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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. eBay link Some of you may have raced in Pinewood Derbies as kids. Basically in Cub Scouts they are for the parent and child to take a $4 kit and build a nice little car and race against other kids. Should be low key fun. But then some families take it way too serious . . .
  2. I tried reading through the whole thing and couldn't. I have one question, at any time did steff post a pic of her booty?
  3. I4E got a stress test today and yesterday. He was so frazzled he thought I was southsider a couple times. He bit me on something I was agreeing with him on. It's tough when everyone gangs up on you. What are you doing with all the free time now that you aren't around here too often?
  4. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    LMAO In a panic I reread the thread title three times, each time thinking I did make a mistake.
  5. Actually I have the money to start this, but it is hung up in a Nigerian account. The Nigerians will not release it to me because my family fell out of graces with the current government. I have an agent in Nigeria who will release the money to someone in the US, as long as it isn't me or anyone in my family. I would gladly pay someone over $100,000 if they would help me recover the money. I just do not know who to trust . . .
  6. No when you won't pay $175 for a DVD player it moves to Mexico, then when all the DVD players are under $100 someone decides they can corner the market with a $47 DVD player from China.
  7. southsider, I'm going public with this deal. Can you work the IPO? Call Martha and Sam and the boys from Enron Were Back!
  8. No problem. I'm going to pay the kid 5 pesos and make 5 pesos for doing nothing. I beat you all
  9. Brando, Nice to see you dropped by.
  10. You have no understanding of the rules and regulations of operating in Mexico and could get yourself in a lot of trouble. I operate a shelter operation. Pay me the 10 pesos per hour and I will ahndle all the arrangements, work permits, payroll, food service, etc.
  11. There are web sites devoted to this scam. Here And here Some have started scamming peeple who are looking for the truth. Don't lose $15,000 with them, give us $250 and we will check it out for you using our men in Nigeria . . .
  12. Cheat, whose that in your avatar?
  13. Right now God is saying I see Ray And Captain Kangaroo . . And I see I use to hide from the Romper Room Lady, she freaked me out doing that black magic trick.
  14. I worked for a company that 53 out of 57 employees were Jewish. It was mighty lonely on the Jewish holidays. A couple years after I left, I heard a co worker say he wanted to apply at that company but he knew he wouldn't be hired because he wasn't Jewish. I learned a couple of things that day. 1. Everyone in the office assumed I was Jewish because I had worked there, or at the minimum my wife was Jewish. They also noticed most of my buddies that called had names like Goldman and Bernstein. 2. They didn't bother to apply because they "knew" the company had racist hiring practices. The fact that less than 10% of the employees was explained by the local population, the ties to a community group that helped Russian Jews who immigrated, and the fact that gentiles would not apply. Was that company racist? I never experienced it first hand. One of the other "non Jews" (I dislike that phrase) was named Nagma and I believe she was Hindu. It is hard to take your cries of racism when you've made statements like all Palistinians are liars. I have friends with children in Israel and they hate the Muslims and Arabs less than you, by a wide margin. There is racism around the world. For every group there is another who hates them. How many made in China, US Flags get burned every year? How many US Presidents get burned in effigy each year? Now start looking at individual races, religions, nationalities, etc. and you will see a ton more. Are Jews hated more than others? I honestly do not believe it. A Palistinian only has to link to your posts to prove that racism exists against them and that is why they are fearfull.
  15. The Homeland is Secure, no need to work.
  16. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    Perhaps for some of the same reasons that you live here instead of Israel. Your admiration for a society (Israel) that is 99.5% perfect (your percentage) has led me to wonder why you haven't moved there.
  17. QUECHEE, Vt. (AP) - Bob Keeshan, who gently entertained and educated generations of children as television's walrus-mustachioed Captain Kangaroo, died Friday at 76, his family said.
  18. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    Nuke, we are back to my original point. How do they know if Chisoxygirl is a threat or not? The process in our history goes something like this. Person A is being investigated and makes a statement that Homeland Security is a threat to our freedoms and Nuke answers with a Oops, Nuke agrees with this "person of interest" we better check him out. Nuke has been on this WS bulletin board what else can we find there? Hey look at this guy, he's hanging out with ChiSoxy and Nuke, what do we know about him? And soon innocent people are being investigated . . . Since it is in the interest of our national defense it's ok. Then the agency starts showing up at your work and just asking questions. And a nightmare starts for someone who was four places removed from the "guilty" person.
  19. Show me where I said you weren't a Jew? You have accused me repeatedly of making statements that I never did. Simple thing here. prove your statement.
  20. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    Nuke, that just isn't fair. Way too broad a brush. The KKK votes GOP, should I gather up their propaganda and attribute them to all Republicans? The GOP has extreemists as well as the Dems. The majority of Americans are not as polar opposite as the marketing by both parties would have us believe. Coke and Pepsi see the world as either one or the other. Most Americans will favor one or the other but will drink either. Same thing with politics. The Dems are way over there and the GOP is way over there. Most Americans are closer to the middle.
  21. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    That is insulting to every thinking Jew or Catholic. Are you saying you would vote for a candidate strictly because he is Jewish? That you would select a Jewish candidate ahead of someone who you may agree with more? That people just vote for the candidate from their religion?
  22. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    And let me add, without seeming to spam post. The best possibility for a Jewish, Black, Woman, or any other group who has not joined the Rich White Male club called the Presidency, is under the Republican umbrella. The GOP diehards will continue to punch their straight tickets (and they do mean straight don't they) and many Dems would applaud the opening up of the system to all candidates. Almost a lock.
  23. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    Review your history, they said the same thing about Kennedy and being Catholic. Don't let the Pope in the White House.
  24. Texsox

    Homeland Security

    I watched Lieberman on the dabates and I liked him. I dismissed him early because I didn't think he was going to get any traction. Perhaps the front runners may bloody themselves and Joe can get the nomination. In a small way he reminds me of Sen. Simon. Not the politics as much as the presentation. He scores high on my integrity scale. My son dislikes him because of his anti-video game stance. I try not to pay too much attention until we get closer to my primary. No use wasting time and energy reviewing some candidate that will bow out before Texas.
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