's, and that is going to have to end for the Sox to take this series. SFF
  12. I don't know, at this point I don't think its even worth analyzing trends and matchups on paper. The 14-2 drubbing of Bostond convinced me that playoff games take a nature of their own, regardless of past history. Its a good thing too, because this will be the fourth time this year the Sox will look to win their ninth in a row. You know what happened the other three... SFF
  13. Who exactly does he think his audience is for this? If what he asserts is true, then he has no audience because nobody would be concerned enough with the Sox to read the article. Ergo...he must be writing to us, and ironically that's a failure too, because we don't care about all that trendy stuff anyway. As far as a rebuttle to any of this "Sox aren't popular" crap, I offer a paraphrase of a letter I had published in our local paper a few years back in response to a similar article: We can always argue that Sox fans aren't the most numerous, but are the best and most loyal. Why? Consider why people choose to follow teams: one, it is their local team, and two, they like to root for a winner. Well, in the case of the Sox fan, the explanation cannot just be that they are the local team, because certainly the Cubs would be the more attractive option. And, with an 87 year championship drought, it obviously is that we are just attracted to a winner. The makeup of a Sox fan apparently goes a lot deeper then any of that. We all have our stories and reasons, but together they make us the best fans in the world. SFF
  14. I said before the series began: if the White Sox could dispatch the World Champs, they would have to be considered "the s***" for as long as they remain in the playoffs. America, meet the White Sox. White Sox, meet America. SFF
  15. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 05:01 PM) I agree 100% show the rest of the league we are coming for the crown! POST. OF. THE. YEAR!!
  16. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 04:56 PM) huh? having to complete a potential white sox winner after scrapping one in the regular season
  17. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 04:54 PM) It wouldn't do any good. They are definitely playing this game til it is over. wouldn't that be the irony?
  18. In my eyes anyone who actually believes the president thinks he hears God actually talking into his ear is more likely to be crazy then the president would be. It is possible to have moral conviction based on deep faith, introspection, and prayer and not have it mean its like a Burns/Denver movie. First, if he were "just like them" there wouldn't even be an Iraq or Afghanistan anymore. Secondly, as far as the "fundamentalist enemy" (meaning the terror networks) - he's damn right you have to kill them all. There will be no white flags that end this. If that means I get called a warmonger, a hater, and ignorant- well then I accept those labels with pride. SFF
  19. I actually prefer the red jersey from the 70's Gilmore era. They had a script "Chicago" written across the front that was almost identical to the White Sox road script today. SFF
  20. Dang, it is like all the drama, success and magic of the first half is happening again but is being compressed into mere minutes. I don't know if I can handle it... SFF
  21. Thanks for the good wishes and congratulations to the tribe on that tear they went on down the stretch. Perhaps the experience is what the Sox needed to get out of their funk and become playoff ready. As far as the Indians, I really fear they could control the division like they did in the early/mid 90's with that balance and youth they have. How about we have two representatives from the central in the playoff years ahead? SFF
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