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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 1, 2012 -> 04:32 PM) You really think the guy should have been suspended or fired for ill advised twitter humor? So Greg, you at least you admit that YOU would be fired at YOUR workplace if you said those things, yes or no? And your defense of Cowley and Ozzie is that you're NOT a public figure and that you're NOT paid to be OR encouraged by your superiors to be entertaining/clever/humorous/opinionated/controversial and to drive web traffic and subscriptions, right? I'm guessing you definitely didn't follow my advice to repeat any of those things and see what happens/happened...
  2. I'm surprised Dick isn't using those last 6 weeks to blame Manto for what happened to Brent Morel. Beckham, we all pretty much expected or perhaps feared, was lost for good, at least with the Sox. Then again, with that Braves' team you have the best hitting catcher in baseball (McCann), Chipper Jones (Hall of Famer), Uggla, Freeman, Heyward...except for Michael Bourne, there's a lot of thunder in that line-up. But Heyward is below .200 right now. You also have Prado, Pastornicky and Juan Francisco. If Jack Wilson, Bourne, Prado and Pastornicky start putting up 800+ OPS numbers, then I'll be duly impressed. And it didn't really matter what Rios or Morel did the last month of the season, it was already over then.
  3. I must admit, I'm completely oblivious about how to use Twitter because most of this time since it became truly popular, I was in China and it's blocked unless you use a VPN or proxy and there was really nobody interesting worth following until recently. I will be interested in seeing if DeLuca, Telander or Phil Rogers reply with a personal comment. In the past, Phil Rogers, the couple of times I sent him something, always responded promptly and informatively. In this case, they're probably afraid to say anything for public consumption on this situation, except to say it's "unfortunate" and blah blah blah.
  4. Just did. DeLuca and Telander are next... http://www.chicagonow.com/2012/05/joe-cowl...the-difference/ Very good, comprehensive Chicago-based column that summarizes where everything is now and questions the whole parody/satire defense.
  5. Alisa M. Alexander (@almonnier) on Twitter #Storyteller #Connector #Chicagoan VP of Public Relations and Community Engagement for Wrapports, owner of the Chicago Sun-Times. twitter.com/almonnier - Cached Okay, someone has to do it! I don't have a Twitter account. http://www.linkedin.com/in/alisamonnier Alisa, you might look cute in a "girl next door, my maiden name or middle name is MONNIER (that's MOAHN-YAY to us 99%ers that don't hobnob with Guiliana Rancic and the Top Chef) and wearing glasses makes me look older and more sophisticated" way BUT you "really need to hottie up that picture" so you can be the object of Joe Cowley's dreams and desires!!!
  6. I just want to know where Marty34 is today...well, at any rate, I never would have expected 3 weeks ago that Ozzie would get fired for his managing/team record and Cowley for what he said about things which had nothing to do with sports. Must not let Cowley seize the Tesseract, as he is burdened with glorious purpose. Never mind.
  7. So is there anything he can say that will actually get him fired? If they're letting all those multiple comments slide without even a suspension, one shudders to think... Perhaps the compromise is that the same thing that happened to Ozzie happened to Cowley. Twitter and uttering "personal/political opinions" outside of the scope of his job...those rights were taken away from him, at least temporarily. Certainly with any connection with the CST handle. Maybe he deleted the account himself, but I'd be willing to wager it came with a push and shove from someone at corporate.
  8. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 10:54 PM) Like maybe the field was in terrible condition for some reason, or they all forgot to wear gloves today. Well, the weather's been pretty dicey in that part of the country the last week, but usually AAA fields are kept in very good condition. Wasn't Syracuse even artificial turf at one point? Can't remember 100%, thought it was the Blue Jays' team before and they wanted to simulate as closely as possible the playing conditions at SkyDome.
  9. http://blogs.suntimes.com/sportsprose/2008...o_suntimes.html This article looks exactly like something that would be written TODAY about Cowley, oddly prescient. So where the heck are DeLuca and Telander now? Under orders not to say anything at all and stand by their co-worker? If at this point you're wondering if maybe this is just sour grapes from a fellow reporter, De Luca clinches it with the words of Sun-Times editor Michael Cooke: "We wish Jay well and will miss him -- not personally, of course -- but in the sense of noticing he is no longer here, at least for a few days,'' Cooke said. ''A paper, like a sports franchise, is something that moves into the future. Stars come and stars go, but the Sun-Times sports section was, is and will continue to be the best in the city.''
  10. http://www.suntimes.com/lifestyles/1178839...bled-shine.html This is pernicious stuff when your own newspaper prints self-congratulating articles like this to make itself look better. They call it "enlightened self-interest" and "corporate social responsbility" in the not-for-profit field. Here in China, CEO's have to pay by the column inch for "puff pieces" like this. What next? Joe Cowley doing visits with Chicago children in the cancer ward? Written by Alisa Alexander. Perfect name for someone who works for a PR firm. Doesn't even sound real, more like someone who works for the Daily Planet or S.H.I.E.L.D. http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2012...cago-sun-times/ She's actually a corporate spokeswoman and head of the Sun-Times Charitable Foundation. Okay, Balta, I'm not in Chicago, so where can I get a list of their advertisers, at least the ones who advertise in the Sports Section? It's not going to make much of a difference coming from one person in China, but if it came from a consensus or group/s, it would have a lot more influence. I can't even physically buy a copy of the Sun-Times, so I don't think they will care very much what I think, but I can try.
  11. http://www.awfulannouncing.com/2012-articl...-deafening.html I think it's time to find what that PR team is getting paid for at the Sun-Times. No response whatsoever from them. He's NOT suspended, apparently. This article points out 3 articles on the Bulls playoff series (since the Twitter scandal), one of them written/dated last night. Who's his immediate boss, the sports editor? Chris DeLuca? Can't SoxTalk make some kind of announcement or press release that we're boycotting the Sun-Times unless he's suspended or fired, lol? Seriously, the group in Miami got TONS of ink for putting together roughly 150 protesters for a couple of days and then only 2 the following Tuesday when Guillen began coaching again...we have how many members here? Can't the mods/owner put out a press release stating our own history with Cowley and pledge that none of the SoxTalk subscribers will read/buy/quote the SunTimes until some informal or formal punishment is handed down? There are around 4,900 members here and 7,700 (probably 60-70% banned or self-banned) at WSI. Shouldn't we take a leadership role here?
  12. It's going to be extremely tough to keep this thread in the PHT section. Probably at some point, it might need to be bifurcated from the point at which the Twitter scandal/suspension started and that half broken off and lodged at SLAM. Simply a feeling these "free speech vs. workplace harassment/discrimination" discussions are going to get pretty heated.
  13. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ May 1, 2012 -> 03:55 AM) http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mlb-big-leag...-172244089.html Cowley story starting to make it into national publications. In his defense, female anchors/reports fawning all over professional athletes plays right into the stereotype he was poking fun at in some of his misogynistic comments about Title IX and female pilots. If she has that position because she's "cute" and is taking a position away from a more deserving/knowledgeable male reporter, that strengthens his position. However, in this case, the reporter is assigned the entertainment beat, so she's not a "pure" sports reporter, but the line is a bit blurred/murky. Imagine if Cowley was at Wimbledon, for example, asking a similar set of questions to Maria Sharapova or Anna Kournikova (before they had significant others). A male reporter, whether on the sports beat or not, would get pilloried for that kind of "fluff" interview, and rightly so.
  14. Of course, that's what we said all last year. Detroit's not that good...it's just Verlander and Cabrera and Victor Martinez and Valverde doing the damage, etc. Then they just crushed everyone the last two months. 1/8th of a season without Fister and Victor Martinez isn't going to tell a whole lot, either. They're still making adjustments. Austin Jackson is an offensive force like in his rookie year, and when/if Peralta/Avila/Boesch all get going, that's a hard line-up to face. I think we underestimate how much Martinez meant and assume Fielder's covering up for that bat and then some...but Martinez was absolutely the definition of a clutch hitter last year in pressure situations. Sure, Delmon Young's a mess and a headcase, Dirks/Eldred/Worth isn't much of a DH for now and they're never going to get much offense out of 2B this season, but they're still formidable. And they have LOTS of money to throw at any problems and the willingness to spend it, so even if we play even with them, they will have the ability to pull away from us in the 2nd half while we're dealing with Humber and particularly Sale possibly wearing down.
  15. Can't imagine how good the Rangers would be with Adrian Gonzalez. Pretty much unfair for the rest of MLB.
  16. Beware the extreme narcissist. Although he may radiate a seductive confidence, he can justify and forgive himself for just about anything, given his belief in his own exalted purpose. He’ll lose sense of the line between boldness and recklessness. And he’ll quit the stage reluctantly, because he can’t bear not to occupy the very center of it. What once drew so many people to Guillen and to Cowley? Both men had an exaggerated and infectious certainty about them. In Cowley’s withering sneer and Guillen’s shampoo-commercial smile and infectious, if NSFW sense of humor, there was a seeming estrangement from any and all doubt. It is the kind of thing that assuages a sports fan’s anxieties. It is also the kind of thing that arises from vanity on a scale well beyond the norm. Guillen spoke of himself in ludicrously grandiose terms. Cowley charted the size of his Twitter followers and the volume of their applause (and disdain) the way a day trader watches the Dow. Every day was a bull market. When you’re that wholly in thrall to your own heady promise, you exempt yourself from rules, absolve yourself of hypocrisy and persuade yourself that you’ll get away with it all. Someone as intent on affirmation as Guillen — or as Cowley — isn’t likely to remain content with the knowing gaze of his longtime sycophants. He needs the bedazzled expression of a fresh acolyte. this is from today's NY Times, Frank Bruni...see if you can figure out whose names I substituted Guillen and Cowley for!!!! http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/01/opinion/...-defeat.html?hp As an aside, you can only get 10 free articles per month from the NY Times currently
  17. http://chicagoradioandmedia.com/news/2462-...witter-comments
  18. The Marlins just aren't hitting. But his ERA's about what most expected in the NL, 3.34. The defense behind him hasn't been very good, either.
  19. They could simply emulate our 2006 team with 90 wins and sneak into the playoffs when the AL East beats each other into submission and only two teams can emerge....and you have to consider how down the Twins and Royals are. For the Angels, they have to feel the same way, being able to make up some ground against the Mariners and A's. I'd still be pretty shocked if the Tigers weren't the AL Central champions when all is said and done, if for no other reason than Illitch will open up his pocketbooks and okay any reasonable trade/acquisition in June/July. Whereas the White Sox and Indians (thanks to their big trade last summer with COL) aren't in a good position at all to be adding, especially with the Indians averaging only 15,000 per game, they might need to subtract again.
  20. -Manager Robin Ventura is sticking with rookie left-hander Hector Santiago (0-1, 8.53 ERA, 2 blown saves) as his closer. "It is a tough job," RV said. "You're asking a lot of young kids to do difficult things, and you have to be patient with that, too. Nobody is perfect. It's more of making sure his mind is there and he has to realize how difficult it is, too, but still stay aggressive and just keep pitching. " -Top pitching prospect Andre Rienzo (3-0, 1.08 ERA at Class A Winston-Salem) was suspended 50 games after testing positive for PEDs. "We found out a couple of weeks ago," said Buddy Bell, the White Sox' director of player development. "We talked to Andre about it right away. He was devastated at the positive. He denies any wrongdoing or anything like that. We went through the proper channels and Andre wanted to appeal. After about 10 days or so, they decided to get this thing behind him." There's your explanation for why the Sox weren't promoting him to Birmingham. from scot gregor's blog, www.dailyherald.com/sports
  21. Normally you'd think the Syracuse scorekeeper would give a lot more hits to the home team, right? What do you mean, not a coincidence? That Kuhn and Ozzie Martinez don't have very good defensive chemistry/communication between each other?
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 09:42 PM) I thought we were just talking about this incident. I haven't seen the short round tweet yet. I said after reading the 22 year old's story that Cowley is obviously a troubled jerk and what goes round does come around. But my position was this current flap is not a fireable offense. I'd like to see the chinese post. If indeed Cowley tweeted something to a woman about wanting to have sex with athletes, well that one is pretty bad. This current incident though ... much ado about nothing. He should be reprimanded and told to watch it. Some of the other alleged tweets seem much worse. Whatever happens, he seems like a turd who won't be able to b**** much if he gets canned cause of what he did in getting the intern canned for the same thing. @SloaneMartin Three days (since she "un-followed" him)? Not bad. And we didn’t even get to debate what a joke Title IX is… Another time … You’ll be back. #cantquitme….And when you come back, hottie up that pic a bit more. You look like the Russian icy villain from a 70s Bond movie. XOXO. So here we have a form of sexual harassment, denigration of all women in the US (making fun of Title IX, and linking that to either women piloting planes or being able to be sportswriters instead of only men having that "right")... Flight delayed because of “Mandatory Crew Rest.” God forbid anyone strains themselves handing out orange juice off a cart for an extra hour. I’m more likely to see a Squatch before I see a hot flight attendant. Then again, I think the airlines are hiring Squatch’s to do that job. Chick pilot. Should I be OK with that or am I just a sexist caveman? Kid next to me looks like “Short Round.” Think I’ll give him a dollar to say to me, “You cheat, Dr. Jones!” #firstclassproblems So go into your workplace, Greg, and say that same exact thing in a Chinese/Asian accent. Not only that, but he's implying that there's a problem in the first-class/business section of the plane because he has to sit next to an Asian person, heaven forbid. Tell a woman you work with she needs to "hottie up her Facebook pictures a bit" in order for you to deem her worthy of having a conversation with... Or just call any woman you work with a "Squatch" and complain about Title IX being a joke (because we want all women to return to the 1950's, right?) and while you're at, complain you don't have any "hot" women working in your department. Then mention why any of this should matter at all since you're already married. Objectifying women is only okay if you work at Playboy Magazine and people implicitly accept that treatment when they work for such an enterprise. But not for a major US newspaper. Greg or Marty, if you can get away with all those things, then I'd like to know what company you're working at...self-employed? Marty34 was trying to draw a parallel between his/Joe's case and the Dixie Chicks doing a concert abroad and stating that they weren't proud of their country anymore. Or just imagine if someone like the U.S. Secretary of Interior said this on his government account...he would be fired or re-sign within 24 hours. If you or I or 99.8% of normal everyday workers made the same comments (from/at our workplace or using an employment address/account/e-mail), we'd have been fired as well.
  23. Cowley might be able to get away with that in Spain, in Italy, in Central and South America...but he's NOT there! It's part of the reason that Ozzie also constantly gets himself in trouble. The things he says might be "okay" to utter in Venezuela or Latin America (vis a vis women), but no way can you say that in the U.S. today. The difference is Cowley SHOULD know better, Ozzie at least has the excuse of being brought up in another culture and at a slightly different time. Just like if Ozzie made those Castro comments 10 or 20 years ago, he would have been fired on the spot in South Florida. You can't make the defense that it USED to be okay or "it's still okay in some places or cultures in the world today" because you can find an exception anywhere in the world or recorded history for nearly any possible behavior.
  24. Damon will join the Indians Tuesday. Hideki Matsui signed a minor league deal with the Rays. The D-Backs/Towers are going to the Dominican this week to scout Vladimir Guerrero. Not sure where he would play in the NL, maybe just as an experienced PHer? Can they teach him 1B? That would be a stretch. Plus, they've already got Goldschmidt there.
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