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About bigruss

  • Birthday 12/22/1989

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
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    Paul Konerko
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    World Series
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    Nellie Fox

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  1. Class act, I'll always root for him.
  2. Great season, terrible loss. Just enjoying the season for what it was though, today is what it is.
  3. Yea gonna be a really tough one to beat, but I think UConn isn't ready for us either. Hopefully it's a good game.
  4. bigruss

    The 2024 Blizzard

    Milwaukee got dumped on, and it continues to fall. Flying to Florida tomorrow, or so I hope. Booked flight for 630am already cancelled so hoping my 535pm replacement holds.
  5. To get out of the top 3, I would need way more.
  6. I'd pass on Penix as an option, cannon for an arm but huge limitations.
  7. You’re over thinking the last part. GMs make dumb trades all the time with bad evaluations. If someone thinks they have their guy they will go all out, who knows if they actually are right though.
  8. I am definitely in favor of trade down for a haul. We have too many gaps still, I'm fine with one more year of Fields to see, get an additional first for next year to be able to trade up for your guy if it doesn't work out. Or get a 2nd-3rd round QB if there's someone you love that isn't the traditional top 5 pick. But let's go get a generational WR, let's get EDGE/DT help, let's get a longterm OC, etc.
  9. I’ve been a Poles defender but keeping Flus is ridiculous.
  10. To me, an advisor is worth it if you have a decent amount of cash/retirement/etc and looking for what to do. The benefits of what to do from a tax perspective, what types of accounts to have, etc can all be worth it with the right advisor. That said, let's talk personal investing. There are general rules to follow: Maxout company sponsored retirement Keep fees as low as possible Avoid leverage and individual stocks Stay in the game and compound as much as you can How many years to retirement are you? How risk adverse are you and will you stay invested during the bad times? How much reserve cash do you need for emergencies? Tons of questions to answer for yourself, but the important thing is (especially if you are younger) to not worry about timing the market and spend hours looking up individual stocks, the math is 100% there to support buying low cost index funds like VOO (as mentioned above) and not touching it until you get closer to retirement. In terms of resources, I REALLY recommend checking out The Compound and Friends podcast, which is hosted by Ritholtz Wealth Mgmt, and they have some great podcasts specifically for individuals such as Portfolio Rescue. I listen to 4 of their podcasts probably weekly, I'm actively trading and investing though so I like to keep up with it all. https://www.youtube.com/@TheCompoundNews TCAF - weekly podcast with someone in the industry to talk through what's happening in the market, background of that person, insights, etc. Sometimes it's traders, sometimes its journalists, sometimes its analysts, this is what got me to these guys. Animal Spirits - 1-2 a week about what's happening in the market, hot topics, etc Ask the Compound - Portfolio rescue podcast, they take questions from listeners (prior to podcast) and talk through their answers from a financial advisor position, and they'll bring in experts from their company to talk about tax, insurance, FA, etc. Maybe the best place for you to start.
  11. They may not even have to trade to get the #1 pick lol
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