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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. Starting line-up has 4 guys under 600 OPS currently. Morel at 297 Dunn at 592 Fukudome at 397 (but only 12 ab's, hit the ball hard last night though) Beckham at 338 At least Dunn is getting on base (a bit more) and Rios seems to be pulling out of it. We haven't seen the best from DeAza, but he still has a 770 OPS, shaming Juan Pierre. They also took away the "triple" that he hit against DET where Delmon Young did a 360 pirouette. And, on cue, DeAza jumps to 869 with one swing of the bat. 4-1. Nice to have some power at leadoff for a change.
  2. Dammit, 10 pitches and a negative result. That hurts. Always a concern with Peavy's endurance/stamina/pitch count in the middle innings. Already close to 60. And how the hell does Omar Infante have 4 homers?
  3. Ethier and Kemp leading the majors with 17 RBI's, AJ with 13, tied for 3rd. Interestingly enough, Chris Young and Nick Swisher both have 13 as well. Jeter and Konerko have the same number, tied for 18th.
  4. Small victories, at least Rios didn't hit into a DP and completely kill the momentum. Sure, 4-1 or 5-1 would be nicer, but when we get a bigger lead we tend to let up instead of stepping on the neck of the opponent and not letting them get back up.
  5. AJ Pierzynski, last year his 4th homer was July 25th, 13th RBI on May 22nd. WOW.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 18, 2012 -> 04:00 PM) I'm seriously not kidding. It's becoming like Godwin's law...as a Soxtalk thread approaches its 3rd page, the probability of a Joe Cowley mention approaches unity. The Art of War. Make him so overconfident that he does something really stupid (like his mentor/buddy Ozzie) and has to be fired. Fight the enemy where he isn't (or is). LOL
  7. Other than your new coinphrase, "extra at bad" (was that intentional?), which is fun, Rios is going nowhere.
  8. I'll say it again. Andy Gonzalez's career minor league OPS is well above 700. Escobar is at 666. Even when we were atrocious in 2007, nobody was clamoring for Andy to become a full-time player.
  9. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 18, 2012 -> 06:33 AM) It's not going to be good. If the Sox win there will be an increase in attendance next year, if they don't there will be front office changes. Even if Hahn became the GM tomorrow, it wouldn't matter one scintilla in terms of attendance. And who is your preferred candidate for this position, by the way?
  10. QUOTE (Lillian @ Apr 18, 2012 -> 06:06 AM) If this were a matter of only 10 games, I wouldn't think twice about it. However, Rios was terrible in 2009 and last year, and now is at it again. Dunn was unbelievably bad last year, as we all know. Where is the improvement? Beckham has been a lost cause since his brief stint in his rookie year. Morel has not yet demonstrated his ability to hit Big League pitching. Would you prefer to suffer through another year of these inept hitters? This is the American League. No team is going to compete against the Yankees, Rangers, Angels and Tigers with a lineup full of automatic outs like we're running out there on a nightly basis. If they don't want to compete, and waste the pitching they have, then I don't care if they opt for cleaning house. But I don't see how they do that with all of the expensive, contracts which most of you guys argue are impossible to unload. Take these suggestions one at a time, and please tell me what you would do: 1 Rios - Would you prefer to watch him continue to make outs, or give someone a chance to get on base? He could still be a late inning defensive replacement for Viciedo. 2 Dunn - Would you prefer to platoon Dunn for those relatively few at bats vs. LHP? Or, would you rather just watch him put on a nightly demonstration of the definition of "an exercise in futility?" 3 Beckham - Is this tortuous experience really good for his psyche? I don't think he is developing, as much as getting really messed up. What would you do with him? 4 Morel - He is not ready to be a contributing corner infielder, except with his defense. Couldn't he benefit by playing everyday at Charlotte? But the same "how many times do we have to watch them fail" arguments apply to Jackson and particularly McPherson. McPherson's going to weaken one of our strengths, which is our infield defense. How many times has he had a chance to stick in the majors, and he's failed each and every time. The Angels notoriously hold on to their prospects like Brandon Wood, Casey Kotchmann and McPherson, if ANYTHING, too long. Adam Dunn has a decade-long track record of production. Conor Jackson couldn't even stick with the A's, who are more in need of offense perhaps than, well, any team but the White Sox and Mariners. If he was 100% healthy now, wouldn't he be showing a lot more XB power at Charlotte, which is basically like playing at a glorified Pony/Colt League stadium? Where are the indicators of strength, besides his walk totals? Beckham should be sent down, that's one most of us agree on. Morel was a rookie last year, finished well and had a very good spring. He's owed at least 2-3 more weeks AT THE BOTTOM OF THE LINE-UP to get his act together. Not only that, but Ventura mentioned he wants Brent in the line-up for his bunting ability. Who else are you going to hit second who can bunt well? I don't supposed you're going to argue that Jackson and McPherson are talented at bunting? Rios has at least won a game for us with a homer and has some pop in his bat. He had two hits yesterday. He's a two time All-Star, and at least has the ability to put up 20+ homers, 80+ RBI's, 30+ steals. With your line-up, we might be starting Conor Jackson, Brent Lillibridge/Fukudome, Dallas McPherson and Tyler Kuhn...that sounds like the kind of team that should be competing in the International League, not in the AL. Or a spring training B game line-up. If that's going to both save our season and be a building block for the future, we're in REALLY big trouble, worse than anyone imagined.
  11. QUOTE (Lillian @ Apr 18, 2012 -> 05:28 AM) OK, that's it. I've had it!!! I don't care whether they decide to "play to win", or concentrate on developing the youth. Whatever!!!! Just please don't make us watch Dunn against left handed pitching, in the middle of the order yet! It's just too painful. Please sit his ass down on the bench, and then do something about the rest of the useless half of the lineup. Seriously, Morel needs to be given a chance to succeed. Let him hit vs. LHP, and be a late inning defensive replacement. Bring up McPherson, and let him play 3B versus all RHP. He's been averaging well over 40 homers per 162 games, versus RHP at AAA for the last several years he's played. Bring up Jackson, and let him platoon with Dunn. He can't possibly be worse vs. LHP, and might even become the terrific hitter he was before his illness. Platoon Lillibridge with de Aza in CF. De Aza is over exposed when he plays vs. LHP, and Brent kills lefties. It's such an obvious move. Moreover, Lillibridge has earned a chance to at least play against lefties, after how he busted his rear end last season. Platoon Fududome with Rios in RF, and hit him second. He gets on base a lot, and we desparately need that. Rios has to held accountable for his lack of production. Start with the platoon, and if he doesn't perform when he plays vs. LHP, just bench him. Enough already!!! And finally, send Beckham to Charlotte, and give Kuhn a shot. People forget that Tyler was almost as dominant a hitter in college as Beckham. He just didn't demonstrate the same power, but at least he had a phenomenal average in the Big East Conference, where he hit .424 his last year. He didn't seem to take long to adjust to the wooden bat, hitting .375 that summer at Great Falls. He's exactly Beckham's age, and has proven that he can hit Minor League pitching. I'd like to see what he could do against Big League pitching. The other plus for Kuhn is that he bats left handed. I think we've seen enough of what Gordon can do at this level, at least until he changes something. Charlotte is a better place to be experimenting. If Gordon can't even put up numbers down there, he's really in trouble. Send down Escobar, along with Beckham and Stewart in order to make room for Jackson, McPherson and Kuhn. If we did that after only 10 games, everyone in baseball would think we were nuts. Those three players getting significant playing time is the very definition of experimenting. They White Sox didn't protect Kuhn this last winter, they thought so highly of him. Same with Doyle. And yet both players are still with the organization.
  12. Still, there are hints that his remarks have done some damage, both in terms of perception and the franchise’s bottom line. Last Friday, Preferred Care Partners — a Miami-based Medicare health plan — notified the Marlins that it wanted the company’s signage removed from the stadium’s right-field wall “until this situation runs its course.” The Marlins declined repeated requests for comment. On the whole, then, the Marlins have to be pretty pleased with how Guillen’s return was received. The surprisingly light crowd didn’t break into any “Fire Ozzie” chants, and there were no signs condemning the Venezuelan-born skipper in the stands. But Preferred Care’s president Justo Luis Pozo’s letter to the Marlins was a serious reminder of the consequences of Guillen’s words. Pozo explained that Cuban Americans make up a strong share of the health plan’s membership, and many of them were wronged by what he called Guillen’s “irresponsible and inconceivable conduct.” “For them, the atrocities and oppression of the Castro regime over decades are not intellectual, theoretical or abstract notions,” Pozo wrote. “They are realities that have destroyed a once-vibrant and free country, divided families, and that has shaped their generation.” The letter did not specifically request a refund for the removed advertisements, and Pozo did say he hopes to work with the Marlins in the future. Preferred Care had previously agreed to sponsor Josh Johnson bobblehead night, set for June 27. As for Guillen, he met with reporters three hours before the first pitch, saying his suspension was “a tough couple of days,” but that he was heartened by the support he got from friends and colleagues. “Obviously, some people are still going to be upset,” Guillen said. “I don’t think I’m going to change, but I won’t be talking about things that aren’t my business. I hope this mistake makes me a better person. I know to be careful about what you talk about.” As of Tuesday evening, the Marlins still had not announced what they plan to do with the salary Guillen lost during his suspension; Marlins President David Samson said last week it will go to a charity focused on human rights. But one Cuban American group has already made it clear it wants no part of the Marlins’ money. The Cuban Liberty Council, a prominent organization dedicated to promote liberty and democracy in Cuba, declined an invitation to meet with Guillen, and circulated a letter last week condemning his remarks. “They have not offered us any money, but if they had, we would not have accepted it,” said Ninoska Pérez Castellón, a founding member of the CLC and influential Spanish-language radio talk show host at Radio Mambí, WAQI-AM (710). “The Marlins have a serious PR problem on their hands. There is no connection between his brain and his mouth.” Other Cuban groups have been more willing to accept Guillen’s donation, although he knows that alone won’t rehabilitate his battered reputation. “When you hurt somebody, you’re not going to solve the problem with money,” added Guillen, in his first year with the Marlins after a World Series-winning stint with the Chicago White Sox. “You solve it with acts.” Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/18/2754...l#storylink=cpy
  13. Safe at No. 2: Brent Morel remains the Sox's No. 2 hitter despite his .103 batting average. Ventura acknowledged Morel's ability to lay down sacrifice bunts is a factor. "I still think he's going to be able to be more of a contact hitter, hit line drives," Ventura said. "I believe in him doing that, so he's going to stay there. He just needs to be a little more aggressive within the zone and things are going to turn around for him." Extra innings: Joe Torre, Major League Baseball's executive vice president of baseball operations, overturned an official scoring call Friday that takes away a triple credited to Sox center fielder Alejandro De Aza. After a review, Torre ruled that an error be charged to Tigers left fielder Delmon Young and that two runs charged to pitcher Daniel Schlereth now are unearned. Tribune The Chicago White Sox drew only 11,267 fans Tuesday night, one night after a paid crowd of 13,732 showed up to U.S. Cellular Field on a half-price night while the Bulls were playing at the United Center at the same time. Tuesday's small crowd, however, didn't agitate pitcher John Danks, who was wearing a Blackhawks cap during a post-game interview following a 3-2 loss to Baltimore. "The Blackhawks are playing (in the NHL playoffs)," Danks said. "I don’t blame people. It’s cold outside and the Blackhawks are in the playoffs. ... Just a victim of the circumstances here." The game time temperature at U.S. Cellular Field was 51 degrees but dipped into the 40s as the night progressed.
  14. "I'm not down on myself," said Beckham, who was batting .115 with 11 strikeouts entering Tuesday night's game against the Orioles. "I know I had a good spring. I felt good in spring. I know it's right there. "It's just small mechanical stuff. For me, it's just being able to get my foot down and let my hands do the work. The hands are my money maker." Beckham said he started putting his front left foot down sooner after striking out in his first at-bat Monday. He went hitless in his next three at-bats but didn't strike out and believes he is making progress. "I'm making sure I'm on time to hit the ball," Beckham said. "There are a lot of ways to say that, but that's what we're going for. It's not about the hands or anything like that. It's getting my foot down." Beckham claimed he was unaware of suggestions he should sit, and manager Robin Ventura backs his embattled second baseman. "People can think what they want to think," Beckham said. "It's (nine) games." Ventura emphasized the focus on Beckham is on this season and not dwelling on his struggles the last two. www.chicagotribune.com/sports Haven't we all heard this before?
  15. QUOTE (Andrew @ Apr 17, 2012 -> 11:06 PM) The average is just under 26K if you average over the years since '95... Lot of s***ty teams in there, too (you should look at the Sox LOSING history as well). Anyway, "Low", yes - but "10K by Wednesday" sounds like NBC today. Yes, there was a struggle from 1996-99 (these kids can play), but almost every winning percentage you can track from 1993-2000, 1993-2008, even 2012, the White Sox are going to rank anywhere from 3rd-5th. Behind the Yankees, Braves, and I would imagine you could add the Cardinals or the Red Sox as well, definitely the Red Sox. The point being is that while our winning percentage (not playoff appearances) has been very good...well, never mind. Just remembering the last White Sox draft choice inside of the top 10 should force you to recall the long string of pretty good play, with the exception of 2007. http://umresearchboard.org/resources/davis...nce_Winning.pdf I'll just refer to pages 20-31 in this economics report on the connection between attendance and winning percentage
  16. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Apr 17, 2012 -> 10:41 PM) God I can't stand Cowley. I like how now that Chris Young is finally starting to hit (D Backs have only been waiting 7 years for that to happen) and NOW that trade is bad once again. Also, if anyone decides which team is fun or boring by the manager, that person is automatically an idiot. Last, Cowley was on B&B Tuesday afternoon. I swear within two minutes of saying the Ozzies Castro comments were blown out of proportion (full disclosure: I tend to agree) he then said that he hopes the media is going to do some "actual reporting" on the Peavy being in a bar story non-story in Wrigleyvile (on deadspin.com). So to summarize: you need a manager who is exciting to be relevant, but when he makes comments about a NATIONAL figure, it's no big deal. But players at a bar in their social life need some actual reporting done on the matter. Got it. Ladies and Gentleman, we have passed Mariotti territory. And here I thought that Jake Peavy was one of the three players he had left on the Sox to get quotes from, along with AJ and Thornton. Might be down to 2. And Ventura, who's not the kind of guy who would ever refuse to speak to anyone, it's not in his nature to hold grudges.
  17. We were outdrawn by over 2,500 fans BY THE ROYALS. The Marlins had 24,544 (clearly they're not going to sell out many games this season, except weekends and if the team's doing well) for the return of Guillen/Cubs and it's higher than our average (quickly sinking) of 24,367. 27. White Sox, 24,367 28. Astros, 23.162 29. Royals, 22,218 (but have outdrawn us the last two nights) 30. Indians, 18,219 Yay, at least we're not Cleveland or Houston, perhaps the Twins. I can't think of too many other teams in a worse situation going forward, maybe the A's without a new ballpark. Even Pirates fans have many reasons to be excited. Can we manage to go below 10,000 Wednesday?
  18. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/11969732-41...ness-error.html Interesting that Robin Ventura called Ozzie, not surprising with how classy he is, the Phil Mickelson of the AL Central. But it comes down to Guillen forgetting who his customers were and big business putting him in his room for five days because of it. Sure, there were other players in the game. Add in a media that treats a drop of blood in the water like it’s chum — and then, of course, an over-politically correct society that wants peanut butter sandwiches banned from schools because little Sally has a peanut allergy — and, well, light fuse, cover ears and duck. And who throws more bombs than anyone else in the Chicago media? It's like the pot calling the kettle black. Translation: (Malay: "Bagai meludah ke langit" or "Like Spitting into the sky" Norwegian)
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 17, 2012 -> 11:09 PM) Good post. The thing about confidence? Who cares? Last year should have destroyed his confidence, what does it matter now? It's like worrying about offending Rios. I mean if we had a team leader who cared (maybe no team has a true leader anymore) somebody should ream Rios' ass for getting picked off on that Little League play. I mean alias should tell us ... when is the last time somebody got picked off on that play????? At first, I was like what are Jennifer Garner and Bradley Cooper going to tell us? The architect of the Titanic (you'd have to watch the show with Victor Garber to get that)? Elias Sports Bureau
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 17, 2012 -> 11:05 PM) I did not know yu could not fine players anymore. Makes sense though. Coddled players. That was a mental mistake that cannot be tolerated. It only cost the Sox a chance at winning a game. Look how well the Bobby Valentine/Tough Love approach is working in Boston. They're 4-7 now, and in a world of hurt without a closer or Ellsbury. It's almost like they have to start over again without Pedroia, Youkilis, Ortiz, Beckett, etc. Might be the same thing with the White Sox starting almost completely anew...which will never happen with AJ, Peavy, Paulie, Rios and Dunn on the roster.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 17, 2012 -> 11:05 PM) I did not know yu could not fine players anymore. Makes sense though. Coddled players. That was a mental mistake that cannot be tolerated. It only cost the Sox a chance at winning a game. Look how well the Bobby Valentine/Tough Love approach is working in Boston. They're 4-7 now, and in a world of hurt without a closer or Ellsbury. It's almost like they have to start over again without Pedroia, Youkilis, Ortiz, Beckett, etc. Might be the same thing with the White Sox starting almost completely anew...which will never happen with AJ, Peavy, Paulie, Rios and Dunn on the roster.
  22. Kangaroo court and for violations of team rules/policy, but not on-field play (no matter how abysmal). Unless he did something like Albert Belle and beaned a fan in the stands with a thrown baseball, something absurd or out of the ordinary like that....which will never, ever happen with Rios, as long as he keeps getting his checks deposited every 2 weeks.
  23. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 17, 2012 -> 10:56 PM) Ozzie didn't want to move him down to make the GM look bad, his ghost writer admitted that. I think Robin doesn't want to move him down because it could destroy any confidence he has. This situation is going to be a mess if he can't get it going soon, and there's really no reason to think he will, although he always has been pretty streaky. I feel a bit sorry for Walker reading (whether it's true or not, I'm not sure) 1) Our GM tried to challenge him to a fight, which I don't doubt because Williams is one of the least "professional" GM's out there...but Walk didn't take the bait and turned the other cheek. 2) That Reinsdorf, despite everything that transpired, wanted to keep Walker, too, this past off-season. That guy's loyalty knows almost no bounds. In the end, Konerko's still great, with or without Walk. Beckham/Morel/Rios/Dunn are all the same or probably worse. DeAza's worse, mostly due to lack of walks/OBP. AJ's about the only one you can say has outperformed expectations...or Paulie.
  24. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 17, 2012 -> 10:46 PM) Soxtalk hated AJP, Soxtalk hated Konerko from 2007-2009, Soxtalk hated Contreras for half of 2005. Cheer for the Soxtalk punching bags, usually they turn out to be OK. Not so sure about Erstad, Mackowiak, Anderson (well, for me he was a punching bag), Juan Pierre and Bobby Jenks. I'll include DeWayne Wise, just for Greg, but he was never really a threat to be a full-time player so that's a different category. We hated the fact that KW never had a good solution for CF from the time Rowand left...and took it out on whoever played CFer, whether it was Anderson/Mackowiak/Erstad/Griffey/Pods/Pierre/Rios, a LONG line of mostly infamous names. KW should have been the punching bag more than those individuals, but it is what it is, or was what it was.
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