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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. So much for the theory throughout the offseason that Cespedes wouldn't be on a major league roster (at least a contending team's) until July or August at the earliest. Will be interesting to see how long it takes the pitchers to make adjustments to him and develop a scouting report.
  2. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 28, 2012 -> 09:13 AM) You're joking, right? He was atrocious trying to sound like a Russian. I actually took Russian in college (don't ask), and we discussed at one point some films with Russian players in it... Red October was pointed out as having a lot of well-done work in terms of casting Russian actors, and training other actors to sound Russian... except Connery, who just sounded like... Connery. He was awful. Worse than Borat, Minnie Driver and Sigourney Weaver? Nicole Kidman? They've all been in movies where their fake Russian left a lot to be desired.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 28, 2012 -> 10:43 AM) Great. Taylor Swift and whoever the other one was can fight that out. The funny thing is that rice cakes aren't even that popular in the Philippines. And yet, once again, there's always that double-standard about treating Asian people (Fukudome?) in a way that if it was happening to African-Americans, it would be a different story. Once again, that perception that whites and Asians are the two dominant/power-holding ethnic groups in the world now, with the rise of China/Singapore/Korea/Japan/Taiwan, etc. About the only example I can think of where someone got in trouble or lost their job was the "chink in the armor" headline at ESPN about Jeremy Lin, at the height of "Linsanity" a month or so ago. I can't tell you how many times people make jokes about any Asian person eating a dog or cat. But if it's Fuzzy Zoeller talking about the Masters' dinner and Tiger Woods, boom, it's a national controversy. I don't think this who has the power/position to be racist, whether blacks or Hispanics can be equally "reverse racist" etc., will ever end. You have arguments that are compelling on both sides. I'll give another example within the Asian culture. Hong Kong fought and overturned a judicial decision that Filipina and Indonesian maids could get residency visas after living there for 7 years, just like people from all the rest of the world. So they specifically can exclude all maids/domestic servants from two specific countries from ever gaining residency. There's just as much racism within a culture and there is from without.
  4. But lots of church/anti-abortion groups have posted abortion doctors' names/addresses/cell numbers, etc., on the internet or places like Twitter and nothing has ever happened to them, correct? Even in cases where doctors have been murdered/assassinated. Speaking of bounties, I wonder what would have happened if one of the Saints players would have put an opposing player in a wheelchair or even killed someone (could they use the football is a dangerous game defense or could they be charged with aggravated assault for a "pre-planned" tackling or taking out of someone on a football field, which is inherently dangerous?)....of course, the Raiders with Jack Tatum did the same thing in the 70's and early 80's, it just wasn't such a legalistic society as we have today. I guess there's no such thing as "fair" anymore, anyway. Would we have heard about the woman who walked into the propeller blade and lost her eye and hand/s if not for the fact that she was a young and statuesque blonde model? Their family is suing the company that insured the airplane and already turned down a $200,000 settlement simply because she made a mistake and was careless, and yet they want to fault someone for what happened. If you get out of a prop plane, the first thing you do is look at where the blades are....are they still rotating, it should be human nature, as opposed to a jet engine.
  5. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Mar 28, 2012 -> 08:23 AM) remember Mark Jewell? Yeah. Chris Street and Dr. Tom Davis even came to our dorm once and I was asking him about his PhD in Pilgrim Athletics in the Colonies, lol. Sad thing what happened to Chris, I was in graduate school then in Georgia. That's also around the time all that stuff with Bruce Pearl, Deion Thomas and Collins was going on.
  6. Misunderstood as well, I guess. I'm sure there are 10-15 "25th players" out there who are just as bad or worse, or the final reliever out of the pen is a bit of a joke. Even the Yankees, Red Sox and Phillies. Heck, the Phillies are populated with ex-Sox stars like Contreras, Pierre and Pods.
  7. I would tend to go with Werth, going forward. Zito's and Hampton's have always been the classics for pitchers, although the likes of Chan Ho Park, Darren Dreifort and Jason Schmidt deserve consideration, as well as Kevin Brown (seems like the Dodgers always have bad contracts, like when they had Andruw Jones, Pierre and Manny Ramirez simultaneously). I think the Red Sox would rather just see Dice-K and Lackey disappear into thin air. Unfortunately, they're still on the hook for 2 more years of Lackey. Carlos Zambrano should have been close. Chone Figgins. Jose Silva. Milton Bradley. JD Drew. Herschel Walker for the NJ Generals.
  8. The offense isn't completely boring for 5 months out of 6. The team goes on a winning streak for 8-9-10 games and/or a streak with 20 or more wins and 10 or fewer losses...don't think 26-5 can be replicated, though. Seems like in 2009 and 2011, the Sox could never get a hot streak started and carry the momentum for more than a week or two, especially last year. At least in 2009, we had the excitement of Buehrle's no-hitter, Thome, adding Peavy and Rios, all the trade talk from May through July, etc. And the Barons were a ton of fun to follow in April and May.
  9. And Hermanson was also a high first round draft pick out of Wichita State. Santiago almost literally came out of nowhere last year.
  10. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Mar 28, 2012 -> 12:17 AM) FWIW, Kendall Gill is one of the nicest human beings on the planet. Hmmm....interesting, I always heard the opposite, that he was a jerk and pretty self-centered. Maybe my Hawkeye bias, haha. I did spend a lot of time around the team from 1988-1990, I was one of Roy Marble's "tutors/ghostwriters." Makes me feel so old to see his son now playing for Iowa.
  11. http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/201...p-obama-win/?hp Argument that the individual mandate being struck down will actually help Obama's re-election chances.
  12. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Mar 27, 2012 -> 09:50 PM) Thanks for playing Dan Johnson. Only this team would wait this long to send you packing. I'm sure there's thousands of examples in baseball history of teams cutting veterans over one week before the regular season begins. If anything, they've given him a LOT more time to find another home than organizations that wait until the last 2-3 days before the season begins to make their final roster cuts. If he's deserving of a job on a major league roster, he'll get one. Otherwise he'll be on standby in AAA somewhere.
  13. "I actually in the last 48 hours with the things they’ve said about the Illinois program, of course I’m going to be biased being from there, I have reconsidered my position on that," Kendall Gill said on "The Carmen, Jurko & Harry Show" on ESPN 1000. "Before I said, you know what I don’t have any interest in coaching. Now in the last 48 hours, coaching, maybe I might want to do that to put the program back on the map. "I know I have the ability. I played professional basketball for 15 years, also college for four years and an analyst for six. I know the game. I would consider if it if I got the call." LOL. Always one of the most humble, low-key athletes on the planet. They might as well pick B.J. Armstrong as head coach. Here's what incoming sophomores Mike Shaw and Tracy Abrams had to say: Might as well!!! RT @1Abrams3: Let J. Howard run the show — Mike Shaw (@MikeShaw15) March 27, 2012 Fellow sophomore Myke Henry added: I think they might as well just let jerrence become the head coach it's taking to long to figure out!! — Myke Henry (@MykeHenry20) March 27, 2012 Big man Nnanna Egwu said: Last two workouts have been great with coach Howard. He would make a great head coach. They might as well make him our new head coach — Nnanna Egwu (@egwu_32) March 27, 2012 Again: all signs point to Groce being the next head coach at Illinois. But this entire process has been weird, so it's fitting it will (apparently) come to an end under less-than-ideal conditions.
  14. American common law has defined assault as an attempt to commit a battery. Assault is typically treated as a misdemeanor and not as a felony (unless it involves a law enforcement officer). The more serious crime of aggravated assault is treated as a felony. Four elements were required at common law: The apparent, present ability to carry out; An unlawful attempt; To commit a violent injury; Upon another. Simple assault can be distinguished without the intent of injury upon another person. The violation of one's personal space or touching in a way the victim deemed inappropriate can be simple assault. In common law states an assault is not committed by merely, for example, swearing at another; without threat of battery, there can be no assault. As the criminal law evolved, element one was weakened in most jurisdictions so that a reasonable fear of bodily injury would suffice. These four elements were eventually codified in most states. Modern American statutes define assault as: an attempt to cause or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another; or, negligently causing bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon. Some states also define assault as an attempt to menace (or actual menacing) by placing another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. wikipedia
  15. QUOTE (MAX @ Mar 27, 2012 -> 08:07 PM) Jump? All he has to do is roll. All of his other numbers look good and he isn't an average guy. So why worry? 1) Human nature. 2) Being a Sox fan since late 1970's, lol.
  16. Didn't the NRA/A.L.E.C. (American Legislative Exchange Council) write that law, basically? SCOTUS > POTUS I'll believe the SC is impartial when they actually do something unpredictable. Otherwise, our country is essentially held hostage by a court that is majority conservative simply because of the time period from 1968-2008 when there was only 12 years of Democratic presidents (Carter/Clinton). Those 28 years of Nixon/Ford/Reagan/Bush/Bush have overwhelmed the U.S. Constitution's checks and balances system...and the fact that the judiciary has never been more politicized or litmus-tested. There used to be a point where an O'Connor, Byron Whizzer White or Potter Stewart would cross sides on an important decision. Now, there's just no way for that to happen, just like compromise between the Tea Party/right wing and the moderate wings of both the Democratic and Republican parties.
  17. They should really take an "out of the blue/stealth" approach with Gonzaga's Mark Few and overwhelm him with money. That guy is so revered up there, he's been running that program for almost 15 years...you just wonder if he would be interested in taking on the challenge of a program in a superconference with a recruiting paradise in his backyard? But, once again, not sure if that's possible with the BoTrustees involved. If I was an alum, I guess there has to be some compromise....if they lose Howard, bring in someone with ties like Steve Bardo, Tony Wysinger, Kenny Battle, not sure which former players are currently involved in coaching, maybe one of the Peoria kids? At Iowa, an example of a similar player who I'd want on my staff today is Kenyon Murray, a former McDonald's All-American who would be able recruit in Michigan, for example. Then again, with MI and MSU doing well, it's almost impossible to pull a blue-chip recruit out of there. So a former player or two with CPL ties on the staff? Marcus Liberty? Once again, have no idea about the coaching tree comprised of former ILL players.
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 27, 2012 -> 03:27 PM) Also, Racist Hunger Games Fans Are Very Disappointed Some samples: Adding to the irony of the overt racism is that the book explicitly describes Rue as dark-skinned. I missed that part, so it's my bad, guess I was reading it too quickly and missed that description of her character completely (of course, dark-skinned could be Dominican, Mexican, Native-American, Haitian, etc.). I guess it makes sense, as both of the representatives from District 11 were African-American...that it has to be some region of the country like the Southeast, that wide swath from North Carolina south and west through AL/MS/LA. Who knows? If District 12 was supposedly like WV/Appalachia/Kentucky, and the Capitol was Denver/Rocky Mountains...and District 13 would logically be Washington, D.C./Maryland/Camp David, the former capital. http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-talk/r...-182705585.html Controversy over Hunger Games casting... http://shine.yahoo.com/work-money/quot-the...BHRlc3QD;_ylv=3 Other movies with arguments over race-based casting, starting with Last Airbender
  19. In all seriousness, who's really out there? Groce is probably the best of the worst, at this point. I think you have to look more at his background as an OSU recruiter than what he's done with Ohio U. The main question you always have is how much was this guy responsible for bringing all that talent into OSU? How much of it was Matta and his reputation? It reminds me a lot of the Lickliter situation at Iowa. It turns out that Barry Collier, Matta and Stephens were much more responsible for the success of that program than Lickliter, particularly Matta and Stephens. And the assistants he brought with him to Iowa were the least experienced and unable to adapt to the B10 in order to hit the ground running. Then he lost Tyler Smith (many said the same thing would have happened anyway, had Alford stayed) to Bruce Pearl and UT, and managed to run off half the players from the Alford days. It wasn't until the last year, when it was too late, that Lickliter's staff finally started getting some "decent" guys like Ben Brust, Aaron Fuller and Cody Larson (Florida). In the end, you have to be able to protect your neighborhood, and Iowa lost too many players like LaFrentz, Collison, Hinrich, Jason Bohannon (his dad played for the Hawkeye football program)...when you have a Harrison Barnes in your state, Iowa and ISU can't lose him to a Kansas or UNC every time if they ever want to be very good basketball programs again. The funny thing is that by the time Alford really started to learn how to handle the media and coaching, had a good staff and recruiters, Alford saw the writing on the wall and bolted for UNM, where he's done much better than he ever did at Iowa. Of course, there's no way anyone in Iowa would take Al-FRAUD back, despite his recent success. But if the Board of Trustees if resisting...and there are questions about the reception he would get from the CPL coaches, then Groce is better off staying put and waiting for another opportunity. Just because one member of the BofT wants Shaka Smart or Anthony Grant or whoever doesn't mean it's going to happen. I can just imagine they will end up with someone like Johnny Dawkins from Stanford now, or Quin Snyder, haha.
  20. Dennis Rodman for Illinois head coach, haha. Rodman's most recent business endeavor was launching a topless women's basketball team with a New York strip club. Prince told ABCNews.com he didn't know how much money Rodman makes a year, but said his main source of revenue come from appearances and product endorsements. Dennis Rodman the former NBA star of the Pistons and Bulls has decided he wants to stay in basketball and this time as a coach. Dennis Rodman Picture Slideshow Though it is not your typical basketball team, it is a women's "topless" basketball team. Rodman, 50, who is well known on the court as great player and also for his antics off the court is reportedly creating the team with an adult club on Long Island, the Headquarters Gentlemens Club. Rodman is known for his crazy appearances, odd dress, and different hair styles and colors and unique way of living. Rodman thinks this is a great idea and think the team could be very successful. "I do not know too many men that do not like a good looking woman running up and down the court. The potential women players do not have too much experience, they can just throw the ball in the hole." Rodman said. Rodmans team will play a charity game against another former NBA players squad. Spud Webb runs the women's basketball team that is sponnsored by New York strip Club Rick's Cabaret. Webb was a player for the Atlanta Hawks. Rodman will be holding tryouts for the topless women's basketball team from the Headquarters Gentlemen's Club in New York City. Rodman decide to create a team once he found out about Spud Webb's team. He then challenged them to a game. Tryout auditions begin this week and they are looking for girls over 5'10'. The team members will wear short shorts, tiny shirts and sneakers to come out for the game, once the game starts they are totally topless. Hopefully the girls are not that well endowed, especially with all that running and bouncing around...ouch. Continue reading on Examiner.com Dennis Rodman to coach "topless" women's basketball team Pics/video - New Orleans Pop Culture | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/pop-culture-in-new...##ixzz1qN26k8pe
  21. A little bit different than Mike Napoli's phone number being put out there on Twitter by CJ Wilson just to mess with him. Waiting for the dust to settle on this one. Too bad there seems to be a lack of eye-witnesses and the he said/she said only has one side so far (in terms of the actual event in question, not its post interpretation).
  22. A very soft .283, Juan Pierre-ish, with the exception of that monster homer and I think he had another extra-base hit in one of the games I was listening to recently... Any time Dunn sinks in the .220's, I start to worry about his confidence, but at least his K's are way too down and he has the added momentum of the 4 HR's and the fact that he's done MUCH better against lefties, comparatively, to 2011. Of course, the bar there was set extremely low for him to jump over.
  23. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Mar 27, 2012 -> 05:46 PM) Sox trade for Ichiro at deadline. Three years too late. I don't think at this point in his career, he would have enough of an effect to off-set his huge contract dollars with an uptick in attendance and souvenir/merchandise sales. Probably, it would be Viciedo and prospects going the other way. No thanks. With the SOX finally being able to rid themselves of ONE big contract, they're not going to add another....unless by some miracle Dunn and Rios are both living up to their contracts at the time of the deal and the White Sox are in first. Of course, to get to that point, Viciedo would have to be making a big contribution. It's the typical big/splashy KW move, but I don't think Reinsdorf and the Board would sign off on that one.
  24. Sergio Santos pitched one scoreless inning Saturday afternoon against the Braves. It was his first action in a Grapefruit League game since March 7. Toronto's closer has been physically fine all spring, but the club wanted him to work exclusively in bullpen sessions and Minor League games for a period of time to prepare for the start of the regular season. Santos utilized a changeup while with the White Sox last season, but he mostly relied on his fastball-slider combination. The changeup is a pitch he would like to use on a more frequent basis this year, and it needed some extra work.
  25. Hector Santiago has 21 saves in the first half and is named to the All-Star team, Sergio Santos loses the closer's role in TOR and Nestor Molina makes the AA/Southern League All-Star team.
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