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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 23, 2014 -> 02:57 PM) Horrible technique by Flowers. Everyone else did their job, great pitching great throw, s*** job by the catcher who is covered in body armor. Not so sure about that today. DJ now saying you can't expect Putnam to lock down the opponents every game, haha.
  2. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 23, 2014 -> 02:57 PM) Horrible technique by Flowers. Everyone else did their job, great pitching great throw, s*** job by the catcher who is covered in body armor. DJ and Farmer are blaming it on the fact that catchers can't block the plate anymore...although the replay of course showed that it was simply knocked out of the glove by the knee of Moustakas. Rongey will probably stick with that excuse for Tyler, though.
  3. Of course. Eaton throws him out by five feet and the knee knocks the ball out of Flowers' glove. Hahn better do something about the bullpen and catching situation heading into 2015 or they're going to have 1.25 million for attendance.
  4. Guess first-pitch hunting is the book on Davis... Beckham, sheesh. Has he ever been this bad? Surprised he's not getting booed by now. Just walk Abreu. Wade Davis channeling Cliff Politte 2005.
  5. Why wasn't Ramirez at the bag? Could have had the DP...but Beckham couldn't go to 2nd. Ramirez was shifted too far away from the bag for Perez? Surkamp vs. Ibanez. Uh-oh. Sox baseball this year means a 150ish hitter will get a clutch RBI in the late innings against our relievers. Wow, it actually worked...
  6. What the heck is going on with Beckham? Hosmer is seemingly hurt...guess Yost wanted Ventura to bring in Surkamp but they didn't bite, so Butler PH. Belisario creating his own jam. What else is new? Sox-killer Salvador Perez, of course.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2014 -> 08:13 AM) Similarly, anyone applying the logic "because players x and y put up solid numbers at AAA and struggled in the big leagues, player Z who is putting up numbers at AAA will also struggle in the big leagues" is also using poor logic. Andy Wilkins would not need to be a dominant hitter to be useful to the White Sox. If he could put up an .800 OPS as a DH/backup 1b who mainly plays against RHP and sits in exchange for someone like Davidson or a corner OF, while also being extremely cheap for the next 4 years, that player would absolutely fill a huge need for the white sox as currently constructed and it would save them from having to spend $10 million+ on a veteran DH to fill that role. That said, I don't know whether he can put up those kind of numbers even in a mostly platoon role, but there is no reason to ignore a possible payoff if he could. Now trying being Brooks Boyer and selling that notion to the fanbase/prospective season ticket holders, unless Wilkins goes off like Josh Fields/Kevin Maas/Shane Spencer/Chris Shelton/Garrett Jones/Tuffy Rhodes for 4-6 weeks. It would be NICE if it happens, but I don't think anyone's holding their breath. Actually, White Sox fans are due someone surprising us offensively, other than Carlos Quentin and Jose Abreu. I could honestly say I'd rather try Wilkins than someone like Kendrys Morales, LaRoche or Adam Lind, for example...that we would end up overpaying because of the dearth of power on the FA market. Would almost rather take a shot at Rasmus because he can also play the OF, but a huge contract for that guy has JD Drew all written over it.
  8. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 07:55 PM) A message board for a Chicago sports team is the wrong place to find sympathy for the "pretty cold" Chinese February. I won't disagree about the winters with the wind off the lake. Although, other than maybe Augusta, Georgia, I don't know of a hotter city in the world in July/August/early September than my current location along the Yangtze River valley in central China. Of course, it's not even the heat, though, it's the humidity that kills you. I'll take Texas/Oklahoma/Arizona heat over this every time.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 23, 2014 -> 07:59 AM) Somehow I don't think one thing this roster is lacking in is "righties who could platoon at the DH spot". Viciedo, Garcia, Davidson, Semien, Sierra, Taylor, etc. Someone suggested Victor Martinez as a quick fix. Just wonder when he's going to fall off the Konerko Cliff and take a career nosedive? How long can he keep putting up those numbers? It's not like he's playing in Charlotte's stadium, Comerica plays big, especially to CF. Why does it seem like if the White Sox sign him for 3 years he will end up more like Manny Ramirez 2010?
  10. Jeff Liefer comes to mind as a comp, although he was more touted as a high draft pick. Wilkins has never come close to even being in the Top 10 of one of the weakest farm systems in baseball.
  11. QUOTE (LDF @ Jul 23, 2014 -> 05:17 AM) well WELCOME to the big league. it was only if first start, I like everyone knows that this outing is not going to diminish his potential. btw since we know he may be fast track to the majors, is there a way to post Sale innings pitch and w/l record as a side by side count-down so to speak. since Sale was also fast track as well. man I can't wait for the new top 20 prospect for the sox. I'm not sure how helpful that's going to be, because: 1) Sale signed much more quickly 2) The 2010 White Sox were in the heat of a pennant race and in desperate need of immediate bullpen help 3) Sale's contract stipulated he get a taste of the bigs right away 4) Rodon had an intense workload for NC State and they'll want to limit his innings until the spring
  12. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 09:47 PM) Horrible horrible game. We've lost 11 of 13 to KC in the Cell I think. Disgraceful that a big market team like Chicago can't hold its own vs. KC. Sickens me. Our AA team could beat Chen, but not the parent club. Serious question: Would Bruce Chen be in the major leagues the last 3-4 years if not for the Chicago White Sox? I truly wonder. That's all fine and good, but nobody expected the White Sox to make the playoffs this year...whereas many were predicting the Royals for the WC spot, to beat Detroit and a few picked them to get to the World Series. In the end, if KC loses Butler and Shields (which there's a 98% chance), then they're going to have an impossible time replacing Shields and a very difficult time finding a FA DH...although Butler's been garbage this season, he's still a presence in the line-up. The only time I was really upset about losing to KC was 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012. This year, it's pretty meaningless. Might as well get upset about that SM East teacher who tried to throw his wife off a cliff after attempting to knock her on the head with a stone for her family's $4 million inheritance.
  13. QUOTE (LDF @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 09:37 PM) their local economy would never be able to support something like that. however, I wonder if US had normal relations cuba could become the next vegas and maybe with the tourist number, it might help out, but still to fully support ...... nope. like you said maybe exhibition games and such. Think of the issues the Marlins have with attendance, or the TB Rays (of course, there are other reasons like stadiums and ownership issues). Phoenix/Arizona does okay, and Las Vegas for a minor league team, but the "touristic" type cities (Atlantic City would be another, although you already have the Mets and Yankees, so a 3rd NJ team wouldn't make sense) struggle to support their teams, where quite a large percentage of the population spends more time there October-March.
  14. QUOTE (Ozzie Ball @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 02:42 PM) Are the Giants a fit as a trade partner for the Sox? I think Andrew Susac would be an excellent target as a possible long-term solution to the catcher position. He's in AAA and is presumably close to being MLB ready so would fit in with what Hahn has been doing recently. He should be at least average defensively with a nice offensive skillset and is obviously blocked by Posey. Unless they move Posey to 1B. Which would make Brandon Belt an attractive target.
  15. Weird...every time I try to get it to play, it skips to the Pagnozzi video for the Sounds. Oh, well.
  16. Should probably be pushed down to 3rd or maybe even 4th on the Sox prospects list after tonight.
  17. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 10:05 PM) Has he ever reached AA? Wouldn't he start at least in A? MLB teams always do this....just like with Rodon, where he's getting his feet wet in AZ and then will be in Winston-Salem on the 28th. It's partially based on convenience, where a spot start is open, location of the game...he will be moved very quickly back up if he shows he's ready. Lots of MLB teams place their rehabbing players in A ball, it's nothing unusual.
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 01:15 PM) I didn't know he had a back injury, but you are spot on with your assessment. I hurt my back several years ago and had a doctor tell me whatever I did, don't let anyone cut my back unless it was the last remaining option. Too many things can go wrong. So if it's a major issue, you are pretty much screwed either way. There's one more thing we can agree on. Tiger Woods, Crede and Youkilis are good examples.
  19. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 09:10 PM) DV is so streaky though... I'd hate to see him go because after his 2012 season, I expected him to break out and become very good Trading him now wouldn't accomplish anything. Might as well see how he does the last two months and maybe his value will come up a bit again in the off-season if the right trades comes across Hahn's desk. Otherwise, he's a nice insurance policy to have. If they're just going to dump someone, it should be Dunn...so we can see how Wilkins would do with everyday playing time at least against RHP and maybe some selected lefties as well. Seeing how well he does against LHP has more marginal utility than letting Konerko walk off the stage to fanfare.
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 09:07 PM) El Rockin ... Beckham is something like 4 for 50. He's about .220 and he again this season is resembling Getz. He can't play the game of major league baseball. Viciedo also needs to go. He's not a big-league hitter unfortunately. Dunn is who he is. I'll give him his props. He's gotten a few big hits in his Sox years to go with the bad bad stuff. Ramirez is great; I won't blast him ever. Baseball is never so "black and white" or cut-and-dried. With this Sox team, other than Sale, and Abreu, you've got tons of grey. Even Quintana has his flaws and warts.
  21. We're charitably helping Moustakas get back to .200 for the first time since the beginning of the season.
  22. Eddy Alvarez, the Olympic speed skater, is definitely holding his own....hitting nearly .300 with a 775 OPS.
  23. QUOTE (oldsox @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 08:08 PM) For years I have wondered if The US had normal relations with Cuba, if there would have been a major league franchise in Havanna. I'm not sure their economy would support it...maybe? Because San Juan, Puerto Rico has never been considered seriously to my knowledge, except for exhibition/WBC games. Mexico City would probably make more sense, except from a travel standpoint.
  24. Well, this game spiraled out of control quickly. The bad Carroll came back...guess it was inevitable, even against the Royals' malaise-ridden offense.
  25. QUOTE (1dog @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 07:42 PM) You must also agree with my idea of simply fouling off any potential ball 4 then too, right? When you have Dunn's power, taking a walk is absolutely ridiculous. If he always goes outside of the strike zone (which is the one asset he brings with his power, a good eye and a reputation for drawing walks) and gets himself out trying to hit homers...a .150ish batting average wouldn't be a surprise at all.
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