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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. True in most situations without multiple year contacts. They could have just said something neutral but actual were positive. You didn't believe them which is the position I think of most Sox fans. Lying or not, the bottom line is they failed and it's likely they need a manager, they can't manage themselves.
  2. Are you thinking they received a bonus for saying positive things? I know it doesn't fit the narrative we believe, but I'm not going to dismiss their public comments to guess what they really felt. If we are going to make some guesses I'll go with the guys appreciated a manager who left them alone to be professionals. And we learned that young professionals today need someone on their ass to perform.
  3. The biggest surprise for me was TLR stayed out of clubhouse matters. Guys initially we're actually happy to play for him. Luis and TA had positive things to say. Liam said it was a positive reason for him to sign with the team. Only a few guys have ripped him after leaving.
  4. "That's Tim Anderson swinging at the first pitch."
  5. Too bad he can't be "manipulated" into not being a dirt bag.
  6. JR: have we done all we can to crush the few reminding fans at Soxtalk? Whomever will listen: Greg still has room to be even further depressed. JR: I have an idea!
  7. My little league team always went to a Cub game. My parents bribed me with Sox tickets if I made straight A's. I eventually just bought my own damn tickets. The system was rigged against me lol
  8. No. Sorry Bob, I don't believe I can. I'm still trying to figure out how we got ChiSox.
  9. I still think week is misspelled in the thread title
  10. And all the dead ones on the side of roads. They are basically blind and stupid.
  11. Horrible for Nashville, perfect for Vegas.
  12. I spend a lot of time camping, backpacking, hiking and have literally seen hundreds. One state park in particular is loaded with them.
  13. Not gonna lie, I like the looks of that stadium.
  14. Isn't it amazing how far medicine has gotten in fifty years?
  15. This is that franchises fourth move. I'm taking the position of I just don't care where teams play anymore.
  16. What do you think it is that makes baseball harder to master early?
  17. I like this analogy. Like any factory decreasing production time increases profits. Getting raw material quicker from receiving to shipping is important. What I don't like about this analogy is if you believe a team should have MLB ready depth, then it does function as a warehouse.
  18. I forgot how good his standup was when he was starting out. His stuff with Steve Dahl was always a highlight.
  19. That was the end of an era. I miss amateur athletics.
  20. We've made our playoff appearance for this decade. 2030 is the soonest we'll be competitive again. https://champsorchumps.us/team/mlb/chicago-white-sox
  21. Our coaching staff will fix him right up. /Imissthegreen
  22. How's that career as an "influencer" going? You really need better clients. lol I think they will be less disappointing than last year. But that is mostly based on my expectations of record breaking losses.
  23. Supply and demand gets ugly for consumers. I think one reason we see different reactions is no one is scalping a Frostie.
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