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  1. They already laid down to those panzies.
  2. Why retaliate now? Should have done it the same night Hunter slammed Burke, not weeks down the road and totaly out of the race. That's Bush league stuff.
  3. If the White Sox can win today, Twins only get out of two gaining one game and could get them back on track. 2 games back or 4? Could be a huge game early in the season.
  4. Rowand reminds me of Ron Cey. Only Rowand sucks.
  5. No. I saw him last night. He was a live and well talking about the East Coast baseball League that he and ESPN support so much. Says the Yankees or Red Sox will win the World Series this year.
  6. Cubs and Cards aren't in the same city, are they? No. Are the White Sox in the same division as the Cubs? No. Do they both play in the National League? No. Cubs and Cardinals are probably the biggest rival in baseball right next to the Red Sox and Yankees or Dodgers and Giants. At least the Cubs and Cardinals play in the same division, St. Louis is 5 miles from the Illinois border and the rival with the fans is fun and non violent. I work with a coupe of Sox fans and they could care less about what the Cubs do.
  7. Why worry about the Cubs? Better worry about the Twins and Royals instead of the Cubs. I despise the Cardinals more than anything in the world, but I didn't stop being a Cub fan when they made the world series three times in the 80's Cubs/Sox rival? Pfffffffffffft Why bother? A waste of time.
  8. If I may ask... Why would you be done with the White Sox franchise if the Cubs made it? That sounds rather silly.
  9. Wow! Hate the Yankees all you want, at least George wants to win. Too bad some of the wonders in Chicago hasn't had his will to win the past 10 years or so.
  10. C.Rector, Clement is going nowhere, although Juan Cruz (who has never proved anything but to be a head case) could be gone. Cubs up offer to Maddux Greg Maddux has a little richer view of Chicago this morning than he had a few days ago. Cubs general manager Jim Hendry has officially raised his two-year contract offer to the free-agent pitcher, a move that has been expected for several days. Hendry started the Maddux pursuit on Jan. 13 with his two-year offer of $10 million. The $5 million in annual salaries included incentives that would raise the total package closer to $12 million. The Cubs did not disclose their specific proposal Saturday, now that Hendry has altered the ante. But chances are Maddux is presently being offered $14 million to $15 million over two years. Further indicating the situation is swinging in the Cubs' favor, the San Francisco Giants have pulled out of the running, according to a Contra Costa Times report today quoting major-league sources. Hendry was smart enough to start his pitch low, as any good home buyer knows, and save his stronger offer for the final sales push. That's what the Cubs are making this weekend, hoping to persuade Maddux to agree to terms in the next couple of days. ''Hopefully, Greg will make his decision before camp starts,'' Hendry said Saturday. Cubs pitchers and catchers report to camp Wednesday in Mesa. Hendry has arrived in Mesa to prepare for the start of camp. He was in touch Saturday with Maddux's agent, Scott Boras, as he tried to reach a resolution in a matter that has dragged on for weeks with fans in Chicago eagerly asking daily if Maddux really was going to sign with the Cubs. "Scott and I are talking and probably will through the weekend,'' Hendry said. ''We have reiterated that we'd like Greg to be with us and, hopefully, he will decide to come back to Chicago.'' Maddux and Boras also have discussed the matter with the Los Angeles Dodgers. But Maddux lists his chances to win as his top priority, so geography takes a back seat to championship potential. The Cubs appear primed to make a serious run at the World Series after just falling short last October in the National League Championship Series against the Florida Marlins. Maddux's experience and Hall of Fame talent would be a perfect complement for an already-formidable starting rotation. If Maddux joins the Cubs, he would be one of the big three -- alongside Mark Prior and Kerry Wood. Young Carlos Zambrano has the ability to make it a Fab Four and Matt Clement as a No. 5 starter would be a sign of tremendous depth. Clement won 14 games last season and 12 in 2002 for the Cubs. How many No. 5 starters can boast credentials like that? The Cubs have been aggressive in chasing Maddux, which is a reflection of the increased energy that Hendry and manager Dusty Baker have brought to the club. The Cubs' name has been out front for weeks in this story, while the Giants and Dodgers were latecomers to the public eye in the Maddux negotiations. The St. Louis Cardinals seem to have become an afterthought. That article is from the Suntimes, printed this morning. May happen, may not.
  11. "I think, they were playing a team from Colombia." Ummm...They played Columbus. (Columbus, Ohio)
  12. Make sure you verify the email they send you. You have to click on the link.
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