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Everything posted by LauraJ14
QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 09:48 AM) At what point do you actually realize the sky is falling? When the season is over; the Sox are still in first place if you haven't noticed. Now is not the time to be jumping but if you do , don't come back when they are in the playoffs. No one ever said this would be easy and its not supposed to be.
QUOTE(3E8 @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 06:59 AM) How many AB's before you prove yourself? His career numbers in over 300 AB's look better than most of our team's. The reason he played so much last year was because Maggs and Frank got hurt. If Frank and Maggs played the whole season last year, Ross Gload doesn't play in September and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Once again this organization has failed us
LauraJ14 replied to Chifananthony's topic in Pale Hose Talk
QUOTE(Chifananthony @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 06:55 AM) Once again our hopes have been raiseed only to be destroyed when this team does not make the playoffs. KW has failed to provide this team with an additional bat that it so desperately needs to get to the playoffs and survive thereafter. In years past when we were trying to catch the twins he made trades. This year the "chemistry" B.S. prevails. Now, we will limp into Sept and end up being the biggest disappointment in this city's baseball history. I dont understand how the powers that be in this organization dont realize that you cant have two automatic outs at the end of the lineup (crede, uribe), and u cant have a bench with automatic outs (timo, blum). The rest of the lineup is filled with average hitters. This puts too much pressure on your pitching. However, we will here the garbage that everyone wants too much for their players, we cant mortgage the future, nobody wanted to trade with us, and of course, the team chemistry crap. I am begining to wonder. With this year being a great attendance year, maybe the organization just wants to pocket the money, and feed us the standard excuses. Hmmm... Wow are you a Cub fan in disguise? -
I am going on Sept 18th against Detroit. My dad has season tickets in the South End zone. Hopefully it will be a good game.
QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 09:29 AM) Some of your comments are about as way off as they can get. 1. "The fact is that most people just don't like Hawk" - please show us evidence, wait never mind, you can't. 2. Re: ticket sales, "... he doesn't help" - Really? The White Sox marketing surveys say he's extremely popular with season ticket holders. The last I checked, the season ticket holders buy tons of tickets. You have no clue what you're talking about on this topic, sorry. I have been a Sox fan for over 30 years, I am a partial season ticketholder and I can't stand listening to Hawk this season. His cliches are overused " Stretch, he just missed it etc." I am glad when I am at the game so I don't have to hear him and DJ announcing. I actually prefered it when DJ was announcing with Black Jack and Robin when Hawk was out earlier this year. I am an intelligent baseball fan who wants to know what is going on with the White Sox on the field today not what he did in his career. Talk to me about baseball strategy, tell what kind of pitch the pitcher just threw not just if it is a ball or strike. My family are all long time Sox fans, my dad since the 50's and he just can't stand listening to Hawk anymore so there are fans out there who are not Hawk lovers.
QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 03:26 PM) I'm pretty sure he meant people who bought the ozzie plan vs. the general public who will have an opportunity to grab the remaining lower deck tix when they are released. The Ozzie plan offers you a guaranteed opportunity at getting playoff tix. The general public (i.e. ME) will have to claw and fight to get our hands on a set of tix for any game. So yes you are still getting preferential treatment but just of a smaller scale than those who have full season and split season packages. Will the Sox even have any lower deck tickets on sale to the Public?
I read that on the trib website and it had me laughing hysterically. Just thinking about my family's vacations in the 70s/80s where we drove everywhere. My dad was king of "we aren't stopping to see anything along the road, we are driving to our destination only". The funniest was our trip to Colorado where he drove up Pike's Peak and we stopped along the road at every stopping area because my dad is scared of heights. He kept yelling at us to not look out the windows and to stop pointing and telling him how far down it was. None of the rest of us had any problems with heights and couldn't wait to get out and explore. We still tease him about that trip to this day.
QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:10 AM) All I have to say is that Aaron's wife was a college gymnast Also BRING FOOD TO THE GAME ON SATURDAY!!!! Help the less fortunate than you, get in your pantry and help someone get a real meal. Just don't bring canned goods with an expiration date of more than a year old because it gets thrown away.
Guillen points his finger @ defense, not Contreras
LauraJ14 replied to greasywheels121's topic in Pale Hose Talk
QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:22 PM) Whomever said it before is correct: Crede makes the most untimely errors on this ballclub. Someone with the means needs to find out of all his errors, how many led to a run. I'm estimating it has to be fairly high. I'm not overly critical of Crede, because his defense is stellar; but he sure bobbles/ overthrow baseballs at the worst moments. He's made 7 errors all season, I don't that his errors have added up to that many runs. -
QUOTE(forrestg @ Jul 24, 2005 -> 11:41 PM) He's up in the 1st thru 6th with oppurtunities and we see him failing a lot. what are those figures. How long have you been watching baseball? Baseball is a game of failure, the best hitters fail 7 out of every 10 times up to bat. Numbers can be made to make whatever point you want. Konerko is by no means perfect but he is not as bad as you guys make out. Especially with the constant griping about his grounding into double plays and he isn't even first on the Sox in that category.
Anyone getting tired of Larry Brown?
LauraJ14 replied to greasywheels121's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE(shakes @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) They still got two finals appearances and a title from him. Why do teams keep throwing 5 year deals at him when they know he is only going to be around 2 years? -
QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 07:22 AM) Is this guy still talking? ] THis morning he's filling in for Mike and Mike talking about the same stuff with Steve Phillips. Steve Phillips is still a moron, " starting piching is average, our bullpen is average, our lineup is average but they play like a team." Why are these morons allowed to open their mouths????? I just want to win it all to shut them all up!
Sheffield won't play in 'something that's made up'
LauraJ14 replied to innersanctum's topic in The Diamond Club
QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 07:19 AM) I agree with him. I think the WC is stupid. Especially 2 weeks before the season starts. If it must be done it should be done in November. I don't like it being in March either, so if say Buehrle makes the American team, he has to get ready earlier and may make him less effective during the games that mean more to us fans, like in September or the playoffs. -
I have some tickets available for the Saturday August 6th game against Seattle. Tickets are in Section 522 row 6. I am looking for face value which is $22.
QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 03:30 PM) Laura.. ya just gotta tune them out. Or scream loudly in their direction when something happens on the field then say "did you guys see that?!?!?!" That usually works. Since it was the Sunday Cubs game and the Sox lost, maybe that made it worse than normal. But the Red Sox are coming to town in a couple of weeks and that should be as much fun as the Cubs games.
My only complaint with the bandwagoners is when they spend the whole game chatting about everything but baseball and comparing the Cell to Wrigley. If Wrigley is so damn wonderful, go watch a game there and leave me in peace.
La Russa blasts ESPN for shifting game
LauraJ14 replied to greasywheels121's topic in The Diamond Club
I was looking at the schedule and I am surprised that they didn't pick the Red Sox at the Orioles or even Washington at the Phillies. Those would be much more interesting games due to the where teams are in the division races. -
QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 28, 2005 -> 03:51 PM) They wont let you bring camcorders into the parks, but if you did get one in and got caught, then yes you'd get into trouble. Edit: Mike.. FWIU it's against the rules to tape any part of a copyrighted telecast.. is that not correct?? I tried to tape during the All Star events in Boston - prior to the Futures game - and I was warned to put the camera away or they would have to take it.. I have brought my camcorder to the ballpark for the last 4 years and no one has said a word to me. I took it into Fenway, Camden Yards, Dodger Stadium, Wrigley, Miller Park so that I could tape the field, Sox batting practice and pregame. During the All-Star game in 2003, I taped batting practice and all the pregame stuff. I normally don't tape any of the actual game though.
Am I breaking some type of copyright laws if I videotaped the into on my camcorder?
QUOTE(Benson&Rexage @ Jun 27, 2005 -> 07:41 PM) Craig Krenzel Cal Eldred Darrin Jackson Dalebor Badarich Brad Sellers Donnel Wolford Jeff Jager Ed Nelley Jack Haley Jerome Walton Dwight Smith Cade Joe Bochard Felix Diaz There is no way that Cal Eldred belongs on this list, he pitched well for the Sox in 2000 until his arm fell off.
QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 11:08 PM) Francona picked his all-star coaches......... no ozzie...... Articlehttp://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/baseball/mlb/06/22/bc.bbo.all.starcoaches.ap/index.html Alan Trammell from the tigers? what the hell how does this guy deserve respect like this... not that its that big of deal, but it sorta tells you how he is gonna pick the rest of the reserves.... Looks like its not just the fans that make it a popularity contest..... Sorry just got me a little steamed I don't think that Francona has as much say in the reserves as past managers do. I read somewhere that the players and all the managers have votes on the reserves because of Torre picking so many Yankee reserves in the past. MLB changed how the reserves are picked which may help the SOX!
QUOTE(TLAK @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 09:49 PM) Hanging around after the Royals finished BP and the freaking Doobie Brothers come out about 45 minutes before game time. They did Listen to the Music and Rockin' Down the Highway. It was great! Then they did the National Anthem. They hung around the whole night because after the game I saw (I think) Tom Johnston and Pat Simmons in front of their buses talking to some fans. Were they on the radio or TV? I would love to hear Farmer interview Pat Simmons. White Sox baseball, expect the unexpected. The Doobie Brothers are performing at Ravinia on Wednesday night.
QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 12:08 PM) I said this before and I'll say it again. After seeing this stat, I will be genuinely disappointed if Pods doesn't steal at least 8 bags in this series. Imagine how badly we'll f*** with their heads if we're just steals bases left and right at will. Hell, I'd even send Uribe a lot. Uribe needs to get on base first before he thinks of stealing!
QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 09:49 PM) why in god's name would you go to a WNBA game? Why not? Do you have any daughters who play sports? Thats a really good attitude to pass along to them, that their sports don't matter. If I remember correctly in the Olympics, the women's soccer, basketball and softball teams all won gold medals. What did their male counterparts do?
QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 23, 2005 -> 12:21 PM) He calls out his own teammates in the press, that's a reason to not be a team leader. He isn't producing, that's a reason to not be a team leader. There are other players on this team that are better-suited to be the team leader, that's another reason. I don't think I have ever heard Paul Konerko say he is the team leader of the White Sox and when you lead the team in homers, walks and rbi's, how are you not producing?