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Posts posted by Disco72

  1. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 03:58 PM)
    This is actually exactly what a lot of us expected the offense to be. Hell, i projected us to be the same or worse as last years offense multiple times. Sp, please don't say this is a suprise or that's unreasonable to think that this will continue.


    Really? You expected an offense that averages 3.2 runs a game (~520 total runs scored on the season)? I know the projections weren't good, but nobody projected it to be worse than the 2009 Pirates by 100 runs.

  2. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 03:56 PM)
    I get it but the reality is it is NOT going to get a hell of alot better the pitching will get hammered later on and Sox lose a bunch of 7-6 and 9-8 games I am not all the hopeful right now!


    You know...that's my one big concern - that the Sox have one of those years where when the pitching is on, the hitting is awful...and when the hitting is on, the pitching is awful.

  3. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 03:05 PM)
    Just saying that the offense will come around won't make it so. Yes, the pitching will keep us in games all season long because there are a lot of quality pitchers on the staff. The problem is that the offense will suck. At it's peak, it can be slightly more than mediocre. It's filled with a bunch of mediocre/crappy players and a couple of good ones. We're going to see a lot of 1-0, 2-1, and 3-1 losses this season.


    EDIT: And as I type this, Juan Pierre makes a mistake in the outfield (he really brings nothing to the table) and we bring in Linebrink. God, this sucks.


    This is true. However, there's the expectations of the offense (based on past performance) which is much better than that absolute crap we've seen this first week. It is very reasonable to expect this offense to be better. Not great, but better.

  4. QUOTE (joeynach @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 03:09 PM)
    Scott Linebrink and Randy Williams are essentially our verson of the Clown Car, they are mop up duty only and should never be counted on to get outs in close games. What is Ozzie doing, everyone knows those guys are the pen scrubs...why are they allowed to pitch in tight game situations.


    After the last few days, who do you want him to use?

  5. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 11:29 AM)
    Peavy's the only one that it's really fair to put that blame on, IMO. We know that Buehrle threw a gem, then Peavy had a pretty mediocre outing, then Floyd and Danks had quality starts. Floyd gave up 2 runs and Danks gave up 1 earned run, the other was Ramirez's fault because the inning should've ended there. You can't reasonably expect Buehrle, Floyd, and Danks to go 7 or 8 innings all the time and give up 2 runs etc.


    I don't mean to say that the starters have been terrible, nor do I want Ozzie to burn them out early in the season. However, other than Buehrle's opening day, the Sox haven't had a "bullpen saving" start by any the next three guys. That, combined with back-to-back extra innings games has put more pressure on the bullpen to cover more innings earlier in the season than I expected. As others have said, the blame is more on the offense and the defense for losing those games than the bullpen.


    QUOTE (Real @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 11:48 AM)
    This game could get ugly early because Freddy is gonna have to go 6 innings, and if he starts getting hit around we'll end up on the receiving end of a rather nasty loss unless we start scoring runs. Bullpen can't be used before the 6th today, that's what Ozzie just said


    Freddy should have no trouble going 6 innings. People (not calling you out specifically Real) were already losing it in last night's game thread that Freddy was going to get killed today. In Freddy's 9 starts last year (when he wasn't as healthy as he supposedly is now), he went at least 6 innings in 8 of the 9 starts. He gave up more than 3 ERs in only 2 of them. Today's game is on the offense to get a lead so that hopefully Putz and Jenks can finish what Freddy starts.

  6. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 01:16 AM)
    It was so predictable. The Yankees scored a couple to make it 2-0 heading into the bottom of the 4th. How does Javy respond? He gives up a 5-spot. He's getting killed over at nyyfans.com.


    That's what I love about the Yankees. Every year, they make at least 1 or 2 decisions that so obviously will turn out badly.

  7. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 02:35 AM)
    They're positives, but the fact that this team looks like it does when it bombs out down the stretch every year....4 game into the season....is what is scary.



    QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 07:38 AM)
    There has been NO clutch hitting. That is why we are 1-3 and not 4-0. The pitching has been there, they are keeping us in every game- we are just not executing when we need to.


    Can we focus on the positives in the thread on "The positive of 2010"? There are plenty of threads on what's wrong with the Sox in 2010.


    Another positive is that the hitters are drawing more walks this season so far. IF that continues and the batting averages return to expected norms, the OBP should be decent this year.


    I've also really enjoyed watching Rios on offense and defense. He's hit a lot of balls hard that havent' been hits.

  8. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 12:46 AM)
    I would love to see someone measure the correlation of temperature to runs scored for the White Sox.


    This is a couple of years old, but it addresses temperature effects in MLB. I thought about doing the correlation between temperature and runs scored for last season's White Sox, but I'd also have to do the rest of the league to have a meaningful comparison. Maybe if I get bored later...


    QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 01:27 AM)
    The main reason I'm still optimistic, outside of the fact that we still have a great pitching staff with 158 games left, is that the 3 games we've lost have been really flukey. The Indians and Twins have hit the ball hard about 5 times in our 3 losses combined where as we seem to be hitting balls hard right at guys. Now to be fair, guys like Teahen and Pierre look absolutely horrible and have yet to hit a ball hard, but there's 7 other guys in the lineup.


    Exactly! I'm not sure why people are ignoring this. It would be one thing if the Sox were getting blown out, but they have all been close games. In some ways, that is far more frustrating, but you can't deny that the Sox have had some "bad luck" to go along with some of the legitimate criticisms of the team.


    QUOTE (joeynach @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 09:07 AM)
    So far the only things thats really failed the sox is their bullpen. They have blown 3 late inning leads in 4 games. Its something none of us pictured because of the strength of the arms in our pen. SO either some serious regression towards the mean is in order, or our bullpen is all smoke and mirrors. Its one or the either.


    Stats aside, I actually think the starters have not helped either. Thus far, their inability to go late in games has put more pressure on the bullpen. I argued this offseason that the Sox did not need Carrasco (or a guy like him) because the starters would consistently go late in games, but their pitch counts have really hurt them in the early going. Hopefully Pena does not have any negative effects from going too long last night.

  9. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 12:21 AM)
    I just don't feel real good about anybody not named Thornton right now. Santos has pitched well.


    You don't feel good about Pena's effort tonight?

  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 12:12 AM)
    I don't even know if it's an overreaction.


    There's just something wrong with the chemistry in our organization. I really think either Guillen or Williams need to go, and Greg Walker definitely needs to find a new home.


    This franchise has just gotten stale since the World Series. I can't even quite put my finger on it.


    4 games! Yes, it's an overreaction.

  11. QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ Mar 30, 2010 -> 10:19 PM)
    Man, I had one of their "Chicago Dogs" last season and, well, it was quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever had at a ballpark. They're giving Chicago a bad name with that bullsh*t.


    I know. I've tried them too, and they're nasty. I really don't know how they manage to screw up a hot dog that badly.


    QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 31, 2010 -> 10:44 AM)
    Supposed to be perfect weather in Charlotte and Atlanta, Thursday-Saturday. If I was there, I'd be going.


    It's gonna be fantastic weather for the games. Great timing for my brother to fly in to see the game with me!

  12. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Mar 30, 2010 -> 10:16 AM)
    The IF looks fine to me, with the exception of 3b. Sometimes that's Teahen, mostly it's Nix that looks god awful out there. I don't actually believe that Nix is a bad defender out there, though, he just doesn't seem relaxed. Inexperience, I guess, but you'd hope he would work most of that out before the games started counting if we're actually planning on throwing him out there occasionally. I'm thinking that when we use Nix as a sub for Teahen, we should plug him in at 2b and move Bacon over to 3b.


    I disagree with the bolded. 3B was a new position for Beckham last year too, and Beckham is our rising star. You don't mess with him. He plays 2nd unless there's some emergency. Nix is a bench guy and utility guy; if he wants to play more often, he needs to learn how to play 3B.

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