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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 05:17 PM) I still dont get the 88 pitches for Garland??? Damn right, Jenks has half that himself
  2. FWIW, on Politte, my uncle was his coach when he was in high school in St. Louis. We were discussing him a couple weeks back and he said the key to his success this year has been the way the Sox used him (i.e. not overworking him). he was referring more to the fact that Cliff had had a history of injuries because of overwork rather than just simple ineffectiveness. Still, he has been thrust into more of a role with Hermy's situation lately so I wonder if that could have anything to do with it.
  3. You know, I really think Oakland looks better when they are wearing the jerseys with green on them that say "Athletics". What's with the blue?
  4. Well dang, its quieter out there than a theif in a monastery. Hmm...
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 10:39 AM) Oh Heaven for bid someone ask a question to rock the boat a little... :headshake Agree to disagree... it's such a nice thought. Its cool, if folks think I am mistaken on something, I want to know about it, cause I just may be . Now the term "f***tard"... well, at least I have another term to add to my vocabulary, lol.
  6. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 10:37 AM) Well, the regulars have played a s***load of games together, so if they haven't "gelled" yet, they aren't going to. As far as getting rusty, I'd be more concerned of them getting tired. The regulars will still end the season playing a ton of games. A day off here and there can only do them good. Its not like they don't do anything on games they have off anyways. For the most part, they have the same pregame regimine as they do on games they start. I understand you're being concerned. I just find it hard to believe that giving your starters a game off once or twice a week would do much damage. Well, I do tend to agree with you and Yas. My (probably irrational) concern is that Oz might give the starters even more rest now that the division isn't in doubt. I may be wrong, but if he did that, I would wonder a bit because it would seem unconventional to me. Ah crap, I need to get off this paranoia. I am worrying about a consequence that may not happen from a decision that may not happen. Thanks, guys.
  7. Folks, this is an honest question about an honest concern; I am not trying to stir things up or simply disagree to disagree. So...If Ozzie implements a "rest the regulars" policy so they are not banged up in the playoffs, could it cause them to get rusty by not playing together as often? The infielders (especially the SS and second baseman) need to always be on the same wavelength and always know and anticipate where eachother is. That comes with playing together continuously. I agree, so far it has not been a problem, but what if he decides to rest the regs even more as we go through the hot August stretch run? So my concern: will breaking that up frequently on the stretch drive cause them to lose their "gel" when playing together? Really, this may not be an intelligent concern, but it is an honest one, so set me straight.
  8. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 09:41 AM) You guys seriously don't get it. This is for if we make it to the playoffs, Ozzie will have the flexibility/confidence to go to any one of his guys to get whatever job done. If you guys seriously think Ozzie would plug all these guys in at once in a playoff game, you're simply f***tarded. Ozzie's just trying to keep his guys fresh, if they're going to be on this roster. Hang cool. man. I just don't want the regulars getting rusty by not all playing together for a substantial part of the time. Maybe I am paranoid and the Oz way will prove right. I hope that is that case. It just doesn't seem like I remember Lopes, Cey & Garvey, or Conception, Rose & Morgan, or Ripken & Murray being plugged in and out of the lineup weekly. SFF Oh and I apologize for the smart-assness of my prior remark. It was uncalled for.
  9. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 10:33 PM) Ozzie's got to play the bench players from time to time. He keeps the bench sharp... Well, nice to see its working...
  10. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 07:47 AM) i agree. in my opinion the only prospects who are ever untouchable are sure fire guys. the guys like delmon young, and felix hernandez. i mean i remember when people threw a fit that we traded anthony webster to texas. tell me what these guys have amounted to? the only ones who have contributed are gary majewski, kip wells and josh fogg. fogg has been just plain bad, wells has been ok. but even i will say that the ritchie deal was abysmal. but what about webster? rupe? frankie francisco had 1 good year then went nuts and hurt himself. olivo is a huge bust. reed will be a decent OFer, but in our system would still be ranked behind anderson and young IMO. rauch hasnt amounted to anything. reed, majewski and morse are the only ones who look like htey might be solid major leaguers, and lets face it majewski 1.) isnt as good as his numbers this year, and 2.) nobody shed a tear when he left. morse.....1.) the sox wanted to get rid because of personal issues, and 2.) also isnt really as good as he has done this year. if he was the mariners wouldnt have started wilson valdez at the beginning of the year now look at who we got in trades like those.....garcia, everett (2nd in RBIs on this team playin in fewer games than most). those two alone are a huge reason why we are in 1st. yes alomar and ritchie sucked, but the guys we have gotten have had a bigger impact than the guys we gave up. so if KW wants to deal bmac, young, anderson etc......go for it. i want to see our guys with a ring Webster, lol! I had forgotten about him!
  11. Are there records kept for the amount of rain delays a team experiences in a season, at least at the start of the game? I swear this season the Sox must be close to it if there is. It is getting rather annoying.
  12. QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:35 PM) this is random, but anyone happen to see the chick in the green top above sox dugout Friggin local-only WCIU games
  13. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:33 PM) I said it before the game. If we dont see Marte in the later innings, even warming up, the deal is going through. That reminds me, what was Frank Thomas thinking by admitting to the world he is hurt again? Couldn't he and the Sox have waited until after the trade deadline to make such a big deal about it? That cost them some trade leverage IMO.
  14. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:29 PM) Yes, but I'd much rather try to beat Boston or NY and not deserve than try to go up against Oakland and get crushed. In any case the whole curse thing is a moot point now. If the Sox are cursed with Oakland, so is the rest of the American league. Zito has a two hitter going tonight...again. It would be a great matchup methinks
  15. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:25 PM) I completely agree with you. Some people think that he's the best pitcher ever. It's not like he had a 0.00 ERA in the minors. He'll have games where he looks amazing....and games where he struggles. And like you said, it's 100 times better to see him pitch than Shingo from a flat-out fun aspect. For fun, I tell you you couldn't beat Jenks' first appearance. Didn't he come in right after Shingo with that 65mph "junk"?
  16. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:24 PM) At this point and time, yes. Yep, but I would have to say they are looking at taking the West now. Apparently they are just getting better.
  17. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:09 PM) don't you think Oakland has to cool off eventually? Maybe after they stomp the Twins? Man, am I glad the Sox don't face them again. I don't know, they are 26 of their last 32 and have had a couple years recently where they were just unconcious in the second half. If we play them we might catch them overconfident but the hell with all that...
  18. CLE 0 OAK 8 (3rd) Sorry but sometimes you just gotta take your fear and stare it in the face.
  19. The only guy without at least 2 hits has 3 walks...
  20. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:00 PM) keep climbing baby, that way we can deal him. lol, that's harsh... but true
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