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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. 6'7" 185 he may need to put on a few pounds of muscle before playing in the NBA. He's a Junior, maybe he'll bulk up for his Senior year, unless he declares pro. Pippen played for Central Arkansas and what was the tiny school that Parish played for?
  2. So how did WCU recruit the best guard in the NCAA? He's not a local kid wanting to play close to home.
  3. I want Joe Cocker signing Seems I've got to have a change of scene 'Cause ev'ry night I have the strangest dreams; Imprisoned by the way it could have been, Left here on my own or so it seems. I've got to leave before I start to scream, But someone locked the door and took the key. You feelin' alright I'm not feelin' too good myself. Well, you feelin' alright I'm not feelin' too good myself. Well boy, you sure took me for one big ride, And even now I sit and wonder why, That when I think of you I start myself to cry, I just can't waste my time, I must keep dry. Gotta stop believing in all your lies, 'Cause there's too much to do before I die. You feelin' alright ...... Don't get too lost in all I say, Yeah by the time, you know, I really felt that way. But that was then; Now, you know, it's today, I just can't get off so I'm here to stay. 'Til someone comes along and takes my place, With a diff'rent name, oh, a diff'rent face You feeling alright ...... And Nancy Faust nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, good bye
  4. The only thing going down is my lunch. And every time I look at our pitchers, it's in danger of coming up. I am now officially at my pre season form. We are going to be battling for 4th with the Tigers. ANYTHING else is cause for joy. If we get swept opening weekend, I can live with it because it is expected. I will not count all the pre season pundits who picked the Sox last year. I will not get excited.
  5. We are a 2nd place team that went backwards (so far). I think the Royals have moved forward and the Twins are about even. We are staying ahead of Cleveland and the Tigers. Here's the tune KW is singing: Been tradin' for my rent and signing' for my supper I'm above the below and below the upper I'm stuck in the middle where money gets tight But I guess I'm doin' alright
  6. It is interesting, on the surface, being able to choose who gets your gift seems correct. On the other hand, I may not like my organs going to Purples or Greens and would prefer them to go to Blues. Some one else may feel the opposite. Perhaps the best way for my organ to help Blues is if it goes to a Green or Purple because an Purple might donate to a Blue. Did that make sense? I was trying to avoid labels that would side track the concept. I am donating my organs regardless who gets them. I had not considered a convicted child molester getting them. I do not have any objections based on race, religion, or sexual preference.
  7. yes they are. Same as last year. Notice the help that KW tried last season was at 2nd, CF, and pitcher. We still haven't upgraded from Bart, Alomar, or any of our menageree in CF. It is going to be a long s***ty season in Chicago. I hate happy Cub fans, I hate be an unhappy Sox fan, and both are going to happen unless something breaks loose or a major breakout season for a pitcher or two. And who is our closer? Who do you really have confidence in?
  8. Baseball has been played up the middle for over 100 years. I'd rather spend the $$$$$ on a catcher, pitchers, middle infield, and a CF.
  9. Safety rule #1 know what you are shooting. That dad is in for a rough stretch as is the rest of the family. I would be very pissed at my wife if she killed one of my children, I'm not certain I could forgive her.
  10. If he cared about winning he wouldn't let money enter into the decision? WTF? Thankfully players do not think that way. Imagine a league that players begged Steinbrenner to let them play for the Yankees? If players would take less to play for a winner, what chance does some teams have? Imagine if very free agent decided the Cubs were thisclose and decided to go play there for the min.
  11. I do if Frank is gone. They will build their marketing around Maggs. The team needs that one guy who is the face of the team. He must be long term, a top 3 or 4 player, good morals, nice to the fans, etc. Mark would also be a choice but he only plays every 5 days.
  12. OMG, it must be the off season, this thread just cracked the Soxtalk top 40 longest thread. Brazil? Who would have thought?
  13. Hell what good is something unless you can tinker with it. Hell the cover on my computer hasn't been on for 6 months
  14. We send more in humanitarian aid around the world than any other country. I for one think it is sick that we have children going to bed hungary when we are sending humanitarian aid to otehr countries. I also think it is wrong that we will send aid to people in Brazil as long as they stay in Brazil. Sneak in here and we will let you starve. Bad policy IMHO. Brazil to US: Send Money Here is an interesting story. I do not think we will be invading anytime soon. Unless we are spreading the pesticides which are illegal in the US on your crops to help win the war on drugs. Hunger is a problem the world over and no one knows is more than the US farmer who is asked to feed the world on pennies a day. Do you realize how many tons of grain we give away daily around the world? I did not mean to imply you wanted us to help with the coup. I meant to imply that we do it all the time, and with terrible results. Sorry, we thought it would help and it gave our military someone to shoot at. And finally if so many of your people are hungary, why would you discourage tourism? It brings money into the country. Even if 50% goes to hookers and drug dealers, they have to buy food, cars, and clothing. That money helps pay legitimate salaries to the hotel, store, and other workers.
  15. It is a tough call. I forgot which sports celeb received a transplant even though he was sick with something else (Micky Mantle?) and did Crosby get a new liver? I find it outragous that prisoners receive better health benefits than many working Americans. Would I sign a exclusion on my organ donor card that a prisoner could not receive the organ? Possibly. How about no felons, child molesters, murderers? I could go for that.
  16. Hush, I was thinking the same thing. This time we learned from our mistakes. Ref: Could he be that stupid?
  17. Texsox

    Welcome to Monday

    She knew how to pull the strings. Twins left on the stairwell by the evil landlord who locked them out. Sleeping in the car in a hospital parking lot. No showers. Leaving the kids at the library.
  18. We f*** with countries all the time. We do not like the leadership, we will send in the CIA to undermine authority, support rebels, you name it. My tax dollars hard at work. Then when the leadership turn on us, we act surprised. We seem to operate on a "if you hate our enemy, you are our friend" basis. It bites us in the ass all the time. Noriega, Bin Laden, and others have all received US backing at one time or another. We also have a change in foreign policy with every new election, further complicating our foreign policy. But when a natural disaster strikes we are always sending money. Flooding in South America? Send them some money. Flooding in Florida? No one sends us money. And with each sucessful overthrow of a country (re: Iraq) we get more and more blood thirsty and powerfull. Eventually we will slip, throughout history all empires have fallen. But until then we can head to another country, f*** all their women for a lot less than what it costs here, sell our garbage to their dumps, limit how many of them can visit and work in our country, sell them Big Macs until their arteries blow, have them sew our $125 Nikes for a $0.25 and complain when the pirate the image. Yes, Rafie, we can be pigs. But when they need help, who does the world turn? The good ole USA. If Brazil was attacked by a foreign invader you know the US would send help. We were attacked and Brazil did not.
  19. We critisize our country all the time. If some over zealous idiot cop detained and or arrested an incoming pilot for flipping him the bird we would be critisizing the cop for being too sensitive. I live on the Mexico-US border and can tell you first hand we are semsitiveto the amount of time it takes people to cross our border. If we were taking 8 hours there would be a congressional review and all sorts of politicos jumping in to try and solve the problem. Wasn't Brazil one of the leading countries for taking in Nazis after WW2?
  20. 50% to prostitution and drugs? Nice image of Brazil. I thought you were trying to defend your country? Come to Brazil for the hookers and dealers?! Are your hookers that much better? Is being a whore legal in Brazil? We have a greater latitude of freedoms in this country. People have flipped off the president and do not get arrested. There the fine was $20,000. That was a bit excessive wasn't it? Read some of the posts here were we call the president all sorts of names. No one is knocking on Jason's door asking for our real names. Still if y'all have a no hand gesture law then everyone needs to obey it. Remember in some countries it is obscene to shake with your right hand (you use that to wipe your a**, or face the sole of your shoe at another person.
  21. Not unusual for a kid from a smaller school to be leading the NCAA. We had a kid, Chapman, that led the nation in 3s a couple seasons ago. Usually what happens is the kid is a one dimensional guy, and the bigger schools pass him over. Or his IQ doesn't quite reach room temp and can not make it academically. Always fun to watch.
  22. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. -- Three children were injured Saturday when a cart broke from a carnival ride at the Florida Citrus Festival and threw them to the ground, according to a Local 6 News report. The children, ages 7, 11 and 12, were on a ride called the "Cliff Hanger" at the festival at about 1:30 p.m. when the accident happened. Winter Haven Police said there were 30 people on the ride when it broke. Each cart holds three people, and the one holding the three children came apart while the ride was in motion. The children were still in the cart, and the Winter Haven Fire Department had to extract them. Bobby Fuqua, executive director of the festival, said one child suffered a broken arm while the other two had minor cuts and bruises. The names of the children were not released. Fuqua said the ride had undergone a safety check and seemed in order. State inspectors are now investigating the incident. Police said this is the first ride accident ever at the festival, which started Thursday and runs until Jan. 25. Winter Haven is about 40 miles southwest of Orlando. _________________________________________ Some guy with less teeth than fingers puts together a ride and say heyyyy give me your chiiiild, I'll put him on the riiiide. Just say no to carny rides.
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