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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 2, 2005 -> 10:22 PM) Today my son Brendan turned 1. I get done with his party and the cleanup to turn on the TV to see the whitesox getting a final out in a game in the 7th level of hell for a WhiteSox winner. I can sit back now and say the day is perfect. Nice win for the whitesox, and a nice day for my family. Its all good. Happy Birthday to Brendan! Maybe it was him who broke the curse Brendan!!
  2. Yes, after the tough luck loss the the Cubs, a 13th win tonight for Cy-G!!
  3. If they win they ought to hop around like they won the World Series.
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 2, 2005 -> 10:03 PM) Curses are no excuse for poor play. This being said for the 1093448457239528th time. No of course it is not a curse. As Ozzie said months ago when asked if the Sox had a curse like the Cubs: He said they didn't need any curse excuses because they just had horses*** teams a lot of years. You tell it, Oz. However, that does not mean I dismiss Oakland without concern. Curse or no curse, we haven't won in Oakland for far too long for it to be random chance. Whatever it is, there is a cause for our dismal trips there, and I will hate the idea of them playing there until they do whatever it is they need to do to start winning there. SFF
  5. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 2, 2005 -> 09:51 PM) Pods not walking = bad. Aside from the one AB to start off the game, I haven't seen him work the count like he was in April/early May. I can agree, although I would add I think he had traded some of those walks for a few more hits.
  6. Yeah, we need one more run to offset whatever run Crosby is going to be involved in when he comes up again SFF
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 2, 2005 -> 09:45 PM) Hey, if you could somehow remove the month of May, he'd be hitting nearly .300. Yeah, and if you could remove games at Oakland from the schedule, the Sox would be 30 games over !
  8. Does anyone know if any of the other usual "contenders" have places they simply can't win at year after year? Do the Twins have a hellhole? Do the Red Sox? The Cardinals? SFF
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, buckle your seat belts...
  10. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jul 2, 2005 -> 09:12 PM) IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STADIUM!!!! Well whatever it does has to do with, its always happening in Oakland
  11. Jeez, Garland was perfect thru three, with an 0-2 count leading the 4th and hits they guy in the back. I have just one comment: O-I-O (Only In Oakland) I better not have to freaking post that again tonight! SFF
  12. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 09:29 PM) Not going to have 3 guys on the same starting staff get into the game, not going to happen, and IMHO, It's better that way. Normally I would agree, but we have a case where the team playing near .700 ball may very only have one position player in the game, and a reserve at that. The team deserves strong representation - somewhere. To be honest, though, I would rather have no Sox players in the all star game. This season holds far too much promise for anyone to be getting hurt in a "popularity contest". SFF
  13. QUOTE(BDavisFutureHOF @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 12:23 PM) http://www.weather.com/activities/driving/..._topnav_driving Looking at it hour by hour -- it doesnt look so good Dang that means our game will end the same time as the Cub game. I thought we would be able to listen to our own postgame coverage. Thought I could get some peace from the "wood-ie priorgasm" that has been going on in this town lately. SFF
  14. I knew a lot of folks would be venting, cursing, and jumping on the Sox case. The Sox didn't take advantage, they were too eager, they were weak at the plate, the pressed. They they they... That is the easy way out. What we have to realize today is that the result wasn't what the Sox and Garland didn't do - its what the Cubs and Prior did do. It is easy to admit the Sox hosed it because that implies they should have won it. That wasn't what I observed though. Today the Cubs were simply the better team, and had the better pitcher. End of game, end of story. Believe me, I would rather jump on the Sox then give the Cubs their due, but this one was earned by the Cubbies, folks. They were the playoff quality team - this afternoon anyway. SFF
  15. Prediction: Regardless of what we may have heard, until the Sox put a point on the board, Baker is leaving Prior IN. SFF
  16. It would take a lot for them not to make the playoffs, but anything is possible. In 2001, it would have taken 102 wins just to get the wildcard. Although unlikely, it is hardly impossible that Minnesota could sweep the next series against the Sox. In that scenario, we are talking about a 5 or 6 game lead and we have a real pennant race on our hands... SFF
  17. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ May 25, 2005 -> 01:11 PM) I realize that it is retarded to rank guys based on one outing, but I'll at least try to answer the guy's question. From what I saw of the two players I'd rather have B-Mac. Santana seemed to be featuring only two pitches: a 94 MPH fastball and a decent slider that he didn't seem to have full control of. He had no real breaking stuff from what I saw, which is a major problem. B-Mac on the other hand had a really nice curveball that he seemed to have solid control of, and he has a changeup that we didn't really see in that start. His fastball didn't quite have as much zip, but that could change as he fills out his frame a bit. Thanks Zoom. That is about all I was asking. Having not seen Santana, I didn't know if he threw heat, had pinpoint control, nasty offspeed stuff, or some combination. Therefore, I had no general idea how he compared to BMac. SFF (aka "the guy")
  18. Hey, I didn't see the first Angels game on Monday. However, I heard Santana being described as having "electric" stuff and being lights out in the minors. My question, judging by how you saw Santana look, is: who would you rather have, him or Brandon McCarthy. Which one is has the better upside? SFF
  19. I won't doubt it is here to stay and on balance is a good thing, but in a way it seems a bit unfair the way it is now. I mean, is it fair that every year the Mets have to play the Yankees six times while St. Louis always gets the Royals for that part of the schedule every year? The rivalries are great, but it seems a bit inequitable...
  20. Dang, they are really just one good game away from being #3 - and Thomas will be back soon! SFF
  21. So now another crosstown weekend has concluded, and as more often then not, the Sox came out the better. However, overall, do you like interleague play and these annual bloodbaths with the Cubs? Frankly, I cant stand them. I can't stand the Cubs, I don't like to have to think about them, and I hate the way my guts get tied up in knots every time we have to play them. Winning against them is almost more of a relief then a cause of celebration for me. I don't know about you, but I wish the Cubbies would just stay over there in their own league where I don't have to put up with them. How do you all feel? SFF
  22. I thought this would be fitting the "Pale Hose Talk" forum. I don't know if anyone saw it (forgive me if it has been posted here) but Frank Deford's Viewpoint column in SI.com is all about how "Pale Hose" is the best alternative nickname in all of sports. Awesome. Here is the link: Hail to the Hose SFF
  23. I can't wait to see this tomorrow. I know it won't happen, but I would love to see him throw the first pitch 10' over AJ's head and the second behind the hitter, just to scare the crap out of them. Then settle in and have some fun... SFF
  24. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 20, 2005 -> 04:57 PM) Bulls***. This ain't Mickey Mantle we are talking about. The Sox don't cower to anyone. Smart baseball, yes. Pitching around someone every time at bat. Hell no. All I know is that I don't really want this intercity series to be another where it winds up being "Lee" who killed the oppostion with his bat. SFF
  25. First, if you check my screen name I hope you wouldn't expect me to attend 50 or 60 games a year, but anyway... I don't thing you can write off these early season attendence figures as simply the fault of the cold weather. Look at Cleveland. Back when they were winning they sold out that place for like three or four years straight didn't they? That's in Cleveland, too - friggin' Cleveland! Their weather is no better then Chicago's this time of year. I just don't see how you can reconcile the attendance for a winning Cleveland franchise with the attendence of a winning Sox club without getting critical of our turnout. Either there are a lot of poor fans out there who don't go to games or there are not that many fans in the first place. My guess is that the Sox actually have a fairly small fan base - although the fans they DO have are the best and most dedicated in baseball. SFF
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