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Everything posted by Thedeepsea

  1. came across this awesome website that has pictures of all of the "bad boys of baseball" ... you can check it out here: http://www.msg.com/photos/bad-boys-of-base...n-brown-1.21628
  2. I don't know what it is about this video, but it's the funniest thing in the world to me!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNxwAU_xAMk
  3. I love this video. It is hillarious!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNxwAU_xAMk
  4. 1. Big Kid- When i met the girl 2.Carbon Leaf- Life Less Ordinary 3.The Cat Empire - two shoes 4. Carey Ott- Mother madam 5.Dizzy X Show me 6.Eugene Edwards- The Next time you go 7.Clark country- sometimes 8.Freakhouse- Liars, inc. 9.Gabriel mann- Lighted up 10. Mew- Special
  5. Celebrity relationships and I guess celebrities in general.
  6. When do you think it will be possible to travel to other planets? I wonder.............
  7. I think more business should focus on the needs of the employees. People will work better if they are given more perks or days off.
  8. Thedeepsea


    I played this game for the first time last weekend. I had a blast. I was playing with some kind of Japanese sword and chopping people in half and cutting their heads off. AWESOME!!!! You definitely have to stay far away from me though, I get a little crazy and swing every two seconds. Hahahaha
  9. So, my friend just told me yesterday that I apparently repeat bands and songs over and over and over. LOL. I didn't notice but this week we have had to car pool to work and I've been obsessed with this band Mew (you should definitely check them out Anyway, she get's in the car today and was like ummm this is the 75th time I've heard this band this week can you PLEASE change it. I didn't want to but I did it anyway. So I guess I listen to bands I'm infatuated with as well when I drive.
  10. Thedeepsea

    Driving music

    Their is a lot of different music that I listen to when I'm driving depending on my mood. When I'm in the mood to drive crazy I listen to Offspring's "Total Immortal" and Sugar Ray's "RPM." I also have my sing along songs, but we won't go there. What do you listen to?
  11. So who thinks he cheated on her? I do!!!!!!!!! I also think he is going to beg her for forgiveness or something soon because he has NO money. What a loser.
  12. Thedeepsea

    dream job

    A professional world traveler...I would like to get paid to travel all over and report on how it was.
  13. Thedeepsea

    Halloween costumes

    I think I'm going to be Zorro.
  14. OMG... I have lost all respect for Disney. Minnie how could you?
  15. Thedeepsea

    The Office

    Wow I completely agree. I wonder what they are doing with Jim. I think they will bring him back. And Dwight is definitely the best character.
  16. Umm that is really crazy when you think about it.
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