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Texsox last won the day on October 6 2024

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About Texsox

  • Birthday 09/01/1961

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    Lost between two shores . . .

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    The other members
  • Soxtalk Awards
    2004: Thread Starter of the Year 2005: Soxtalk Hall of Famer 2006: Best Threadstarter 2008: (tie) Drinking Buddy
  • Favorite Sox player
    None Currently
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Michael Jordan
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Southside Hit Men, Rally Crede, Buerhle Perfect game, & Singing with Nancy Faust
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Fisk, Baines, Thomas, Wood, Buerhle

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  1. There has to be a minor league deal for him somewhere
  2. This is easily the least looked forwarded to opening day in my life. But with low expectations comes the opportunity of fun
  3. Those early ones were heavy and really held the heat. Eventually they were basically waffle irons.
  4. Was the grill really great? Maybe the early ones but they really started cutting corners and making them cheap. Great boxer and seemed like a great human.
  5. Objectively the system is improved and the manager position has an upgrade. I'm thinking he's done better than I expected so a B.
  6. The one factor that always is a problem with rating a GM are the trades he turned down and the offers that other teams rejected. It's easy to say I would make this trade and believe it would have happened.
  7. Just wondering why we care that a urinal is sanitized? Asking for a friend.
  8. It's always the second highest bidder that sets the price.
  9. Not so bold. Every time a Sox player is mentioned we'll think who? 🤔
  10. I believe that is an excellent example of an outlier. And based on over a hundred years of White Sox baseball we are much more likely to give than receive in that scenario.
  11. Just when Burke was feeling good about himself you bring up his future. Bastard raining on his parade. Lol
  12. I especially didn't like the font.
  13. Slightly absurd that writers will say no one year but yes the next. Yet in an absurd system, this does seem absurd.
  14. I already know I'm in a small minority with this view. I'm a believer in it being a Hall of Fame not hall of great stats. It's a celebration of baseball and the players who played the game. I'm ok if guys who elevated the game with their character are recognized. Guys like Buerhle and Baines played the game in the way, and were the kind of humans, that I could point to as why baseball is a great game. Cheaters, liers, and criminals don't meet that bar. But again, no need to call me out, give other examples, etc. I'm not trying to influence anyone's opinion, just sharing mine.
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