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35thstreetswarm last won the day on October 6 2021

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About 35thstreetswarm

  • Birthday January 1

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    Birmingham Barons (AA)
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    Jose Contreras

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  1. I think a key part of the plans for building a zillion dollar stadium would involve removing the railroad tracks
  2. The more I think about it, the more angry I get about canceling Soxfest. Especially coinciding with the failure of the rebuild. They're not even trying to hide their contempt for the fanbase.
  3. Orange County *IS* LA (LA Metro) to everyone from outside the LA area. And even many inside it. It's LA's suburbs. Talking about them like two separate regions sounds weird, like talking about "DuPage County losing its young to Chicago."
  4. I've never seen somebody try to spin the most dominant post season in MLB history as some sort of squeaker. Fascinating
  5. Yeah, virtually guaranteed we'll be watching Bummer in high-leverage situations on TV next October, listening to how he "just never got traction with the White Sox, but has been a revelation here in Atlanta with a chance to perform on the big stage..."
  6. This is one of those weird situations where I'm 100% on board and ready for them to rip the Sox...but then they choose something dumb. I mean, Getz acknowledging that he doesn't like the team was the one encouraging thing I've seen this offseason. It gave me hope he might make dramatic changes instead of just resting on the "we have a talented group" nonsense. I guess Grifol could've been a little more tactful about agreeing with that accurate assessment, but this is like number 650 on the list of things to spend a whole podcast ripping the Sox about.
  7. At this point I'm expecting them to let everyone line up, keep the doors locked, then announce after a couple hours that the fest is canceled. All while Jerry watches the chaos from behind the tinted windows of a running limousine across the parking lot. Possibly masturbating
  8. It's just the famous "this puts Detroit in a position to compete with us," reimagined for the current White Sox upside-down universe.
  9. I'm a little torn here. For the most part I acknowledge losing him is bad. He was recognized nationally as an up-and-coming broadcasting star. His leaving -- especially at the low point that is offseason 2023-2024, and to a division rival -- sends a terrible message. It is yet another manifestation of FO ineptitude and organizational rot. I also appreciate that he had all the right enemies; I enjoyed watching him piss off a certain type of fan. His replacement will probably be worse (please no whining Len Kasper voice ffs). *BUT* I just never really liked him, as much as I genuinely tried. I found him annoying and corny. So I personally won't miss him that much on the broadcasts, even though I take his departure as bad news.
  10. Ditto. I'm also of the naive mindset that the team has at least a spiritual existence independent of the ownership group that is holding it hostage. My loyalty is to that team, and that laundry, and there's nothing Jerry or anyone else can do to break the bond. Even still, ended my season ticket package last year and went to two games: Opening Day (continuing a long streak) and Halfway to St. Pat's for a long-running friends/family group outing. I expect I'll continue at that level and pray that somehow the team will reward my loyalty someday.
  11. Bruce Bochy: who knew? (Besides everyone, I mean.) I swear this season was custom-designed to torment me personally.
  12. The Womens' College Basketball Championship was pretty epic, though. Much more compelling than this World Series.
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