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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. F--- more years," said Guillen. "I want more money. I don't work here for years. No, I want more money. Years -- what, I'm going to die poor with the White Sox? Hell, no." Guillen wanted an extension and a significant raise from the $2 million or so the Sox were believed to be paying him. With the Marlins, who move into a new stadium next season, Ozzie will get both: more years AND more money. Lots of it. And with it, he said, will come happiness. Probably safe to say no one's going to have the personality that he has. I'll take the under on that. Ozzie's Ozzie. It's been a wild eight years. -- White Sox first baseman Paul Konerko "Life is about money," Guillen said. "People don't believe that. People are happy after they make money. F--- it." Reinsdorf was smart to agree to a divorce now -- not because Guillen has forgotten how to manage and win (he hasn't), but because a year of Guillen is like dog years. He can't help but wear out his welcome. http://espn.go.com/chicago/mlb/story/_/id/...g-ozzie-guillen
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 27, 2011 -> 01:21 AM) Osvaldo seems like a AAA caliber SS. Had a real good overall season in 2010, but has been miserable this year. BA had him #5 Florida prospect heading into the year. No real concern about who's in this trade though. Osvaldo for Oswaldo? Too funny. It's like the Berry/Barry thing again with LA. At least KW has a sense of humor.
  3. http://www.chicagotribune.com/site/newspap...,1331283.column I wonder if Buerhle was saying "shut up" more directed to Ozzie or just the whole situation in general with KW/Ozzie going back and forth, back and forth like a ping pong match. Will be interesting to see how this affects the situation with Buehrle returning, especially if Cooper's back. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/rosen...,3561864.column Will be interested to greg775's reaction to this one...he really leveled the boom on Ozzie.
  4. "I wish I had a dollar for every time that I had that thought, why did it have to come to this? But I don't have answers," Williams said, doing his best Kenny "The Genius" Williams upset act. "It's tough to pinpoint exactly where we got off track. Winning cures a lot of that. We are all very competitive around here, and ­sometimes with that competitive drive, frustration comes with it." Cowley yet again with the "Kenny "The Genius" Williams" label inserted into a story involving KW. He's more biased than Fox News. LOL. Can't even use that word related to a famous sign in the hills overlooking LA. http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/27/2426...-headed-to.html
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 11:49 PM) Don't worry, Martinez will find a way to get it even if it's the property of someone else. Hmmm...wonder how many caught that one? It would be really interesting if Sandberg and Martinez were managing the Cubs and Sox. Would definitely dial up the intensity on that rivalry again.
  6. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:51 PM) Never said that, you bring in a vet.. if you truly going all in... If you watched Dunn the 2nd half of last year.. you wouldn't be telling me how great he was. Do we have the Red Sox, Phillies or Yankees payroll? They have glaring holes in their roster make-up, too, especially their rotations (Red Sox/Yankees). So basically you would have blocked Beckham and Morel coming into 2011? And you'd have spent another $8-10 million on a veteran closer? Sure must be nice to spend someone else's money.
  7. QUOTE (chiguy79 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:32 PM) This is just part of the mass exodus about to take place, sox will get a cheap manager to fill in while they cut payroll and try to reload. Q, MB and AJ will all be gone. Season ticket holders are going to be cut in half and avg attendance next year will be If that happens, Victory claims JR will get paid a sizeable subsidy anyway from the State of Illinois. And AJ won't be easy to trade with a $6 million contract. Not like Danks or Floyd will be.
  8. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:28 PM) This is the last time I'll ever type this, but who the hell cares about what type of personality a manager has off the field if their personality on the field is completely different? Apparently Greg would be pissed if he was a Royals fan even if they made the playoffs because of the "plain vanilla" personality of Ned Yost. Because your manager leading the majors in getting in news stories (the majority negative) is more important. All/any publicity is good publicity, etc. Face of the franchise, blah blah blah.
  9. There's ZERO chance Cora will be named the manager of the Chicago White Sox. By the way, Octavio Blotel just might have torched the Cardinals' chances of overtaking the Braves. Makes the LaRussa rumors gain more steam if the Cardinales fall short and Pujols goes elsewhere.
  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:21 PM) Why would I be happy? He's a great manager. No surprise though. It was obvious he'd be gone for a long time. Get ready for a KW puppet. I'd expect next season most fans will turn on KW when we suck again. Hard to blame Ozzie for next year when he's sunning in Florida. In case you haven't noticed in the game threads, the White Sox have been irrelevant for most of this season. It can't get any worse.
  11. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:17 PM) Ahhh when your first try failed... Now make excuses for Kenny.. Let's talk about how this is ozzie's fault? Your side lost, JR picked KW over Ozzie. Please get over it by making a "straw man" argument that JJ Putz should have been the closer. That will deflect all the attention away from reality. Or provide a bitter diatribe like Greg775 that will be entertaining to read in a couple of seasons when Loria and the fans in South Florida lose patience with the Guillen clan.
  12. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:16 PM) Smartest move the Marlins ever made. Sox are close to being irrelevant in this town of Chicago, losing a headline stealer like Ozzie. If you think that's not important in this Cubbie-town I believe u are mistaken. KW better make some significant changes cause the manager wasn't the problem with this poorly built team. Ozzie's better off in Florida. I hope the Sox make significant player changes for the Buddy Bell era. It's no fun being on the downslide. The Royals are coming and we are sliding personnel-wise. Good luck, Ozzie. You are the best manager in Sox history. Good luck, Ozzie successor. This season sucked and we fans want to have something to cheer about during the season as well as the postseason. KW won't make the same mistake again. He'll hire a Williams puppet. Hope he picks a good man. I wanna win. If they pick Buddy Bell, they're even more idiotic than I thought.
  13. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:13 PM) Was that have to do with this year.. He had 44 saves in 2011... Another bad move by Kenny... This is getting to easy to mount a case against Kenny.. Putz was pretty erratic in the 2nd half last year. He was far from a sure thing. Pitching in the NL West is a different animal than taking on the Rangers, AL East, Twins last year, Angels, etc.
  14. QUOTE (JPN366 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:12 PM) Maybe Morrison is back in the picture? NOPE. Two unnamed minor leaguers. Let the speculation begin if either are Top 10 prospects. But no Morrison. I'm sure they are all looking forward to the tweeting between LoMo, Ozzie and Oney.
  15. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:10 PM) Never was a Soriano Fan even in ATL. one theory debunked. I wanted Jenks traded after 07... So there goes that theory.. I agree on Santos not being a main reason... But thinking not having a closer in April, you are fooling yourself. And Kenny is the problem here... Now we will get to see it, as this team fails to make ,500 in 2012. And Ozzie is no longer the scapegoat. And I wanted Mariano Rivera signed by the Sox as a teenager in Panama but Netscape barely existed then so you would have a hard time finding my post on it.
  16. OZZIE GUILLEN REPORTEDLY NEXT MARLINS MANAGER: Chicago Sun-Times reported tonight the Marlins and White Sox are close to a deal that would make Guillen the new manager here as the Miami Marlins open the new ballpark next spring. ESPN-Chicago later reported the deal was done and that Chicago would received two unnamed Marlins minor league players. Guillen is under contract in Chicago through 2012 so the White Sox would be owed compensation. Guillen, 47, won a World Series ring as Marlins third-base coach in 2003 before beginning an eight-year stint as CWS manager. In 2005 he became the first Latin American manager (Venezuela) to win a World Series, though the Sox have made the playoffs only once since. Guillen, who has a home in Miami, is as known for his eccentricities and outspokenness as he is for his managing. I like the presumed hiring, assuming the compensation was not a frontline player. Guillen, for all his quirks, is a proven winner and would be the biggest "name" manager the club has had since Jim Leyland. Your thoughts welcome. Vote now and say why. Read more: http://blogs.herald.com/random_evidence/20...l#ixzz1Z7QEIcUT 88.1% so far of the Miami Herald fans "LIKE" the move of bringing in Guillen (mostly votes from Victory, Marty and Greg775), versus the other options of undecided or dislike
  17. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:01 PM) He got 44 saves this year... That's 5-10 more wins on this years team. Surprised you weren't advocating picking up Rafael Soriano. Oops, he kind of sucks this year. But he was another proven closer. Too bad we don't have you on the record in the offseason saying they should have kept Jenks or paid Putz a risky multi-year contract with his injury history. If he went bad, like Peavy, you would have blamed it on KW. Santos has ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with our team finishing in 2nd place. A rate of 80-85% conversion isn't bad at all for a closer. 85%+ is ideal, but he's still learning and he's one of the cheapest players on the team. But apparently you desired a $135-140 million payroll.
  18. Sorry, this has already been posted probably....just found out about it here in China....who were the two minor leaguers we acquired? that will be announced at the end of the season? At the time of the talks with Florida, the Marlins didn’t feel like they needed to give up talent for Guillen, especially with a new ballpark under construction that wasn’t opening until 2012. Things have changed, obviously. Guillen and Williams have stayed politically correct in addressing the media about each other the last few weeks, but more for Reinsdorf’s sake than the truth. According to a source, Reinsdorf has told Williams to stay low-key in the media and avoid members of the staff. “It’s probably better for Kenny’s health that he does that,” the source said. Guillen made it seem like the split had to do with money and security of getting a contract extension beyond 2012, insisting, “F--- more years. I want more money. I don’t work here for years. No, I want more money. Years, what, I’m going to die poor with the White Sox? Hell, no. Listen, this is my job. It’s the only thing I can do. I have to make money out of somewhere. I’m not a doctor or a lawyer, where you’ll have a job for the rest of your life. “Life is about money. People don’t believe that. People are happy after they make money, f--- it.” While the extension Guillen sought did play a part, what was on the surface of all of this was ego. More specifically, Guillen has one and Williams grew jealous of it. This split was more about Guillen and Williams wanting Reinsdorf — whom they each consider a father figure — to pick a favorite. The Sun-Times learned two weeks ago that Reinsdorf did, telling Williams he would be back for next season. It was last June that Reinsdorf was adamant in saying that, “you can’t make a general manager have a manager he doesn’t want.” The writing was on the wall. As far as what’s next for the Sox. Forget Tony La Russa, as one source already said he wasn’t interested in managing with Williams as GM. That leaves the likes of a Buddy Bell, Class AAA Charlotte manager Joe McEwing or former Sox catcher Sandy Alomar Jr. As for Guillen, he told his players before the game that it would be his last night, and was expected to fly to Miami early in the morning. That didn’t mean he wasn’t leaving without some classic Guillenisms. “Eight years in the big leagues, doing a pretty good job, I think,’’ Guillen said. “Better than bad. It is what it is. I might sound arrogant, I might sound cocky, I might sound like, ‘Who the freak do you think you are?’ People think whatever they want to think about me and that particular thing. But there’s one thing about it, out of anybody out there, nobody is going to put money in the bank to take care of my kids or my grandkids the rest of my life. As soon as you’re out of here, people forget about who you are.’’ suntimes.com/sports
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 07:41 AM) Nobody has ever thought of Ozzie as the brains here either. He was supposed to be in the Phil Jackson mode of managing men instead of games. But now we see what happens when players quit responding and listening to him. Well, one thing's for certain. The Ozzie Guillen book review parody was funny for the same reasons a Jackson one wouldn't be. I think Jackson forced them all to read at least one book each offseason that he thought would be particularly relevant in light of the prior season's results...and he held them accountable for it, as far as I have heard. Sometimes his "Zen mysticism" and American West background gets overplayed a bit, but I would imagine the guys could play Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit or Millionaire one hundred consecutive times and Ozzie wouldn't win one in 300 games.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 07:45 AM) Where was the line where he called him an "NL-only hitter"? And you really could argue that he was one of the most productive hitters in baseball for most of his career. "Best"? Well, that's subjective. That's where you have your Pujols, Cabrera, Manny Ramirez (without the steroids), Frank Thomas, Tony Gwynn, Wade Boggs type of names. But one of the, if not THE BEST power hitter on the market, especially left-handed power, there's no doubt he was the one.
  21. Well, I would imagine it would be pretty hard to patent or copyright the core business concept...I remember even a year ago here in Shanghai 20-something office workers talking passionately about a similar concept when we went to dinner. So maybe it will be a case like myspace where groupon is the first on the scene but doesn't survive long-term and/or make a 3-5 Chicagoans billionaires with the IPO probably dashed. You wonder with those 2 executives jumping ship though, if you'll have an Enron or Madoff type situation when they start digging through the rest of the books and revenue projections. But yeah....it makes sense to have one dominant company in this area that everyone looks to. Like books, you go to amazon.com or online auctions, it's e-bay, etc.
  22. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 25, 2011 -> 05:50 PM) As of now this team looks they have nothing but a lot #4 or #5 starters. Unless Sale emerges as Randy Johnson Lite. At least MORE like Big Unit and less like Aroldis Chapman.
  23. Well, nobody has ever accused Walker or Cooper of mismanaging the Sox OR doing all the work while Ozzie was passively sitting in the dugout. Or that Cora was the real "brains" behind the bench, like many thought Joe Nossek was in the past.
  24. Yeah, it seems his argument is more about "value received" or ROI than anything. That we would have been better off with 2 Vladimir Guerreros or the equivalent of 3 Jim Thome's. And he would have been wrong about both Guerrero and Thome having strong seasons in 2011. So to summarize, there were quite a few who thought we'd overpaid by $2-3 million, but I highly doubt anyone would have said a single thing had the signing been for $10 million per season....
  25. http://news.yahoo.com/run-bad-news-continu...ZXN0Aw--;_ylv=3
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