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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. Texsox

    Made in the USA

    Hell we have to import baseball and hockey players.
  2. Texsox


    Here's a view of the cockpit
  3. Texsox


    I am just imagining the conversation with his bosses. "Roger that, you landed at the wrong airport. No problem, we just need to fill out some paperwork. Fill out our 441Y form and give the airport there your VISA for 10,500 gallons of aviation fuel. Over" "Roger that. This is umm a little embarrasing but my visa will not go through. I do not know why. I swear I just paid the bill. over" "Roger that. Is there a rental car company that has a big van to transport the passangers?" Over. "Ah negatory. But Jethro has a big pickup and he said the ladies could ride in the cab if the men would sit on the luggage in the back. Over" "Roger. You'll have to fill out a 587EZ to arrange an alternate transportation authorization. over" "Roger. Fax me the forms. over" "Roger" "and a highway map so I can find my way home . . ."
  4. I got as far south as I could without being in Mexico. The 103 degree day after day grind sucks after a while but I can get to South Padre Island in about an hour and catch the Gulf breezes. I grew up in Des Plaines and Round Lake Beach then lived in Vernon Hills, Wildwood, and Wheeling. Perfect resume for a Sox fan. The local politics are about the same. 90% Democrat in the Rio Grande Valley, where I'm at, and 80% GOP throughout the rest of the state.
  5. Hmmm a team that is a legit chance to be world champs or Da Bears? Sorry guys but the ScRubs will be the toast of the town. The Bears season is after baseball. The next sport up always has more interest than one that just ended. There is a lot of interest in the Cubs from non Chicagoans. Seems like every week someone asks me about them
  6. I've always pulled for the guy. I hope he eventually finds the rest of his game.
  7. Texsox


    Posted on Thu, Jan. 15, 2004 Plane lands at wrong airport Passengers bound for State College go to Philipsburg By Anne Danahy [email protected] Patience was probably the most-needed virtue for passengers aboard a plane coming from Pittsburgh and bound for University Park Airport Friday. The daily flight on a US Airways affiliate Shuttle America plane ended up landing at Mid-State Regional Airport in Rush Township -- close, but not the chosen destination. "When the pilot walked in, he said, 'Here's one for the news,' " said Joanne Shields, business secretary at Mid-State Airport, which is near Philipsburg. US Airways spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said the company did transport passengers from Philipsburg to State College on Friday. She referred all other questions to Shuttle America, which she said is one of six affiliated carriers in the US Airways Express network. Despite several attempts over two days, no one from Shuttle America would comment on the flight, which is a daily route from Pittsburgh to State College. A Federal Aviation Administration spokesman said the agency would not receive a report on such an incident. Shields said her understanding is the pilot wasn't familiar with the area and, when landing, somehow ended up flying in to Mid-State. That airport handles mostly private planes, not commuter flights, so an unannounced landing is not unheard of, Shields said. But not having radio communication was a little strange. Shields said she and her husband were working and when they saw the plane pull in they tried to contact the pilot on the radio to see if assistance was needed. But he must have had his radio set to a different frequency. "We waited for (the pilot) to come in and see what they needed. They wouldn't allow any passengers to get off because of security reasons," Shields said. The passengers had to wait on the plane at least an hour until a van could be dispatched from University Park to retrieve the passengers. Eight passengers were on board, Shields said. Shields said the pilot apparently made a phone call from the office to a flight service center. "They faxed him page after page of things. I guess he had to report it as an incident of some sort," Shields said. __________________________________________________________________ They had procedures in place for this?!! LMAO
  8. Texsox

    Gay Marriage

    Thank you for expanding on my thought. Love the sinner = not a problem to be gay Hate the sin = the sex may be a problem I believe that is what you are saying? In reality, a gay couple in most Churches, even those who's belief is "gay friendly", would have a difficult time being mainstreamed into the Church. Like elsewhere in society, there will be a large percentage that do not approve of the behavior. So the official teachings of that religion isn't much comfort to a gay couple who are left out of Church life.
  9. I wish it were true. 2004 is going to be the longest f***ing nightmare in Chicago baseball history. Even with Houston's new starting pitchers, the Cubs are going to be tough to beat. I think they moved a couple steps forward while others are stepping back either through age or loss of players. This is the best looking Cubs team in my lifetime dating back to the 1960s. I am so glad I'm 1600 miles away. I really dislike happy Cub fans. I like the lovable losers.
  10. We said that about Buddy Ryan by 1987 I was only able to follow them on paper, not too many chances on national TV. I thought injuries were more the problem. AMazing how quickly the Coach of the Year becomes the Scapegoat of the Moment. The KIng is Dead! Long live the King! New season. New problems
  11. Texsox

    Made in the USA

    When was the last time you looked at the manufacturers label? Would you buy a Made in the USA product over a similar product made elsewhere? What if it cost more?
  12. Texsox

    Gay Marriage

    Good advice when dating, allowing a handyman into your home, picking a caregiver for your child, selecting a Doctor. . .
  13. Texsox

    Gay Marriage

    Episcopalian and Methodist are two who do not. Others have a "Love the sinner, hate the sin" attitude.
  14. Too often the primary method is hoping. I am dismayed at the women who have had multiple abotions. My wife is in the medical field, as part of the screening she has to ask about all pregnancies. At least once a week someone comes in who has had three or more and every day she sees people who have had two. I've gradually slid towards Pro-Life over the past 20 years. It has been an accumulation of things, but not the propaganda that both sides produce to elicit emotion rather than a factual debate. I can think of no debate in the history of mankind that has seen more emotion centered debate than this.
  15. Texsox


    Everyone write their congressmen that products are too cheap and we want price hikes via tariffs. I do not want to spend $400 for this software program, slap a tariff and jack it up to $500. Companies are free to set up shop in the US and compete. Write a better program. Deliver something the consumer wants. And if India slaps a tariff on our products who cares about the American worker who's company is trying to sell into that coountry?
  16. Texsox


    Well we don't want foreigners here. It's a global economy and US companies are everywhere. How many countries do not have a McDonalds? Outsourcing has been a 25 year trend. We just do not notice it until it effects us. How many people will complain about this, then download some tunes, borrow a friends software program instead of paying MicroSoft $400? If you want to protect US jobs, start paying for your software.
  17. I'll be sitting on my patio, in shorts, drinking a beer. I may start a fire in my outdoor fireplace if the weather is cool (below 65) I stopped caring about in person public appearances too long ago.
  18. Routine signing that would go unnoticed before the internet. Wake me up if they do anything interesting. I'm going back to SL&P. I hope Crede can sleep after this signing
  19. This is Brasil protecting their citizens from incoming terrorists from the US.
  20. So reject a well documented program that has been successful for a secular one just starting. Why? We can't judge the effectiveness of programs and decide? I do not want to waste my tax dollars recreating stuff that is already established. THere are so many volunteer agencies that with a few dollars can move mountains. Instead you all will say they are faithed based and we should hire managers, and all these people. What a waste of money. Sign in the government. Atheists only?!
  21. Texsox

    Gay Marriage

    Who is most in need of marriage skills. The executive in Lake Forest or the struggling family in an inner city? Who is most likely to get that service or be able to afford it if it isn't available? If all it took to save a relationship is a BMW, some nice parks, good schools, and low crime no one on the north shore would ever get divorced.
  22. Are these the same founding fathers that "forgot" to let women have the vote and valued slaves at less than a full person?
  23. There are a lot of issues that need to be addressed. And I agree with all of those that you've pointed out. When times are tough in a marriage there are conflict management techniques that can help a couple work through it. If all the couple has seen are broken marriages what behavior do you expect? Not everyone is equiped to deal with a marriage in the high stress environment you've described. If fixing the environment is all that is necessary, than why does anyone in Kenilworth get divorced? One thing that should be addressed is using property taxes to fund schools. As a society we spend a lot of money on education but it isn't distributed in any sort of equitable manner. The poor schools remain poor and the rich schools have an abundance of resources. Better schools equal higher housing prices and more money to spend while poor schools equal lower demand for housing and the schools get worse. Highland Park, Texas required a Ph.D. for the H.S. Science teacher they hired in 2002. How many schools in the inner city could afford a PhD?
  24. damn baggio we agree. Is this a first LMAO If ten people get together and start a program that has a positive impact on their community. They have a track record of achievement, fiscal responsibility, etc. Why shouldn't we support their program just because it is housed at a Church and instead create a new one that is secular? Almost everyone here seems to have religious views, either pro or con. Should only the cons be allowed to work in a government program? And finally why should a Church program be treated differently than other community groups? These are, after all, fellow Americans with the same rights and responsibilites as everyone else. Would people also object if a secular community group like NRA, or AARP, of United Way received funding for a program?
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