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Posts posted by Disco72

  1. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ May 29, 2009 -> 04:59 PM)
    Because it isn't just about talent. It's about how much money is left on the contract, the age of the player, the financial condition of the team, if the player has publicly stated he wants out, if the team has publicly stated they want said player out...any number of factors will play into a deal.


    Sure, but how many of those things make the next deal (e.g., for Oswalt) "harder"? The Pads don't seem quite as desperate to just "dump" Peavy for nothing, and Peavy seems to be the youngest and "best" player on the market. The only real negative on Peavy is the length/$$$ on his contract, but Oswalt isn't exactly cheap either.

  2. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 29, 2009 -> 03:14 PM)
    Yeah. I fell asleep a couple of times during this gem.


    I guess I'm one of the few who thought it wasn't a bad movie. I certainly can't imagine falling asleep during it!

  3. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 29, 2009 -> 03:05 PM)
    That makes sense from the WS perspective. However, if I'm the next GM, I'm thinking they were willing to give up that before, but it couldn't get done, they will offer at least that, plus more, or receive less, to get the next deal done. I'm certainly not going to allow them a better deal. The cats out of the bag. Makes the next negotiation that much tougher.


    Plus, the deal was done. In terms of GM-to-GM and talent-for-talent, the deal was agreed upon. I'm not sure I buy your "tougher next time" argument. I think people know now the price for Peavy. Unless the Houston GM feels Oswalt is more valuable than Peavy, I don't see how he could expect more talent than the Sox agreed to for Peavy.

  4. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 29, 2009 -> 11:16 AM)
    Oh that's more or less another way of saying "flat tax," not at all what it sounds like originally. The only thing different is the actual number.


    It's semantics, but a VAT is a national sales tax or a consumption tax. IMO, "flat tax" or "fair tax" are somewhat politically charged instead of the more neutral, and accurate, "consumption" tax.

  5. QUOTE (BearSox @ May 28, 2009 -> 10:19 PM)
    I'm hearing that there has been increased talk about raising the sales tax on everything up to 25% to fund for nationalized health care. Oh goody. Lets have our taxes raised even higher and also have to wait for months to get medical treatment!!!!!!!



    QUOTE (lostfan @ May 28, 2009 -> 10:27 PM)
    Uh how do you define "talk"? I mean I've heard "talk" that Bush wanted to bring back the draft, go to war with Iran before his term was up, etc. I've heard "talk" that Obama has a secret plan to enslave Americans and create secret police to stifle dissent.


    A 25% sales tax is just plain LMAO. Do you believe everything you read?


    The "talk" is about a Value Added Tax (VAT) which much of the world uses, and it would replace a large part of the income tax structure that currently exists. For example, see this article in the Washington Post. If implemented correctly, it is a much simpler tax system.

  6. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 29, 2009 -> 10:36 AM)
    Quite a stretch trying to compare on field antics of an asshole vs some folks who cheated for a kid behind the scenes.


    Ok, so the comparison sucks. That doesn't change the fact that this kid cheated - do you really believe he had no idea what was going on? I believe he knew, and I like him less as a result of it. I'll still cheer for him and the Bulls, but I don't have to like him.

  7. Having this affect his career and liking the player are different things. What he did has no impact on his career, so sure, so what? I don't see anybody saying he should be suspended from the NBA or anything. However, as fans of the player, we know that he clearly cheated and broke the rules, which makes him much less likeable as a player. Zambrano is a jerk because of his antics, but this is no big deal because Rose, other than this systematic cheating, seems like a nice guy?

  8. Sorry for being "that guy" that won't quite let this thread die. Equal apologies for being "that guy" that gets annoyed at the national media.


    Having said that, I read Dayn Perry's recent article on Trades That Need to Happen Now! and couldn't help but scratch my head at this statement:


    As for what the Padres can expect in return, a straight-up deal for the Mets' top prospect, outfielder Fernando Martinez, is better than what the White Sox were offering.


    I know he's an excellent prospect (rated #32 by MLB.com and #30 by Baseball America), but one offensive player, straight up is better than 4 pitchers (including Poreda, ranked #63 by BA)? Really? This just seems like a completely moronic statement, above and beyond the usual idiocy of some of these national "our job is to make people mad and drive traffic to our sites" writers.

  9. QUOTE (MN_Sox @ May 28, 2009 -> 11:42 PM)
    I am glad that recently, the White Sox have been doing better in keeping and trying to get better players, build up the farm. But as far as I'm concerned, we still have never tried to go after the "big" name guy. And I believe that most big name high priced players wouldn't want to come to play for the White Sox.


    It's like Cleveland, Kansas City, Minnesota; most big name players wouldn't want to play there...most of your good high priced players would rather goto the Angels, Yankees, and Red Sox.



    QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ May 29, 2009 -> 12:01 AM)
    99% of the players would come here if the Sox offered the most money and the most years, which doesn't mean they are "cheap" it could mean they plan well.


    How many WS have the Yankees won since they started handing out those mega contracts? How great are those contracts in the back-end? Would you want the Sox to be like the Cubs are and tied up by some bad contracts for the next few years? Torii Hunter was a big FA when the Angels signed him, and he was going to come to the Sox but LAA offerred more (can't remember if it was $$ or years or both).


    I agree completely with SoxFan562004. Look over the list of FAs the last few years - the Sox have been players in many of those cases, but would you really want to be stuck with the contracts that some of those guys got? The KW-led Sox have excelled at identifying talent via trade (e.g., Garcia, Contreras), signing undervalued mid-level FAs (e.g., Dye, AJ), and not being the highest bidder on the "big name" talent. I'm very glad the Sox aren't paying Hunter what the Angels are or paying Soriano what the Cubs are. Just because another team is dumb enough to blow their payroll on one or two players doesn't make the Sox a "undesirable" team for FAs.

  10. QUOTE (TLAK @ May 28, 2009 -> 08:08 PM)
    Unless the basic agreement has been changed you can't resign your own player for less than 80% of his previous year. He gone.


    Also, if he stays healthy the next 2 seasons he'll be 42 years old. Guillen is handling him wonderfully, spacing his rest, he's had one sore heel episode but he's played 37 of the teams 47 games. By then he'll be lucky to go 90 games a season at DH. Plus he'll need to hit a long double just to make it to first base.


    Great player, great guy, but I think the vessel is leaving the dock.


    I thought the 80% rule was only for arbitration. Isn't there a way the Sox could re-sign him without the arbitration rules? (this should be obvious to me, but I can't think right now)

  11. QUOTE (forrestg @ May 26, 2009 -> 03:30 PM)
    opposite field hits may mean his timing is off swinging a little late or he needs to cut down on his swing. Many right hand power hitters power alley is to right center. If he's striking out too much not hitting the ball for power and averages sound more like we need to get rid of Greg Walker. With his firing I think at least we, the fans could at least feel as if Sox management is at least trying to make the team better.


    So the Sox should make a meaningless move and fire Walker so the fans will feel better?

  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 26, 2009 -> 12:07 PM)
    What a pitcher asks for is not necessarily equal to what a pitcher gets. If someone offers him stupid money (5/$75 or something like that) then not a chance. It's an open question where the market will be, even for left handed starting pitching, this offseason.


    While that's true, recent history suggests that a some desperate team will offer him stupid money. By stupid money, I mean at least 20% above his "actual value" (as defined only in my head).

  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 25, 2009 -> 02:16 AM)
    Jose shouldn't return to the big league Sox again.

    He's too old. His funky sidearm s*** doesn't work.

    He's methodical. He's wild. His pitches scream 'hit me.'

    Just let him go somewhere else. And thank him for the past. He was a great Sox undoubtedly but he and Pods need to go.


    He's still "ahead" of schedule for when he was supposed to return from the injury, and he's trying to get the feel for his pitches back. You won't even give him that chance in AAA? It seems silly to declare a talented pitcher done after a rough start in the majors. Maybe he makes it back, maybe he doesn't. If he doesn't, it doesn't hurt the major league team as they'd have to pay his salary either way. If he does make it back, he can be extremely valuable to the team.

  14. It's too bad that most writers discussing the trade need to either bash Peavy or bash the Sox. As most have stated, there haven't been many intelligent, baseball oriented discussions of this trade/non-trade. In all seriousness, thankfully we have some pretty good baseball conversation on this site rather than relying on this stable of baseball "experts."

  15. My wife and I saw Angels and Demons yesterday. We both enjoyed it. It's not the best movie you'll ever see, but it is definitely better than The DaVinci Code. All in all, a good summer popcorn flick.

  16. QUOTE (JPN366 @ May 24, 2009 -> 10:36 AM)
    ...trade Jermaine Dye to Atlanta for Jeff Francoeur and a pitching prospect. I know it sounds mad, but really think about it. Atlanta's looking to get more offensive production out of their outfielders, and they are also considering trading Francoeur. Yes, he's struggled, but he is barely 25. Maybe he needs a change of scenery or more motivation or pressure to produce. There's not much of either in Atlanta. If it didn't work out, then there wouldn't be any contract constraints with Francoeur. If it did, it would be like getting another Carlos Quentin. Plus, it would put the decision about Dye's 2010 option on the Braves. Discuss...


    Interesting idea, but I'd vote no. One, I'm not ready to give up on 2009 yet. Two, Francouer just isn't that good. Not enough BA for the average power he's shown, and no OBP. He's played essentially four full seasons of major league games now. I'm not sure he's gonna improve. Three, I'd like the Sox to spend a little more time figuring out which of the Paulie/Dye/Thome group gives the Sox the best chance to win in 2010. Dye might be the winner of that competition.

  17. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ May 24, 2009 -> 02:32 AM)
    Even though Dayan has done nothing for the 2009 White Sox?


    Can't one also say the money that wasn't used to re-sign Joe Crede went to Dayan? How about freeing up Javy's salary?


    We bought way high and sold low and invested in something else that hasn't return anything to us yet. As much as you play around with stocks I'm shocked you would declare that a "win" so soon.


    Some people look at both trades (acquiring then trading Swisher) while others view that once we had Swish, it was meaningless what we gave up for him. In other words, the price paid for Swisher was a sunk cost. Those that take the "sunk cost" view tend to believe the trade with the Yankees was a good one because it rid the Sox of a player that didn't produce and didn't seem to fit with the team. Those that still think of the trade to acquire Swish lament that we didn't get enough back from the Yankees for him.


    IMO, both trades were good ones. It was worth trying to get him from the A's. He was a versatile player that worked counts and had a high OBP - something the Sox needed. However, he didn't perform, and he didn't fit. It was therefore smart to get rid of him without paying any of his salary for 2009 and beyond.

  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 24, 2009 -> 10:14 AM)
    For Cleveland to give DeRosa to the Sox, and I agree he would be a good fit, they would probably have to give up someone like Poreda. KW's price and some NL West GM's price for him is very different.


    It really depends on when DeRosa is traded. If the Indians have legitmately given up on this season, trading a guy who is a FA this offseason to a division rival is pretty meaningless. However, some articles suggest the Indians want pitching that could help them win this season, meaning they probably won't trade him inside a division they still have hopes of winning.

  19. QUOTE (chw42 @ May 23, 2009 -> 09:46 PM)
    Why was Q taken out? It couldn't have been for defense. Q is a better left fielder than Pods, or at least I think so.


    Nice outing for Richard. Really impressed me with his velocity. I didn't know he can throw 6 innings and still bring it at 95. Alexei looks like he's back.


    I believe Cora just said that they took him out because the Sox had the lead and they don't want to push Q when he's not 100%. Cora also said Q would be in the lineup tomorrow.

  20. QUOTE (Heads22 @ May 23, 2009 -> 09:40 PM)
    Ok, guys. We've won two games in a row. If we win tomorrow, its called a winning streak. IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE.


    ...and two shutouts in a row! The pitching is on...let's go offense... get everyone back on track! (this means you Fields!...and you TCQ!)

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