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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. Whose WS record did he break with the 18 consecutive starts with 3 or less runs? Grab some bench, Dunn. Lillibridge will be starting for you tmrw night against Chen. Gordon, you're about a week away from being benched. Morel...that's what we have been waiting for all season. Alexei, your best at-bat tonight wasn't the homer, it was the single to RF. AJ continues to be the most professional hitter on the team, along with Paulie. Rios, you're hitting a lot of line drives that aren't falling in, but that doesn't mean you don't have to move the runner over to 3rd with less than 2 outs. We failed in that situation 2 or 3 times tonight, actually.
  2. I could see the final mark being 8 games over, but anything below 85-77, just not buying it at all.
  3. QUOTE (elgonzo4sox @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 04:43 PM) Our #2 hitter wasn't our big problem last night - our #7 hitter was. Omar was 1 for 5, with one productive out (advancing Pierre to 3rd to help score the first run) that was also his only LOB. He advanced Pierre to 3rd again in the 7th to keep the rally going, but then PK grounded out again, this time for the third out of the inning. Meanwhile our #7 hitter was 0 for 4, left 5 on base including two in the 8th, and was the only hitter in the lineup not to reach 1B safely all game. One hitter in the line-up isn't the reason you win or lose the game. thanks, Chris Rongey
  4. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 03:32 PM) So who plays SS if ARAM2 needs a break? Omar is decent can you really sit there and deny that? Lillibridge. Just won't happen with Ozzie as manager and Omar on the roster. Look at how many games Brent has played there in his career. A lot more than the outfield.
  5. Kate Upton is a better promotional draw for the White Sox going forward than Dunn, Rios or Beckham. Unfortunately. I just talked to one of my best friends who is almost as big a White Sox fan as I am (lives in Jackson, MI) and he hasn't watched or listened to a game in months. Seems like there are a lot of cases like that after the last 3 seasons.
  6. Greg, it's SOP. If they were swept by the Twins, then you wouldn't have seen them go out. In that sense, the marketing department got lucky. It's also very fortunate they will have this early barometer of what's likely to happen in the offseason. If they only get a 25-35% return, they will have official confirmation they're in serious trouble for 2012 without a White Sox playoff team. Even with the playoffs, they could lose 5-10% with the economy going backwards again. To lose 15% of your retirement savings, POOF!, like that....season ticket renewals and cable/satellite tv will get crossed off the high priority list.
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 01:39 PM) Thank goodness no Omar. Dunn is hitting where he should (I mean if he has to play at all). Too bad Ozzie won't bench Rios and play DeAza. Sad. Greg, you're six days too late with the Rios comment. Although it sure would be nice if he knew how to bunt...not that Dunn or Beckham would have driven the runs in during the 8th.
  8. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 11:05 AM) 'Byrnes was fired, Kevin Towers is the GM. But BYRNES SHOULD WIN, for putting that team in place. Without the Haren deal, they're running away with it.
  9. This is only a 3 game series, DET @ CLE, I think. Unfortunate for CLE with how many games (12) they've beaten the Tigers in a row now. It has to be in their heads a bit. Immovable force (Verlander) meets immovable object (the CLE home record)....we'll see which one gives tonight.
  10. Well, Rowand wasn't too bad, either. He ended up making a lot more money than Joe, that's for sure.
  11. Same thing that happened to Arrieta and most of their pitching propects. Remember Mazzone's reputation? He didn't have much luck fixing any of them, did he? Bedard was about the only good hurler they had. Which team is the Angry Birds? Cardinals after this week?
  12. The Angels have Wells, Bourjos and Hunter. No space for Trout if they're fighting for the division, same as the usual White Sox problem with prospects. Of course, you can argue they never ever should have acquired Wells, that was obviously dumb. The only player he can beat out is Bourjos now, or wait one year for Hunter to leave after 2012.
  13. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 11:11 AM) Kipnis, Ackley, Lawrie, Jennings, etc. Young position talent sprouting up everywhere. We don't do that. Trout mysteriously disappeared from your list. Got to stick it out with him. 43 ab's is nothing.
  14. Indians GM wins Executive of the Year running away if they manage to take the division. Still probably will win, like Hart did in 2005 despite the Sox winning it all. Or the guy in Arizona, Byrnes.
  15. Done. 800 shares of VOD (ADR) at 25 1/2. Crosses fingers. Well, the dividend alone and holding long-term is worth it, unless everything completely goes south, and then it won't matter what stocks you're holding. We do have some gold, but I don't get all crazy and buy gold bars or make house into mini-Ft. Knox when the market corrects like this.
  16. Except Jeff Keppinger's not exactly going to get us over the top. He can take Vizquel's spot and save us some money for 2012. That's about it.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 09:23 AM) Here's your current list. Scrolling through the OF options, the only name that popped out to me was Coco Crisp. The only other option is Lillibridge moving to 3B and hitting leadoff, with Quentin and Viciedo at the corners. Or trading Beckham and replacing him with a leadoff hitter at 2B. And yes, I know how you feel about Morel. But that's the only other option I can think of off the top of my head.
  18. Milledge is the best bat left in the minors with Viciedo clearly not healthy or just mentally exhausted with not getting recalled and then getting hurt again. Kuhn's just too green. Hard to imagine they could be worse off with Lastings as the DH. There would be even less LH hitters, but who the hell cares at this point about balancing the line-up? It would be nice if we could find a Kipnis in the 2nd round once in a while. 1.000+ OPS can't possibly last, but Jesus, it seems we're being taunted this year by Hudson, Gio, all the Chicago kids like Granderson and Kipnis....can anything besides Santos/Sale and Humber go right this season?
  19. Does anyone know the actual number of season ticket and partial/Ozzie Plan holders right now? 15,000-16,000?
  20. Leadoff hitter has to come from LF, it seems. If it's not Lilly/DeAza/Milledge next year...what players are out there on the FA market? Guessing there's not much out there of interest. Moral of Story: Turn your 5 year old into a speedy/slappy leadoff hitter, catcher or LH pitcher
  21. The writer of that OP article is more than a BIT bitter. Jesus...not the most optimistic dude in the world. Makes Fathom and I seem like Richard Simmons or Tony Robbins. Well, maybe I shouldn't go THAT far.
  22. I know championship teams. They're no championship team. Dan Quayle
  23. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Aug 10, 2011 -> 07:23 PM) Keep Pfizer for nothing but the dividend. Also think anout Vodaphone. Not a stock, but you can buy the ADR and reap the same benefits. They will start to realize the huge benefits of owning a huge stake in Verizon Wireless very shortly. I believe the yield on it is in the neighboorhood of 5.6% or so. Verizon said they will pay them a 3.5 billion dollar dividend that they owe them but it may not occur until 2012. But the stock is very cheap, IMO, $22 and change, and seeing as they own 45% of verizon wireless it is a screaming bargain. Thanks for that tip, cknolls! My mom's 82, so that's a good rate of return in the dividend. Over the last 10-12 years, I've tried to get away from the tech stocks and replace them with dividend-bearing stocks. One of my best picks was OGE Energy. That one has gone up 2.5X since I bought it and the dividend is pretty decent as well. It's at $25 now and 5.75% yield....but buying it long-term, not so concerned about $2-3 price shifts.
  24. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 06:52 AM) In general, broadbased index funds such as the SP 500 out perform pretty much all equity position and funds in the long term. If you don't have a lot of money, that is the best thing you can do, until you can really afford true diversification\. I think it's about an 85% rate of the market beating managers....something like that. Or 15% odds you can pick a fund that will beat the index. Perfect example, 10 years ago Bill Miller from Legg Mason funds had beaten the market 13 or 14 consecutive years with his Value Index over there. Ever since I acquired it, it has been the worst-performing (by far) of all my mutual funds. The law of averages and things "returning to mean" will always get you. Statistical anomalies always have a way of correcting themselves. That's why Vanguard or Index Funds or the ones that mature based on your retirement age are usually better for small investors than trying to actively beat the market. It's like the movie PI, everyone imagines they can do it or develop the computer model (Long Term Capital Management) but no computer is smart enough to correct for human fear, motivativation, counter-intuitive selling and panic.
  25. Plus, there's no "load" to buy a Vanguard fund and there's not that 1-2% loss from your ROI on capital gains every year from an active manager chasing higher performance at the end of every quarter by "churning" the portfolio. If you want to go conservative, you can add a value or growth & income element. Although there's still a lot of duplication of portfolios. Maybe you should also thinking of mixing in different sizes, small, mid-cap and also international. You need to have at least one good international fund. And never have more than 10% of your money invested in one specific stock. That's what I have always gone with.
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