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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. No matter how you slice it, that is class on the part of the Cubs organization. The Sox fan in me doesn't like being upstaged by the northsiders, and sure as heck doesn't like losing to them. However, the human being in me can't help feeling good will after the gesture. I would like to believe some Sox fans would feel similarly. SFF
  2. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 11:28 PM) I don't really mind it. I think his reason for doing it (tribute to his high school team) is legit. What tribute? Did their high school's mascot get killed in a drive-by or something? Was anyone else intrigued by Jenks' appearences against the Tribe? Talk about contrast. First, you have Jenks, a farmboy hoss with a buzzcut hairdo facing Coco and Belliard with their oversized uniforms, dreadlocks, and crooked caps. Two ends of the spectrum right there... SFF
  3. Forcing people in bars to go outside to smoke? You know what, considering the amount of smoking that goes on in bars, it would almost be just as easy to force the non-smokers to go outside to have a drink. I don't know, I think the free market should be able to address this issue. There are what, 6 million people in the Chicago area? I would think there are enough non-smoking drinkers among that number to keep a handful of smoke-free bars profitable. Frankly, I think if the gov't is so anti-tobacco, they need to stop leveraging the issue for revenue and just ban it. What is the legal smoking age, 18? Well then, its simple Anyone who is born before 1987 (i.e. already "hooked") can continue to smoke, and it is illegal for anyone younger to smoke. Granted, enforcement would be nearly impossible, but if the gov't really isn't being hypocritical and really wants whats "best for us", it needs to stop taxing tobacco and just ban it... SFF
  4. Well, down here SHG got its 6th win. Their 23-8 win over Glenwood was their first real test. The dang multiplier will really water down the 5A playoff field this year SFF
  5. I like the the idea of having the chance to knock of the defending champions right off the bat. If they can do that they will be seen as the s*** for as long as they stay alive through they playoffs. SFF
  6. I can understand both sides of the talent vs. experience argument. One thing I would consider though, is that the only hitters in the National League who have ever even seen McCarthy are going to be watching the games at home. SFF
  7. Cleveland has a better chance in the playoffs? I am not sure why anyone is assuming the Sox can cool off after three months but the Indians can't . Frankly it looks like a tale of three seasons to me. The Sox owned the first season, Cleveland owned the second, and now we begin the third. I'm not seeing where one team is a distinctly better bet. SFF
  8. Huh? I guess he thought Brett, McRae and Otis were back playing for the Royals a couple weeks ago? I still have to call it a choke, but it looks like they might just have pulled out a Heimlich maneuver at the end. SFF
  9. JC has to start game one. I would have said it before tonight's game too. The current Sox rotation is very good, but the key is that JC is the only one who can just blow a good hitter away. The other guys on the team are crafty pitchers who seem to be very good against mediocre hitters. However, we have seen that really smart patient hitters can fare well against Buehrle, Garcia, etc. by being patient and looking to make good contact. JC is of a different mold. Well, I could probably add BMac as well, but he is not "overpowering" in the same kind of way and, even as poised as he is, I would be nervous of him starting game 1. SFF
  10. I guess this explains why KW has the GM position and we don't. It is real easy to second guess a GM when a player or the team is down, but if decisions were made according to the whim of the fan, Contreras obviously wouldn't be in Chicago anymore. Well, in fact, nobody on the team still would... SFF
  11. I think this will play out as a return to the 1950's where the top 4 teams battling it out were NY, Boston, Cleveland, and the Sox. Luckily, then only one of the teams made the postseason, whereas now only one team doesn't. Dang, I hope it isn't the Sox who don't . Heck, the way this team is going, the last three against Cleveland won't mean anything - and for the wrong reason SFF
  12. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 01:42 PM) We don't have Griffey on our roster, do we? No. Then he didn't make any deal. OK, I will agree with that. Concluding that he shares blame for KGJ not being on the roster now, what could he have done differently? He and the Reds GM "left the table" with a deal agreed to. Should he have dealt directly with the Reds primary owner rather then their GM? Is that how it is usually done? *pleading ignorance here* SFF
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) No offense to you, but if I hear that excuse actually come from Sox management after the season, I might join Ozzie in throwing up. There's no bonus points for coming close to making a deal. Correct me if I am wrong, but he didn't "come close" - he made the deal, didn't he? I do agree, though, that management has to take responsibility for the result, not the actions. I am just speaking from my perspective as a fan. SFF
  14. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 12:14 PM) And while I'm at it, a special shout out to those who b****ed all season long. Bet you all feel better, right? I don't get it. Why would someone worried in July that the team would fade be happy when his worries come true? You know, this optimist/pessimist forum war is really getting old. SFF
  15. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Sep 23, 2005 -> 12:02 PM) KW put a contending product on the field in 2003 and 2005, unfortunatly he was hamstrung by his manger in 2003 and may be once again 2005. Although I think he should've gotten a bat, the manager is not putting his players and team in a position to win. He DID get a bat. He completed a deal for Griffey (who was at the time healthy), remember? Reds ownership nixed it after the fact but KW did his part. He made the trade; he aquired the bat. SFF
  16. Not much news on our homefront, well, other than my 3 year old daughter deciding to cut her own hair last week... SFF
  17. For what its worth, some lingerie firm had a survey for National Breast Pride Week (I didn't know there was such a thing) and asked who has the best "real" breasts. Kelly Brook won: SFF
  18. Well, ironically, Brantley's comments are not a big deal. The nation at large couldn't care less about the Sox, so ergo they could care less about anything Brantley has to say about them. It is not as if there are Sox haters all over the country just feeding off his comments. SFF
  19. This resource is fantastic. I got to finish the evening yesterday by listening to some good 'ole Willie Nelson You can quit laughing now, I never claimed to be hip and cool in the first place... SFF
  20. I don't even know what to think about this one. Apparently the world's first face transplant is on the horizon for some fortunate (or possibly unfortunate) burn victim. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/face_transplant...HNlYwNzc3JlbA-- The whole idea freaks me out but if I think about it, it really makes sense. I just don't know. I gotta pose two questions. First, would you be willing to receive a new face? Second, and this is the kicker: would you donate your face and let someone else run around with it after you're gone? Whew, *shudder*. SFF
  21. I still remember in the days right before the trading deadline when Marte was rumored to be a pawn in some of those trades. I recall Ozzie (or was it Coop?) mentioning that Marte's feelings would get hurt about it. That right there made me lose faith in Damaso. You can't be fragile and be a late innings guy. SFF
  22. I hate to say it, but right now if I made the rankings, I would take all the teams playing .550+ ball, and rank the Sox immediately behind the worst one of them. Not trying to be a bombthrower, but that is just my honest opinion at this point in time. SFF
  23. For what its worth, we had a young Mississippi lady who fled Katrina talk to us at a church meeting. She had nothing but what she was wearing and her 3 year old son and was grateful for her life and the spirit she saw in the victims and help that came together throughout the ordeal. Anyway, she addressed this issue. She said she hated the term refugee (for reasons similar to those voiced here). In fact, the didn't like the term "evacuees" because that implied they had a place to go back to, when in many cases they simply didn't. The term she thought was most accurate was "displaced" because that is simply what happened to all these people. SFF
  24. QUOTE(JuiceCruz16 @ Sep 13, 2005 -> 10:39 AM) There is a wider variety of opinions that are accepted here. Yes, and a wider variety of topics too. For instance, you won't find any, ahem, "Hot Chick Contest" at the other site SFF
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