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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. Looks like Justin Greene has been moved up to Charlotte. Jose Castro down to BIRM? Not sure what the moves were. Why is it a big game for Thompson? Just because he's been struggling recently? Mitchell 1 for 1, at .295. Why is Gilmore hitting clean-up with a .483 OPS? And KWJR had his 5th double (.180).
  2. Pretty strong words from Gonzales there in that last sentence of his columns. He's usually not so pointed in his commentary.
  3. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ May 10, 2012 -> 12:44 PM) I said he "looks" like the golden boy, not calling him a sure thing yet. I like this quote from Manto on getting him back to where he was his rookie year "Where he was (during his struggles), I don't think he could have sustained a major-league season, 600 plate appearances. The bat path was a little off, and his shoulders were steep. Right now he's square, head with the shoulders.''. That change is really showing with him batting well over .300 when hes been in the 2 spot where Robin said he'll be staying at which that too I like. We all knew AJ wouldnt be able to stay where he was early in the season but he'll give us what hes been giving us the past years and I'll take that out of our catcher. as we all know Ramirez is a slow starter so I'm not worried about him yet and yesterdays game was hopefully a sign of things to come...its May now its time for him to get hot. Yes, I know what it says, lol. I put that whole article up in the hitting coaches thread.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 10, 2012 -> 06:45 AM) [/b] I wonder if Santiago would be a better candidate right now, so that he can find his off speed stuff. It isn't like we are loaded with lefties or anything. Well, if they do send Santiago down, you can be sure they'll put him in the Charlotte starting rotation. Planning to make him the future closer makes no sense with Sale AND Reed holding down that duty. You might as well see what you have out of him as a starter, since that's the best maximization of his potential for us right now with no fifth starter clearly identified and concerns about how many places (2 or 3) we'll be replacing in that rotation next year. With Peavy gone, and probably Floyd and who knows what will happen with Humber...maybe to keep things stable for one more year, they'll hold onto Floyd and exercise his option, but does spending almost $10 million on Gavin Floyd for 2013 really bring us any closer to having a contender in 2013 or 2014?
  5. Counting Gordon Beckham in the "sure thing" category for the rest of the year? Hmm...will believe it when I see it. And AJ's definitely been trailing off, too. Ramirez up until the last couple of games had been worse than Viciedo overall.
  6. I was Director of Stadium Operations and Public Relations for the Augusta GreenJackets from 1994-1995. I think I do have some rights to make judgements about minor league players. While it's true most minor league staff persons don't work directly for the major league affiliate, I was very close to the coaching staff and also spent a ton of time with Latin American players because I speak Spanish. But fine, whatever. There's really no point in having this forum because just a handful of people who post here have actually seen any of the players play or watched them consistently through MILB.com feeds. Other than JPN, who has seen Saladino play more than 10 times?
  7. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ May 10, 2012 -> 03:08 AM) There are no sure things when it comes to prospects which kind of just reinstates you have no clue what your talking about. Is there a chance he doesn't make the majors or maxes out as a utility play, sure but you are putting a very low ceiling on someone just because you don't like KW and like trashing the system. Doesn't everyone pretty much universally trash our minor league system? There's a difference between being in favor of KW in a generic sense (for the moves which mostly impact the big league roster) and having admiration for our minor league system. Before this situation with Sale, I defended him pretty consistently the last 2-3 years here. As far as my judgment, the very first day I saw Jose Guillen play for our team in 1995 (the Augusta GreenJackets), I told everyone with the Pirates they couldn't send him back down to Bradenton. At that time, there have been a knifing incident in the Florida extended spring dorms and I argued it was worth the risk to take a chance on him...that I would personally look after him in Augusta and keep him out of trouble (of course, that didn't last in the big leagues, but he had a long and pretty productive career). When you are around minor leaguers every day, you can see when the likes of a Jermaine Dye, Andruw Jones, Magglio Ordonez, Jaret Wright, Richie Sexson, Sean Casey or Vladimir Guerrero just have that extra something that it takes to make it...I've seen video, tape, highlights, I can make an informed judgement from watching baseball religiously the last 30+ years.
  8. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ May 10, 2012 -> 03:27 AM) You have no idea what your talking about do you? Fine, you say that Saladino will be a regular in the majors. I'm going to call him a utility player. We'll see who wins. And actually I was being quite generous and charitable to say he would be ranked among the Top 200 minor leaguers. http://scoutingthesally.com/tyler-saladino...g-report-video/ First of all, he's not going to end up sticking at SS, so that means he better be able to put up a 725-750 OPS because his defense won't project nearly as well as Beckham, who's close to Gold Glove level. He loses value not staying at SS. Secondly, with his frame and body style, he's not going to maintain or come anywhere close to maintaining those minor league stolen base numbers. Which means if he's not a prototypical leadoff hitter, he better have an OBP of 350-375. Finally, he does strike out quite a bit for someone who doesn't hit for huge power. Someone said Mitchell and Thompson had issues with their swings, probably solely based on their K ratios. I'm not saying he's doomed to be CJ Retherford, Shelby, Jr. or Tyler Kuhn, but it's not like he's anything close to a "sure thing" either.
  9. What do they think in Lawrence? Oops, that would end up getting Reverend Fred Phelps involved in this discussion, although that's technically Topeka, I think. Under this kind of definition, gay people would be incapable of good acts because in the eyes of many Christians, their "wayward lifestyles" preclude them from going to heaven...so no matter what secular "good acts" they performed, they would be not counted in a sense because their own brand of religion couldn't countenance homosexuality, for instance. On the other hand, even the most "egregious of sinners" who never performed a single good act in their lives could theoretically be accepted into the white light of heav'n if they asked for forgiveness and believed wholeheartedly (see John 3:16, etc.) Greg's example is that "holier than thou person" who makes people feel uncomfortable...why does every action like that have to include a reference to God? But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
  10. QUOTE (danman31 @ May 9, 2012 -> 11:52 PM) Morel made the BA top 100. At best, Saladino would be around 175-200 if you polled MLB GM's and scouting directors, maybe maybe 150 if you really pushed it.
  11. Dunn, Strasburg, Peavy, Kendrys Morales (out for nearly 2 years), Joe Mauer, Joe Nathan, Buster Posey, Jason Heyward, Johan Sebastian Santana, Jamie Moyer
  12. $22 million, to be exact. (9th highest paid pitcher in MLB by average contract value) One way or the other, we already have to pay him $4 million for the buyout.
  13. Crain to to appear at least once for Charlotte this weekend on rehab and rejoin the team Monday against the Tigers. Guess Zach Stewart would have to go down.
  14. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...0,5483645.story Latest updates... http://www.suntimes.com/sports/12428996-41...-about-sox.html Cowley...it is interesting to know both Guillen and Cooper were SUPPOSEDLY both against Sale starting last year, if Cowley is to be believed...of course, this follows the storyline of the "two-faced" evil Janus monster wreaking havoc throughout the organization and undermining Guillen's authority whenever possible The theory about throwing 30% sliders because he couldn't find a consistent change-up release is credible enough as a possible reason they wanted to limit the number of sliders thrown to a single-inning relief role. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/12432988-41...y-on-elbow.html http://www.chicagonow.com/white-sox-observ...r-anytime-soon/
  15. QUOTE (thxfrthmmrs @ May 9, 2012 -> 10:44 PM) You're nuts. No one is expecting him to steal 40 bases in the majors. But stealing 20-25 bags along with great OBP makes him a great lead off candidate. On top of that he can probably stick at a premium position. Guys like Thompson and Mitchell always have higher upside, but there are serious issues with their swings hence higher bust potential. Until they can produce at a consistent level, Saladino will be the more promising and safer prospect. How can you say more promising when promise by definition means the capability of doing something great or unexpected, not unlike potential? Nobody I've seen who has written a report has raved about his defense, arm, range, etc. Maybe he's described as "solid" across the board, and lacking in anyone dominant tool but average to above average in most of them (at least at the minor league level). If Saladino was in one of the top 10-15 systems in the game, he'd be projected as a utility infielder with about a 25-35% to make it in the big leagues as a starter. Look at Morel, who was more (or just as) highly touted simply because he was one of the few position prospects in our system.
  16. QUOTE (sunofgold @ May 9, 2012 -> 10:14 PM) Dunn is going to have to hit more hrs to catch Hamilton. Lol. Dunn is in the driver's seat to be CPOTY. Unless Peavy gets it. Plus, all those guys returning from injury like Buster Posey will be under consideration. Jamie Moyer would be a very sentimental pick, but highly unlikely.
  17. Best pitcher in the game? You're joking, right? Based on 2008-2011, you can no longer call him the best pitcher in the game....I'm not even sure if you could do it if he put up these same numbers for the entire season, which is about the same likelihood of happening as Dayan Viciedo climbing Mt. Everest without oxygen. There are teams that might offer $35-50 million for 3 years, but I think you're much more likely to be fewer years and higher dollars numbers, like $25 million for two years. The surgery he had was the first of its kind, and nobody knows how long his body will hold out. Obviously he's down 3-5 MPH from what he used to throw in his prime. He's compensating now with location, movement and savvy, but I just can't believe it will last all season. I'd be elated if he put up a 3.2-3.50 ERA for the season, although he's still more likely be "salary dumped" in July or August.
  18. If Greg straightened out Jones' mechanics, he'd probably be throwing 98-101 regularly with Maddux-like control. Get Him to the Greek/USCF.
  19. Mitchell still has more upside than Saladino unless he can consistently hit .280 with 15-18 homers per season at the major league level and play above average defense at either 2B/SS or 3B. 30-40 steals at the minor league level does not usually translate to more than 15-20-25 bags as a big leaguer.
  20. And that guy had a 0.63 ERA coming into that appearance. Just shows how hard it is in the 9th. Carlos Lee scored after a one-out triple.
  21. Have to get Viciedo going somehow. Seemed he was getting over the hump and now he's trending backwards again.
  22. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mlb-big-leag...-175439663.html Funny stuff about DBacks crew (yeah, Grace) messing with two young fans on first date. Trout with a really good game, 2/4, 2 doubles, 2 RBI's, up to .297. Pujols 2 for 4, both singles, 2 RBI's, back up to .200
  23. QUOTE (Brian @ May 9, 2012 -> 08:16 PM) Watch Theo and crew sell high on LaHair this offseason to bring up their boy, Rizzo. That'll appease Cub fans. Do you really expect LaHair to stay that hot for 5 more months?
  24. Jared Mitchell was on a 6 for 36 string with 14 K's mixed in. Got a base hit today, and an RBI, currently at .288. Castro and Hernandez down at BIRM have definitely been the two most impressive pitchers so far, at least among the "prospect-status" starters.
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