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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. The Red Sox have tattoed Mr. Millone of the A's for an 11-1 lead. In all fairness, Boston is just a really hot hitting team right now. Would be great to see them face Darvish now and see who came out on top. The Rangers are just going to be a near-impossible out for any team in the playoffs this year, unless they experience a rash of injuries. Speaking of the Red Sox, they were in danger of blowing an 11-1 lead this time. After 5 runs scored, they had the bases loaded but the Padilla Flotilla struck out the weak-hitting Daric Barton to escape the inning. GS there brings it to 11-10 and nightmares of the Yankees' game. J. Papelbon 7/7 in SVO. Opposing batters only 3/22. Cubs had come back to tie the game but relief corps gave it right back with Polanco's 2 run-scoring double. Whatever happened to Geovanny Soto? .127? It's just like Beckham's collapse.
  2. http://sportsmockery.com/2012/whitesox-cub...wley-on-way-out Where is the official confirmation that he's been suspended indefinitely? Still just rumors or random Tweets?
  3. Most importantly, Phegley with a 13 game hitting streak, still at .387 with a double. If Mitchell, Phegley and 2 of our young starters can emerge as legit candidates for everyday action in 2013 (irrespective of what happens with the major league roster), that would be a huge victory. So much for Conor Jackson being healthy again.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 06:14 PM) If I'm giving a lecture and I say something this sexist, I'd expect to lose my job over it. Has nothing to do with karma. The Dixie Chicks comments were 1) made at a time where President Bush was still considered popular by a majority and 2) Cowley's comments were broadly offensive to huge groups of people, like all women in the world, all Asians and all airlines personnel. Had the Dixie Chicks waited 2-3 more years for the tide of the war to completely turn against the administration, nothing much would have been made out of those comments. With the Patriot Act, the Secret Service probably could have had them arrested (at that time) had they wanted to. That was their point in making the comments in the first place, that they weren't proud to live in a country where freedom of speech was being obliterated by PC "patriotic group think." Isn't that how we got into the wars in the first place, Congressmen and Senators were afraid to take a moral stand for fear of losing their next election? Perhaps Cowley was already on the borderline of losing his Sun-Times job and wanted to test the absolute limits where Free Speech, his role as a public figure or "pseudo-celebrity" in his mind, and workplace behavior all collided together...especially the continued battle to define where the workplace ends and begins in a digital world. As Balta pointed out, if the Sun-Times does nothing, then who's to define what is and isn't permissible in terms of a hostile working environment/discrimination/harassment? Does it then make it okay for the editor of the entertainment section of the newspaper to tell his more academically-inclined Kellogg School grad to "hottie up her picture" that will run with her weekly column? Greg or Marty...do you work with any Asian-Americans? Please go to work tomorrow and repeat verbatim the Cowley tweet about Short Round/Indiana Jones with your own version of an "Asian accent." You will last for less time than the ESPN copy editor who came up with the "Chink In the Armor" Jeremy Lin headline.
  5. Cowley and Ozzie relish the "us against the world" mentality. It's beyond ironic how their careers are arcing in the same direction with Ozzie now in Miami and Joe left with only KW and Don Cooper to fight with. He needed larger than life conflict to thrive, and that was gone when Ventura became the manager of the Sox. If I'm an offended Sun-Times employee, a woman or an Asian, here's where the threat of a harassment/discrimination/hostile work environment lawsuit is scaring the be-jesus out of the insurance company that covers the newspaper. We haven't YET reached the point of advertising losses either (like we saw in the oft-compared Limbaugh case), but you can imagine if this story grows much bigger, if they start getting protesters or pickets at the Sun-Times, the die will have been cast. By deleting his Twitter account, he's made himself look guilty in the process, incriminating his actions. If he was going to stand behind his "1st Amendment/Free of Speech/Public Figure" defense, then fine. Or even if he was going to stand behind his "satire of a society where Congressmen who expose their genitalia or an NBA player is fined for a picture of his g/f's butt" defense, that's fine as well. But he ran and hid. One is only left to wonder if he did it on his own or under orders from the Sun-Times, as we saw with the Ozzie/Castro flap. Greg and Marty will argue that if the Sun-Times don't lose any subscriptions, don't lose any advertisers directly as a result, don't get picketed or protested, then "all publicity is good publicity" and he's actually helping to make the Sun-Times relevant by being a public personality "larger than life," at least until it comes back to bite him permanently. He's clearly gone over the edge to one side to the point where there's no walking it back from the abyss. He doesn't know how to be a good sportswriter anymore, everything he writes is completely predictable. Now you could say the same thing about Dowd, Thomas Friedman or Paul Krugman at the NY Times, but they haven't deliberately tried to be over the top in order to get attention, certainly not in their personal/Twitter life. If they of those respected columnists "showed their true personalities" with comments approaching anything Cowley's level, their credibility would be greatly damaged. I'm not going to put him in the Mel Gibson category, but Cowley's going to find himself in a place where the benefits of employing him for his employer don't outweigh the possible costs that go with it.
  6. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 01:47 PM) I kind of look at this way as well. We've BLOWN two games and STOLEN zero games thus far, so we're 0-2 in that category. If this evens out, we're 13-9 as Flav said. Of course, it's been my observation that STEALING more games than you BLOW is a frequent trait of winning teams, and the opposite is a frequent trait of losers. Time, and the choice/performance of closers & late inning setup men, will tell. I kind of think that the random homer by Alex Rios (especially with the way he was hitting then) off Nathan definitely qualifies as a "stolen" victory. Then again, we had three winnable games against BALT that we left numerous runners in scoring position, as well as the Peavy start. And the game we won against the Tiggers with Viciedo and the defense making highlight reel plays, for example. That would have been a game we lost in 2011 for sure.
  7. Buehrle rocked, Marlins attempting to make a comeback from 7-0 down, now 7-5. 3 of the runs were unearned, so Mark's overall ERA is still decent, in the 3's. There was just a big mix-up at the mound on a routine mile high infield pop-up and the ball ended up getting volleyballed around by the pitcher and 3B and fell to the ground. Austin Kearns drilled the next pitch out. All four of his hits this year for XB's. Going to the 8th, precarious 7-5 lead now for D-Backs. By the way, Matt Cain's waiting for them after a cross-country plane ride. Not fun.
  8. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 10:55 AM) Jon Heyman ‏ @JonHeymanCBS new #braves hitting coach greg walker doing a terrific job. atlanta is tied for 4th in runs. was 22nd last yr. Has Dick Allen hacked into your account, lol?
  9. We've gotten much more positive results than expected out of Dunn, Rios and Peavy...even AJP and DeAza's holding up, maybe not the average and obp but his slugging's keeping him very useful, despite the defensive lapses. Other than the rookie struggles or near-rookie struggles of Santiago and Viciedo, which have been disappointing but not completely unpredictable....Beckham and Morel's plunge into two of the worst OPS hitters in MLB has hurt on the downside more than anyone could have predicted. It's one thing to put up 575-625 OPS numbers while playing great defense, it's another to be down at the level they're both at in terms of ineptitude. Encouraged about throwing out a lot more runners and holding guys closer at 1st. Then you have the Danks suckitude...I don't think anyone could have predicted that, not to extent we've seen so far. Is it all the big new contract or is there something physically wrong with him? He's hasn't looked crisp with his secondary pitches, and his FB velcity is down about 2 MPH from a year ago, which makes his change-up all the more hittable.
  10. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 12:47 PM) Get over yourself, Matt Spiegel. The NFL Draft and worst injury ever happened over the weekend and the dude wanted to waste my time with Joe Cowley? Waddle and Silvy are killing it today, and Wilbon was great. Joe Theisman says "hi!" Salon magazine writer taking her shot... http://www.salon.com/2012/04/30/lessons_fr...reck/singleton/ In November 2009, a Chicago White Sox fan blog posted a report that their sources had said the White Sox were having preliminarily discussions to acquire Adrian Gonzalez from the San Diego Padres in a three-way deal.[2] Cowley called the blogger a "trekkie turned blogger" who wrote from his basement.[3] Cowley occasionally mocks SoxNet.net on Twitter and on the radio from time to time.[4] Cowley's initial mocking prompted a response from the SoxNet.net blog calling his attacks "unprofessional, offensive, and completely inappropriate".[5] Cowley replied, but SoxNet.net opted not post his reply, calling Cowley's initial attack "mature" compared to his response.[6] What is SoxNet.net? Someone should correct the wikipedia entry... Ban Johnson Tuesday, May 1, 2012 01:36 AM +0900 Twitter is a spontaneous medium -- lots of comments might make sense in a particular context -- snark about a TV show or sporting event, for instance -- but come off as petty, trivial, whatever, when meant to stand as permanent markers of oneself. I use Twitter for the social/interactive element, but then erase 3/4 of what I've posted eventually...which isn't any more cowardly than not wanting my verbal conversations recorded for posterity. First of all, I don't want to be reminded of past moods that no longer have any context in which to make sense. Second, we live in an extraordinarily petty culture that LOVES taking offense, feeling superior, judging, twisting words out of context...why give anyone ammunition? I, for one, think the pitter patter was sort of amusing. However, I am shocked... SHOCKED that someone was boozing on a plane. Maybe the old saying should be updated: Twitter doesn't build character, it exposes it. We're in the middle of the era of that false expert. People and TV spout off about subjects they don't know all the time. TV pundits on CNN have shown over time to be less than 50% accurate about any given subject. Twitter's hair trigger simply exposes these people as windbags... that's all. Hilarious the someone made the exact same point about Cowley that the Marlins and Samson/Loria had to make to Cowley's mentor who's about to lose 8 out 9
  11. Marlins have lost 7 of their last 8 “That was the first game we didn’t have a chance," said manager Ozzie Guillen, whose starting rotation before Sunday had posted a 2.27 ERA during their past seven starts. “What am I going to say? Those guys know what we’re doing [at the plate].” But with the top three hitters in his lineup all struggling — Emilio Bonifacio is 3 for his last 31, Jose Reyes 4 for 28, and Hanley Ramirez is now 1 for his last 30 — Guillen said it has been hard for the Marlins’ offense to get going. “I’ve been saying hopefully for two weeks now [when it comes to this lineup],” a frustrated Ozzie Guillen said. “We have to get better. We’ve got to find a way. I’ve made a couple different lineups, but we still struggle. “It’s hard to write [Omar] Infante and [Logan] Morrison in all nine spots.” Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/29/2774...l#storylink=cpy
  12. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/12215093-57...eo-epstein.html
  13. http://www.suntimes.com/lifestyles/1211378...-adventure.html Biography of Bill Veeck (yeah, another) and RA Dickey autobiography which looks really good
  14. Cowley was involved in a very similar sexist taunt just one month ago about a Matt Forte article written by GASP a female sportswriter/blogger/columnist who dared to question his opinion. What seemed to really upset him the most was his last name being spelled Crowley instead of Cowley. http://deadspin.com/5906139/joe-cowley-the...r-keep-him-down http://playerperspective.com/nfc-north/chi...tt-forte-elite/ Here's the article the woman had written disparaging his Forte column. It seems Cowley had a signature sign off for those he was through antagonizing: "Now cue my damn music..[link to a video from the fuc---- Karate Kid.]" Kid next to me looks like "Short Round." Think I'll give him a dollar to say to me, " You cheat, Dr. Jones!" #firstclassproblems. cst_Cowley ... 获取过去 24 小时内的更多结果 So, to summarize, Cowley has managed to offend: 1) Female pilots, female flight attendants (Squatches or Sasquatches) and more or less all airlines crew members 2) Female sportswriters/bloggers 3) All females in general 4) All Asians in general Just in the span of 24 hours. He's doing well in his plans to emulate Ozzie and clan in every way.
  15. Not sure what the methodology was there. I did the simplest thing, took the composite average of the last two seasons, 39.5 homers and 108.5 RBI's, divided by 6 (for six months in a season), the multiplied by 5. In other words, let's just say he was injured the first month of the season and didn't play at all, what would his expected numbers be? I came up with the statistical result of 33 homers and 90 RBI's...well, really 94 because he already has 4. So all is not lost clearly, but he really has to pick up the pace and batting average, no doubt.
  16. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2005-04...iams-joe-cowley Whatever happened to THIS version of Joe Cowley, before he became a parody or satire of himself? And no matter what you say about Jerry Manuel, the guy's an outstanding human being. The morning after the surgery, Cowley picked up the phone and heard these words: "What are you doing, Cowley? Get up. I'm going to call you every day until you get back on your feet." It was former (Sox manager Jerry) Manuel. Sure enough, Manuel called every day until Cowley went home. But the worst news was yet to come. Doctors found traces of cancer in Cowley's bone marrow, giving him a cure rate of 50 percent. He was at Stage 4, the most serious of all. And his faith was starting to waver. "That's when Molle gave me a big speech, like Adrian and Rocky (in the movie)," Cowley said. "She said: `You've been a fighter your whole life. You have another fight. And you can't quit.' "That sunk in and I said: `That's it. This is not going to be the end of me.'" In early December, Cowley shaved his head in front of his son, Aidan. He and Molle wanted to be open with him, and now it feels better when Aidan kisses him on the head and says, "You're getting better." Cowley, who has lost 17 pounds, down to 158, recently completed his sixth and final round of chemotherapy. His fifth was by far the roughest, as doctors administered shots to stimulate the white blood cells inside his bone marrow. "It felt like a giant picked me up and squeezed me and cracked every bone," he said. "Molle had to help me up the stairs for two days. You just lay in bed and look at the clock and want time to go by. You're in and out of sleep like a bad nightmare." But the nightmare appears to be over. Cowley accomplished his goal of covering Opening Day, and his most recent CT scan showed no signs of cancer. Like Lance Armstrong, Cowley believes cancer survivors are the "lucky ones." "I have a perspective I never imagined," he said, "and that's what I'm thankful for. This has made me a lot better person, a better husband, a better father." But his writing won't change. Cowley is sure to rankle Williams again this season with a story about a contract dispute or a failed trade. "When it comes to the job, I'm still in attack mode," Cowley said. "It's not like I get cancer and become some docile, hippie peace child or something. But at the end of the day, you let things go. All that matters is your family."
  17. The Five-Year Engagement settled for a fifth place debut (although every movie from No. 2 to No. 5 could shuffle around over the next 24 hours) with $11.2 million. While many prognosticators (like this one) thought the film would top the chart, Universal claims it was always expecting an opening in the low double-digits. Still, the result seems very disappointing given the massive success of Bridesmaids, which earned $169 million last year, and the date night-viability of 2012 titles like The Vow and The Lucky One. The Emily Blunt/Jason Segel rom-com earned a lackluster “B-” CinemaScore grade from polled audiences, which were 64 percent female. Fortunately, the film cost a modest $30 million to produce. Huge disappointment for this movie...many expected it to finish first, and it might end up all the way back at 5th. Competition from THINK LIKE A MAN (which is a really good movie, and Meagan Good is hot, hot, hot!) and THE VOW overwhelmed it a little. SHAWARMA rocks! My Avengers reference of the day.
  18. Just saw THE AVENGERS, it's excellent. A little bit like a cross between the most recent X-Men and the Captain America prequel. Josh Whedon did an excellent job melding all the moving parts together into one cohesive whole, the intra-team jousting and rivalry which you knew was inevitable with all those egos in one room...there's lots of action and it feels more grounded in the storyline than the typical special-effects driven summer fare. Loki was much more formidable and "unhinged" in this one, an improvement on the THOR movie. Only one negative review out of more than 60 at rottentomatoes.com 'The Avengers" is neither overwhelming nor underwhelming. What it expertly is, is whelming. The movie guarantees fast-paced fun without forcing anyone to think about what it all means, which is nothing. The dialogue sparkles as brightly as the special effects; these people may be wearing ridiculous costumes but they're well fleshed-out underneath. And so in every regard, this movie truly fulfills its hype. Like a superior, state-of-the-art model built from reconstituted parts, Joss Whedon's buoyant, witty and robustly entertaining superhero smash-up is escapism of a sophisticated order. Whedon pulls off a stunning feat in bringing balance to this superhuman circus, engineered to charm the geek core and non-fans alike.
  19. Just read Deadspin. Very well done. A blog site built on satire doesn't get satire. Maybe I can e-mail a QB penis picture into them now. 22 hours ago Standing room only in the media closet at the Berto Center. So this is what a team's playoff funeral looks like. BREAKING NEWS: Rose ACL is still torn. More to come. Been a long time since I've used my medical background to sketch an injury ... might be time to dust off the notepad. RT @willbrinson: Creating a parody account for @cst_cowley would be amusing. Unfortunately it would also be redundant. 23 hours ago Someone hit him with the following, lol... The Scorpion and the Frog is a fable about a scorpion asking a frog to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stung during the trip, but the scorpion argues that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog agrees and begins carrying the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature. The fable is used to illustrate the position that the behaviour of some creatures is irrepressible, no matter how they are treated and no matter what the consequences.
  20. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 29, 2012 -> 08:50 PM) Funny thing is they match up better with ALC teams this year then they have in years past. Maybe it will keep them in the hunt. To be honest, .500 and 2 games out of first coming out of what has been traditionally been a bad month for the Sox isn't a bad place to be in. Just one game back, CLE is two games over .500. They've simply played 2 less games than the Sox.
  21. http://www.chicagonow.com/chicago-sports-m...s-from-twitter/ Cowley, always having to get the last word, took the time to mention how handsome he is, what life is like in first class, bashed Title IX, and told Sloane to “hottie up that pic.” In other words, he was far from the paragon of professionalism and virtue. And his relentless self-aggrandizement doesn’t reek of over-compensation for perceived insecurities. No, not at all. Not one bit. In short, it looks like the age of social media is about to self-inflict damage on the career of another journalist who’s going to be missing some work, and not by choice. And that Cowley has become that new extremely hated figure- replacing the now banished Jay Mariotti. Paul M. Banks is CEO of The Sports Bank.net, an official Google News site generating millions of unique visitors. He’s also a regular contributor to Chicago Now, Walter Football.com, Yardbarker, MSN and Fox Sports A Fulbright scholar and MBA, Banks has appeared on live radio all over the world; and he’s a member of the Football Writers Association of America, U.S. Basketball Writers Association, and Society of Professional Journalists. The President of the United States follows him on Twitter (@Paul_M_BanksTSB) You should too.
  22. 12 game hitting streak through Sunday's game. http://tribstar.com/sports/x1585735586/MIN...eaches-11-games 21/49 (.429), 3 doubles, 3B, 1 HR, 7 RBI's Last time he played and failed to record a hit was almost 3 weeks ago, on April 12th.
  23. Kemp and Ethier combined had more homers (11 + 5=16) than 9 whole major league teams coming into Sunday's games. Kemp putting up softball league numbers. One could argue he's had the best non-PEDS derived April start in modern history.
  24. They've "only" won 3 of the 5 games that Verlander has started, too. I think one of them was blown by Papa Grande, and they got the win in the bottom of the 9th or 10th. Another game, Justin fell apart after dominating going into the last inning. Then there was the 7-6 lose to the Yankees Last year, Verlander had 34 starts, the Tigers won 25 of them and lost 9 (Justin only 5 losses personally). So a .735 vs. .600 winning percentage for the first month, or a one game shift. So even with his 2011 version, they'd likely be only tied for first with CLE. The big differences to me: Peralta was a huge force last year, this year not so much. Loss of Victor Martinez's RBI bat. Avila hasn't been nearly as good (offensively) as he was last year. Bullpen...obviously nobody's going to go 49/49 two seasons in a row in save conversions, but their middle relief has been average at best. Loss of Fister, although Smyly has pitched well.
  25. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Apr 29, 2012 -> 03:50 PM) I dont know how Phillips gives you a range to 50 sb especially when I said excluding his 2007 season. Okay, I over-exaggerated by a bit, but Saladino's not the type of prospect who's going to consistently put up 25, 30, 35 steals at the major league level. The one plus is he should walk a lot more than Morel, so there's that. Hopefully more XB hits than Brent has shown the ability to generate at the MLB level (I know some will argue the "real" Brent was the one we saw the last 6 weeks and that this version is an impostor).
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