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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. I am done with *this* owner. I am not done with a Chicago baseball team. But enjoy the JR family for the rest of your life. He moves his team out of the city (dumb move by a dumb owner) and I will embrace the next team that moves in. Sorry if that offends you. I love the city more than this asshat of an owner. My wishes JR sells and the team stays in Chicago. Best option, not likely Unacceptable are additional decades of this family ownership but the team stays in Chicago. Team moves and Chicago stays a one team city. Unacceptable, worst of the options. JR threatens to move, Illinois and city say don't let the door hit you on the ass and an expansion franchise moves into Comiskey or whatever they want to call it. Not as good as #1 better to me then #2.
  2. The idea is dumb. My point is towards the people who are painting Chicago and especially the southside as unsafe based on her "bringing a gun to the Rate".
  3. How about JR moves the team he owns to Mexico City and we embrace a new *expansion* team?
  4. And people assume she felt threatened and was protecting herself from violence *at* the game. Could be she didn't want the gun stolen and felt this was safer than leaving it at home. She could have felt threatened by public transportation before and/or after the game. Especially if she is living around Wrigley. She may have just bought it from someone in the neighborhood and was transporting it back home and decided to catch a Sox game.
  5. On the outside, GM puts together great looking roster, owner hires even older crony who destroys team, GM gets fired. Unless you really follow the team, it seems plausible.
  6. Which is something in Hahn's favor. A lot of people thought that was a WS level team. Two years down the road I'm more inclined to blame Tony and his decision to leave the locker room to the players expecting them to regulate themselves.
  7. Probably the same reason no one pointed out my thread from October 2005 saying I wouldn't be surprised if Jerry talks about a new stadium. It's a reoccurring thread.
  8. College is becoming too professional with NIL deals. Semi pro. I do enjoy high school baseball.
  9. I was thinking more about the "if I go to the city I will be car jacked and die" crowd. San Antonio where I live is generally regarded as a safe city, but there are areas that people go to commit crimes and where some have crimes committed against them while there for the vices. Unfortunately there are also folks that live there that are affected.
  10. No it's not a double elimination. You need to read the article. The two teams eliminated in the US and World brackets were undefeated coming into the single game and were both eliminated by a team with one loss. The world series is double elimination until the U.S. and international bracket championships. And yes, it was weak my friend. But it seems like b.s. to me that a one loss team advanced while another one loss team goes home.
  11. I assume they have mapped the home addresses of the season ticket buyers and probably surveyed single game buyers. That data would be interesting. For most of my career I had offices in Schaumburg and Elk Grove. That was solidly Cub territory. I wonder how many the team could flip if they played on AH.
  12. The impact on the fan base is interesting. My first thoughts are Soldier Field or UC area - no change Arlington Heights - net gain. Instead of Northside versus Southside it would be city team versus suburban team. I doubt many Sox fans would suddenly embrace the Cubs so they lose a few but pick up some. Losing the Southside identity makes me sad. I'm wondering if somewhere around Bolingbrook or Oak Lawn would work?
  13. Are you guys thinking that a flesh wound that didn't require any medical attention would stop the bullet from hitting someone's leg? That's not magic.
  14. I think this thread highlights how people have comfort zones. We accept what we are familiar with while being cautious in unfamiliar places. That is probably a great survival skill through the millennium. I've lived in a couple locations that people have negative impressions of. I get the frustration of trying to correct those impressions. When someone says Chicago, my images are all positive and all over the city. I want those nay sayers to see the Chicago I see. When someone says Texas, same thing. Positive images from the gulf shore beaches to the mountains of west Texas and a few great cities in between.
  15. https://www.pennlive.com/little-league-world-series/2023/08/two-teams-from-elimination-bracket-to-play-for-little-league-world-championship.html The last of the true amateur players.
  16. I travel about 10,000 every year across America. Your ignorance of rural America matches others of urban America. Yes, there are crimes everywhere. I've felt very safe in Chicago and in small towns across the country. Poverty and lack of opportunities are a greater predictor of crime in an area than political parties or population density.
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