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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. My biggest fear is that St. Louis makes a claim and makes a deal. Jockety works magic every season and has been quiet over there for too long now. That team is hurting in the corner spots and I could see them shoehorning KGJ in there somewhere. The question is what would they offer? Their minor league is barren. SFF
  2. Folks, yesterday's game was a signature game for Neal. It showed to me he has come full circle since he joined the bigs in 2003: In 2003, the last game of the August series at Yankee stadium was the game Manuel started him instead of MB, and he recorded just one out, giving up four runs on three hits and five walks. Yesterday, in 2005's last game of the August series at Yankee stadium, he comes in late with nerves of steel to shut down the Yankees and get the W. I think it is just one more exclamation point on this amazing season. Neal Cotts! SFF
  3. I guess the formula is simple. Our pitchers just needs to continue to be as stellar as the opponent pitchers appear to be. So far its working anyway... SFF
  4. FWIW (it probably doesn't even matter), but the Angels just decended into hell and managed to grab a couple of runs against Oakland. Edit: make that 4 runs (A's wearing turtlenecks with 2 errors already)
  5. Count really had some guts tonight. But do you know who had more? That Sox fan behind the plate showing off his "HE GONE" sign after Marte struck out Posada in the 9th. Man, did he have a set to do that! SFF
  6. QUOTE(spiderman @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 06:40 PM) You're referring to the traditional waiver wire that runs all season as opposed to now where it's not revealed when a player is placed on waivers....I think most teams will put quite a few of their players on waivers, and will end up pulling back nearly all (especially if you're contending).... I'm just surprised that it's August 9th, and we haven't heard any names getting blocked/passing through, and that goes back to my original questions of how long will it take for a player to get through waivers, and when is a player originally put on waivers ... Oh ok, I got it now. Thanks for the clarification!
  7. QUOTE(spiderman @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 11:16 AM) When are we going to start hearing who has cleared waivers ? For example, when was Griffey put on waivers, and how long would it take for him to get through? This is my question too. Wouldn't we know if he were placed on waivers. I am positive I remember seeing "such-and-such placed so-and-so on waivers" in the transactions column of my morning paper at various times in the past. They do still do that don't they? SFF
  8. Folk's, if the guy's negative, what's the matter with that? That is the way he feels and isn't this the place to voice your feelings? Now if he was trying to force you to be negative too, then you have a gripe. However, I have a hunch that, like the times I post negative, I am hoping someone will either provide some hope it will get better or that I was wrong. Sometimes we just have to play virtual bartender, you know? SFF
  9. I gotta go with the Bangles. They all played instruments, they all sang, and they all wrote. In college I would leave MTV on all night just so I could hear them. Well, not just hear them... SFF Jeez, I gotta grow up.
  10. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) I'll bet that he went to stand up to grab some TP, and the pocket got caught on the seat, thus allowing the wallet to slide out. That's the best I can come up with. That, or a mugger came in, took the wallet, heard a cop coming, the guy tried to wrestle the wallet back away from the mugger, the mugger pushed him away and let go of the wallet which fell into the toilet, and the mugger jumped out the window and down the escape ladder. I've been watching too much Monk recently. Well, that's the closest guess (the first part, not the mugger part). I was finished and preparing to, um, cleanse the situation, and the wallet fell out of my front pocket. Don't ask me why I kept it there but sometimes I do. Anyway, I don't usually let the pants fall completely to my ankles. That just seems preschoolish to me. The belt area was actually around my thighs, next to the bowl rim (you mean that's not normal?). I guess with the pocket somewhere near the bowl, me shifting my position, and the lining in pockets getting hung up, I was bound for tragedy. SFF
  11. QUOTE(Balance @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 03:07 PM) I'm upset at all the media coverage about this non-story, but for a different reason. Look at all the real news that is being ignored! Hello? Karl Rove committed treason, but that's getting swept under the rug. The war in Iraq is going miserably, but they're not reporting on that. The news media has turned into frickin' People and the Enquirer. Let me guess: you are called "Balance" because "Don't_Blame_Me_I_Voted_For_Kerry" doesn't fit in the screen name area. SFF
  12. Jeez, why didn't the guy say "Sorry, haha, I mean't 'it's nippy out' and 'sorry, I mean't 4th floor'. Haha, priceless. I'm not that bad, but I guess I am not immune. Just this afternoon after heating my brat in the microwave without a plate, I asked the guy sitting next to me: "dang, have you ever burned your fingers on your sausage?". SFF
  13. If you want irony, guess what? We are all complaining about the media giving legs to this story, but guess what? We have five pages of discussion about it right here! The media is giving the story legs, but obviously the public is running with them. Friggin' public!!! SFF
  14. That's just one more reason we shouldn't have women in space. Sorry, just kidding . SFF
  15. I would move training operations back to Florida now if it meant bringing him on board. SFF
  16. I guess I gotta chime in here... I will admit she made a poor decision and nobody should be surprised she was killed for it. However, she still didn't deserve to die. Other then killing another person, there isn't much someone can do that they really deserve to die for. I won't judge Natalee, as sick as I am of seeing he face by now. What I do have a problem with is the coverage she is getting compared to the lack of coverage all the other missing kids get. Kids are the most valuable thing in the world and in that regard, Natalee does deserve the coverage. However, so does every other missing kid! That isn't possible, but the exclusive coverage of Holloway suggests that what we have is a fairness issue at best, and more likely a class, status, and race issue going on too. SFF
  17. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 06:51 PM) You know... ESPN 1000 streams on the internet now. Thanks for the info. That is good to know. Unfortunately it won't help me during the day because they frown on listening to streaming audio here at work SFF
  18. QUOTE(ScottPodRulez22 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 03:26 PM) Is that you Springfieldfan You signed it SFF Haha, yeah that's me. Somehow I got my nickname from another board registered on this one . Ltravisjr is a bogus name. Sorry about that... SFF
  19. QUOTE(Tadahito15 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 11:15 AM) No kidding. Some people need to learn to appreciate this team. This is what I don't get. Can't somebody appreciate the team and revel in the season but also take note of an occasional minor concern?
  20. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 10:48 AM) This may seem ridiculous, and it probably is, but Oakland is 9 back of the Sox. In recent years, they have often gotten really hot in the second half and just not let up. They are doing it again. Do you think there is any remote concern they could catch them if they win 40-45 of their remaining 56 games and the Sox play .500? Where did you say that?????? If the sky is falling I will use you as an umbrella. That was what I posted right before your first post. Perhaps you were typing at the same time as I was and didn't see it. In any case, its cool. Also, its really not a falling sky issue. I was just highlighting the only thing that is really in any doubt at all - home field considerations, and I do admit that there really isn't much doubt there anyway. SFF
  21. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 08:55 AM) 9 back from what??? They arent in our division and we arent fighting for the WC. So exactly what are we looking back for?? I also nominate this for dumbest post of the year. RR, did you read my post from right before you posted? I thought I made it pretty clear I was looking at playoff home field ramifications. WC has nothing to do with it. I have no problem with you nominating it as dumbest, but I would at least hope you base it on the context of the discussion. SFF
  22. This may seem ridiculous, and it probably is, but Oakland is 9 back of the Sox. In recent years, they have often gotten really hot in the second half and just not let up. They are doing it again. Do you think there is any remote concern they could catch them if they win 40-45 of their remaining 56 games and the Sox play .500? I self nominate this as dumbest post of the year, but hey, I have given up waiting for the A's to cool off... SFF
  23. Hey, does Jenks have his heat back tonight? I noticed he has no K's. I know heat and K's aren't the be-all/end-all, but with Jenks' injury history, I just had to ask. SFF
  24. I can't believe the lack of national attention to this guy. He is absolutely dominant. 16 wins now and and ERA under 2.30. Considering he is only giving up a mere handful of hits a game these days, I think you have to consider him the best in the game right now. One more reason I don't want to see St. Louis if we make it that far. SFF
  25. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 09:47 AM) It's kinda like the big 10 logo. It's hard to see the 11, but when you do, it's the first thing you see from then on. Similar, though different. In the Brewers logo, the same foreground item represents different things. The Big 10 logo, however, uses the background or "negative space". In psychology, I think it is called "figure/ground ambiguity". It is like the Chicago "C" on my avatar. If you look closely at the negative space, you will see a sock. SFF
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