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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. Love the new policy, but have a couple of questions: 1)We can't personally attack players. Sorry if this sounds smart-ass but does this apply just to White Sox players or all MLB players (i.e. Sosa, Torii, Bonds...)? 2)Wouldn't it be wise to remove the "I'm with stupid" emoticon from the smiley's list? Using it can't lead to anything good... SFF
  2. QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 04:40 AM) He may have had an average W-L pct, but Nolan Ryan was far from an average pitcher. You mean someone who accumulates 5000+ strikeouts and then stills throws 98mph at 43 years old is not just a run of the mill pitcher?
  3. I get an odd feeling about the situation too. I know he will be here in September, but to me it just doesn't add up why he hasn't been up before then. SFF
  4. Most of those folks seem ok over there, but I get a weird, almost condecending vibe. Apparently some of them can't separate the Cubs and their fans from the Sox and their fans. A couple of them seem to have a vested interest in seeing the Sox fail, or at least in convincing people they will. SFF
  5. QUOTE(RDriesen @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 08:01 PM) Latest from our side http://www.redszone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39639 Another link over there is http://www.redszone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39609 For this link, you DO NOT need to sign up to read it. If you want to post, then you have to sign up to get access to the "casual" fans thread over there. Thanks Rdriesen! SFF (a.k.a. "ChisoxFan" on Redszone.com)
  6. So... some reliever with nice numbers in AAA just got called up for the stretch run. Well hey, what the heck, I hope the guy does alright. SFF
  7. QUOTE(WSNS-TV44 @ Aug 28, 2005 -> 02:06 PM) Oh,man!!!! Bobby is a keeper!If you can throw 100 or 102,that's Nolan Ryan-like stuff you possess!But now this creates a debate. Hermanson or Jenks? Makes you really appreciate Nolan Ryan, doesn't it? Think about it. Nolan threw 100mph Jenks type heat as a starter and pitched many seasons over a long career. Add to that the fact that he went very deep into games, many times going well beyond 100 pitches a game. I recall reading that when he set the season strikeout record (383 ) he needed one last strikeout in his last game to eclipse Koufax, and went into extra innings with well over 100 pitches to do it. Incredible. Just incredible. LT
  8. I am sure there probably were plenty of scientists who at one point would have said it would be impossible to put the kinds of times up in the 400 that Michael Johnson did several years ago, or even the 4 minute mile before anyone reached it. Also, Jenks is not quite what I would call your "average" human being. The guy is simply a horse. BTW, I remember JR Richard. Man he was scary. He pretty much matched Nolan Ryan for speed, usually in the 99-100 range, but the guy was tall. That pitch came down at you SFF
  9. Uh, this is going to sound really stupid, but why are we looking for another starter for that game? edit: Oh ok I see now. It is a doubleheader so they want to retain the same number of off days for the other starters. I guess it really was a stupid question
  10. I wonder if the spot was opened up just in case it was needed. Could KW perhaps just be thinking Cincinnati ownership could cave on August 31 and so he wants to have that spot open at a moment's notice in the unlikely event KGJ is acquired? SFF
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 04:16 PM) Ya, I'm not knocking anyone that wants to complain. I understand, I just want to try and limit it to this thread. Kind of as a place to go and vent. Gotcha, Chisoxfan. I will consider this the virtual bartender thread. SFF
  12. I am not going to comment on whether the team is toast now, or whether I should be optimistic. But crimony, after last night you have to at least understand there are some fans who are going to be really hurting, who just don't feel they can take it, and who feel they want to just jump off the bandwagon. IMO they are still fans, even if it looks like they are turning on the team - and they will be fans forever. Parents, especially of teenagers: have you ever had your kid yell that he hates you? Have you ever felt that way toward your parents? Well, isn't it the same kind of thing? Just like our parents, we all love our Sox - so much that it hurts like hell sometimes. Some of us just bear the burden differently. I think the best thing this board can do is be a virtual bartender when our aggravation and is at odds with rational thought. So what'll ya have? SFF
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 09:29 PM) Excuse me, but I've been saying for over a month now that KW, Ozzie, and the rest of the Sox organization tried to just coast into the playoffs. KW and Ozzie were too busy worrying about the team chemistry instead of trying to find integral parts that could help the team. Instead of actually having a good 4th outfielder, Ozzie would rather have Timo on the bench. I know a lot of people dislike me on this board, but I think all of them will state that I've been saying we weren't as good as our record all season. I'm a Sox fan, but I'm also a baseball fan....and this offense just has way too many easy outs. I repeat: nobody on the team (except injured Pods) is even hitting .280. That simply won't work.
  14. QUOTE(S720 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 09:26 PM) Fathom, I don't get it? Why KW should be fired? Who is he going to trade for now? The players only have themselves to blame if this team actually collapse. You whine too much man. Calm down man. Think of it this way. Tomorrow is the brand new 40-game season, and the Sox have 7 games up on the Indians. I take our chances, wouldn't you? Ask all of the Indians fans to see which they would choose. If I were a CLE fan, I honestly think I would like the greenness of my grass right now.
  15. If we can't even make the playoffs this year, you can just kiss any chance to win the world series in our lifetimes goodbye. It is obviously just impossible.
  16. Has any team been 35 games over .500 and then not made the postseason, at least since divisional play began?
  17. Well, will this shake the team into life again or just kill it?
  18. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 09:14 PM) 7/12 games trimmed in three weeks. This may be about the time to begin worrying about a collapse. Dang it would be a sick irony if backing into the playoffs ending up being a good thing...
  19. To update an earlier post: now the Sox have NO healthy players hitting .280 WTF?
  20. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 09:10 PM) Our pitching staff has to be frustrated over this. You can only do so much on the mound before one mistake is made. If we happen to face Santana in the playoffs, are we all going to schrug our shoulders and simply concede a loss? Bulls***. Learn how to hit Santana. Take extra video, change your techniques. What they did today to Garcia is inexcusable. Garcia has just had the worst luck pitching performance since Andy Hawkins
  21. If we lose, what do you think Batgirl's column will be like? SFF
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 08:50 PM) Don't worry, once Pods gets back, we'll be fine....... yeah, he will be the second guy over .280 (.282) I guess the playoffs will be the time to test the "good pitching beats good hitting" theorem, huh?
  23. Pablo Ozuna is the only healthy guy on our team hitting over .280
  24. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 08:43 PM) He appears to be OK. Griffey will have to stay with the Reds. I guess that means BMac stays with us then (1 ER, 10K's in 7ip tonight ) SFF
  25. Hey, no fair - where's my Springfield Barbie? What's with 20 Chicagoland barbies and just one for anywhere else in the state?
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