Until some random unknown outside of his family person gets named manager, what are you clicking on?
It's fat bear week at
Like game threads, someone start one tomorrow.
Didn't the A's back in the early 70s have a bunch of guys who didn't get along and claimed it helped them to win?
If Liam is on one side of a disagreement and Lynn is on the other, I don't have to know what the argument is about to know what side I'd support.
To add to this line of reasoning
This arguably should be his first or second year at the MLB level. He's possibly behind the developmental curve and could catch up.
Still I think I want another team's Andrew Vaughn. I have too much scar tissue from watching this one.
He's another example of a guy that was rushed to the majors plus being forced to play out of position. It's no wonder his stats are what they are. He would have spent a couple years getting ready in a quality organization.