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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. Public money means spending our taxes. Private money buys advantage and opportunity for the weathly. Both mixes the worst of both. How would you fund the elections? If you decide public or both how would you determine who gets funded? Can anyone apply? Should it be matching where they only get funded if they already have money. If private should there be limits? Should an American have the right (some would argue it's a free speech issue) to give $10,000,000 to a candidate? Does that buy too much favor?
  2. I never got past the birthday party when I was in High School. ZZZZzzzzz A few years ago my son begged me to read the first book and I was hooked. I guess everything in it's time.
  3. Interesting points. Politics is money. But money flows to the guy who is in need. If my guy is cruising to an easy victory (theory is) he doesn't need my donation. If my guy is locked in a struggle I better send him some support ($$). Then you have the front runner mentality. The guys who are 4/5/6 in this are toast when it comes to raising money unless they have a single agenda that is fueling it. For example, Sharpton's financial supporters may continue while his/their message has a wide platform.
  4. Texsox

    So long...

    PA, Is this your last semester? Have you started looking for positions back near Miss PA2004? I am certain this is probably a great time to line up those reference letters from your so-workers
  5. Ah Brando, you love to bait. Why did you read Clinton's bio? Hillary? Jennifer Lopez? or any of the pop celebrity bios? To find meaning in your life? To be "fascinated and inspired" "educated about a particular ideology" of J-LO! Maybe you, but not me, I aim a little higher. Maybe you can learn something "TO LEARN ABOUT THESE INIVIDUALS FROM THE SOURCE ITSELF, ABOUT THEIR WORLDVIEW AND SELF-VIEW AND EXPERIENCE.....TO EDUCATE MYSELF ABOUT A PARTICULAR IDEOLOGY.....ABOUT A CERTAIN TIME AND PLACE IN HISTORY......ABOUT LIFE AS A WHOLE EVEN.......ANYTHING I CAN DRAW UPON LATER PRETTY MUCH" from Christina Aquilera or Britney Spears, I can not. These bios are being sold in huge numbers because B&N places huge displays in the middle of the store. These sell because every talk show covers them. Hell, half of autobiographies really aren't. They are authored by a team of ghost writers so the books can be on the shelves while the persons popularity is still high. Or do you believe that I detest students that parrot things they heard in other classes and can not defend their thoughts. They repeat stuff they think the professor wants to hear. That is what I detest. People need to think for themselves. You, of course are free to believe everything you read in a autobiography, I choose not to. Every biography contains a secret. The secret is truth. If you and I each wrote about this exchange we would have different stories. Mine would of course be the truth. Of course you will believe yours will be closer and you just proved my point. You can not trust what you learn in the bio. BTW, I am ROTFLMAO You remind of a little chattering kid wanting attention. Here is a pat on your head, now go away.
  6. Mark picks up what E-Lo drops off and we did not replace Bart. Then we add an unproven pitcher in the 5 spot and it is a nightmare. Add question marks at 1st, 2nd, and CF. Pray for a bargain basement closer from Japan with a great nickname and it's not looking too good. Frank and Jose are another day older. Which is bad. Lee, Crede, and Maggs are another day older and that is a good thing.
  7. I agree 100% it is a nice picture of Maggs
  8. The Cadillac dealer could understand him just fine.
  9. Way to much work to redo what you have but I can't see how affordability has the Bears so high. Unless something changed, tickets, parking, etc. are pretty high. I would have placed the Bears #5. Baseball is usually the bargain in all these polls. I would place the Hawks a little higher in loyalty, they are to a fault at times. Hawks and Bulls do play in the same stadium don't they? I think for the Hawks stadium is everything. I would probably bump them up to 3 or 4. Championships is interesting. If I had to predict who would win the next Championship I would say the Cubs (gotta give them their due) followed in order Bears, Bulls, Sox, Hawks. But the poll factored in recent championships and that has to bump the Bulls up. So Cubs, Bulls, Bears, Sox, Hawks
  10. dude sex with snails is just wrong. I found your twisted web site.
  11. I am studying American Autobiographies during the Colonial period. One of the questions the prof asked in discussion was why are bios the most popular books now. Of course I was surounded by kids giving those answers where they try to act all intellectual with comments like searching for meaning in their lives, learning about themselves through the lives of others zzzzz. So finally I pop off with the "so you're reading Clinton's book to see if you're an adulterer? No. We are reading Clinton's book to see if there is a blue blouse, and when and where else he was doing it with interns." Geez I hate pseudo intellectuals and 19 year olds mindlessly trying to repeat something they heard in a lit class that sounded intelligent. I really wanted to drop the "who are you crappin'" but I'm certain there are not any Dikta fans at the University of Texas Pan American
  12. I just finished Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. Not bad.
  13. A f***ing nightmare. 3rd place and watch the ScRubs party. We have taken a couple steps back and with all do respect to Zero, not many steps forward. KC is going to improve. Minny may decline a bit but until we beat them we are looking at third.
  14. Another reminder why this season has the potential to be a f***ing nightmare. :headshake
  15. ROTFLMAO Hell that's a pretty good shot of you too. Any of the ladies care for a 3-some?
  16. Here's what really pisses me off. Steinbrenner will probably be pissed the Yankmees are "only" 33. Wirtz could give a s*** the Hawks were 121 in chance for championship in a 120 team poll. BTW Texas kicks ass with the teams in Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. Nuke, can we do something about Wirtz? :puke :fyou :finger :headshake
  17. I found a pic of your last beach vacation Have a great time!
  18. Texsox

    So long...

    Yo buddy. Do not condem the entire state because of these few. BTW thinking about PA. Did you know the phrase "amish bank teller" doesn't get a single hit on google Steff, Fanof14, sorry for my friend and psuedo Texan's rant. Latest indie band from PA
  19. Steff, Now if there's a drunk at work he'kll be able to go right to bed and you can wear your capris. Thank you for posting the pic of you at work
  20. Moments earlier I told me son that the half time show just dropped about 4 magnitudes of talent having Janet and Justin out there. I thought Janet jumped the shark about 15 years ago and Justin, well I've never followed his career. Well they both managed to point out how desperate people become as their celebrity fades away. The NFL should try and get 1 star at a level field with the game and give that 1 star 12 minutes instead of trying for a Vegas Review.
  21. Texsox

    Heather Lee

    Technically speaking I believe you need to be an admin to ban someone.
  22. 5 4 3 2 1 Here we go again. Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seat belts.
  23. Frank, Just do not end any quote with "for the fans". I believe Soxfest is "for the fans" there are ways for Frank to come in for an hour or two without causing friction. Lead a few cheers. I understand the guys playing winter ball can not be there.
  24. with all the microphone time it is too bad we did not have those soxtalk t-shirts made up Oz, welcome to big league managing in a big city. I guess he forgot what it's like. Anybody ask Kenny about his kids?
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